
Posted 华为云








  • 不空侧:外连接中所有数据都被输出的一侧。比如:左外连接的左表、右外连接的右表
  • 可空侧:外连接中会被补空值的一侧。比如:左外连接的右表、右外连接的左表、全外连接的左表和右表


  • Where条件中有“严格”的约束条件,且该约束条件中引用了可空侧的表中列。这样,该谓词便可以将可空侧产生的空值都过滤掉了,使得最终结果等同于内连接。





postgres=# select s.id, s.name, ms.score from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id) where ms.score is not null;
 id | name  | score 
  1 | Tom   |    80
  2 | Lily  |    75
  4 | Perry |    95
(3 rows)
postgres=# explain select s.id, s.name, ms.score from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id) where ms.score is not null;
                                 QUERY PLAN                                 
  id |               operation                | E-rows | E-width | E-costs 
   1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)           |     30 |     126 | 36.59   
   2 |    ->  Hash Join (3,4)                 |     30 |     126 | 28.59   
   3 |       ->  Seq Scan on student s        |     30 |     122 | 14.14   
   4 |       ->  Hash                         |     29 |       8 | 14.14   
   5 |          ->  Seq Scan on math_score ms |     30 |       8 | 14.14   
 Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
   2 --Hash Join (3,4)
         Hash Cond: (s.id = ms.id)
   5 --Seq Scan on math_score ms
         Filter: (score IS NOT NULL)
(14 rows)


postgres=# select s.id, s.name, ms.score from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id) where ms.score > 80;
 id | name  | score 
  4 | Perry |    95
(1 row)
postgres=# explain select s.id, s.name, ms.score from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id) where ms.score > 80;
                                 QUERY PLAN                                 
  id |               operation                | E-rows | E-width | E-costs 
   1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)           |     10 |     126 | 36.44   
   2 |    ->  Hash Join (3,4)                 |     10 |     126 | 28.44   
   3 |       ->  Seq Scan on student s        |     30 |     122 | 14.14   
   4 |       ->  Hash                         |     10 |       8 | 14.18   
   5 |          ->  Seq Scan on math_score ms |     10 |       8 | 14.18   
 Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
   2 --Hash Join (3,4)
         Hash Cond: (s.id = ms.id)
   5 --Seq Scan on math_score ms
         Filter: (score > 80)
(14 rows)

上面两个例子中,条件where ms.score is not null和where ms.score > 80,如果输入的score为NULL,则这个约束条件返回的是false,满足了宽泛的“严格”定义。所以可以将外连接消除,转换为内连接。从上面的查询计划也得到了验证。而且这种外连接消除是可以有数据库的查询优化器来自动处理的。

  • On连接条件中,如果不空侧列中的值是可空侧列的子集,且可空侧的值都不为NULL。典型的,不空侧的列为外键,可空侧的列为主键,且两者之间是主外键参考关系。
  id INTEGER primary key,
  name varchar(50)

CREATE TABLE math_score(
  id INTEGER, -- 由于GaussDB(DWS)不支持外键,故此处省去了外键定义,但保证该列的值是student表中id列的子集
  score INTEGER

INSERT INTO student VALUES(1, 'Tom');
INSERT INTO student VALUES(2, 'Lily');
INSERT INTO student VALUES(3, 'Tina');
INSERT INTO student VALUES(4, 'Perry');

INSERT INTO math_score VALUES(1, 80);
INSERT INTO math_score VALUES(2, 75);
INSERT INTO math_score VALUES(4, 95);


postgres=# select ms.id, s.name, ms.score from student s right join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id);
 id | name  | score
  1 | Tom   |    80
  2 | Lily  |    75
  4 | Perry |    95
(3 rows)

postgres=# explain select ms.id, s.name, ms.score from student s right join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id);
                               QUERY PLAN                               
  id |              operation              | E-rows | E-width | E-costs
   1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)        |     30 |     126 | 36.59  
   2 |    ->  Hash Left Join (3, 4)        |     30 |     126 | 28.59  
   3 |       ->  Seq Scan on math_score ms |     30 |       8 | 14.14  
   4 |       ->  Hash                      |     29 |     122 | 14.14  
   5 |          ->  Seq Scan on student s  |     30 |     122 | 14.14  

 Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
   2 --Hash Left Join (3, 4)
         Hash Cond: (ms.id = s.id)
(12 rows)

postgres=# select ms.id, s.name, ms.score from student s join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id);
 id | name  | score
  1 | Tom   |    80
  2 | Lily  |    75
  4 | Perry |    95
(3 rows)

postgres=# explain select ms.id, s.name, ms.score from student s join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id);
                                 QUERY PLAN                                
  id |               operation                | E-rows | E-width | E-costs
   1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)           |     30 |     126 | 36.59  
   2 |    ->  Hash Join (3,4)                 |     30 |     126 | 28.59  
   3 |       ->  Seq Scan on student s        |     30 |     122 | 14.14  
   4 |       ->  Hash                         |     29 |       8 | 14.14  
   5 |          ->  Seq Scan on math_score ms |     30 |       8 | 14.14  

 Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
   2 --Hash Join (3,4)
         Hash Cond: (s.id = ms.id)
(12 rows)




Select count(1)
from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id)
where s.id = 2
and ms.score > 70;

postgres=# Select count(1)
postgres-#  from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id)
postgres-# where s.id = 2
postgres-# and ms.score > 70;
(1 row)

postgres=# explain Select count(1)
postgres-#  from student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id)
postgres-# where s.id = 2
postgres-# and ms.score > 70;
                                             QUERY PLAN                                              
  id |                            operation                            | E-rows | E-width | E-costs 
   1 | ->  Aggregate                                                   |      1 |       8 | 26.51   
   2 |    ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)                                 |      1 |       8 | 26.51   
   3 |       ->  Aggregate                                             |      1 |       8 | 22.51   
   4 |          ->  Nested Loop (5,6)                                  |      3 |       0 | 22.49   
   5 |             ->  Index Only Scan using student_pkey on student s |      1 |       4 | 8.27    
   6 |             ->  Seq Scan on math_score ms                       |      1 |       4 | 14.21   
     Predicate Information (identified by plan id)    
   5 --Index Only Scan using student_pkey on student s
         Index Cond: (id = 2)
   6 --Seq Scan on math_score ms
         Filter: ((score > 70) AND (id = 2))
(15 rows)

从上面的计划可见,sql中的左外连接已经被优化为交叉连接,因为在4号算子Nest Loop上没有join条件。


explain select lcount * rcount as count
from (select count(1) lcount from student where id = 2) s,
     (select count(1) rcount from math_score where score > 70 and id = 2) ms;

postgres=# select lcount * rcount as count
postgres-# from (select count(1) lcount from student where id = 2) s,
postgres-#      (select count(1) rcount from math_score where score > 70 and id = 2) ms;
(1 row)

postgres=# explain select lcount * rcount as count
postgres-# from (select count(1) lcount from student where id = 2) s,
postgres-#      (select count(1) rcount from math_score where score > 70 and id = 2) ms;
                                              QUERY PLAN                                              
  id |                            operation                             | E-rows | E-width | E-costs 
   1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)                                     |      1 |      16 | 26.56   
   2 |    ->  Nested Loop (3,7)                                         |      1 |      16 | 22.56   
   3 |       ->  Aggregate                                              |      1 |       8 | 8.29    
   4 |          ->  Streaming(type: BROADCAST)                          |      1 |       8 | 8.29    
   5 |             ->  Aggregate                                        |      1 |       8 | 8.28    
   6 |                ->  Index Only Scan using student_pkey on student |      1 |       0 | 8.27    
   7 |       ->  Materialize                                            |      1 |       8 | 14.25   
   8 |          ->  Aggregate                                           |      1 |       8 | 14.23   
   9 |             ->  Streaming(type: BROADCAST)                       |      1 |       8 | 14.23   
  10 |                ->  Aggregate                                     |      1 |       8 | 14.22   
  11 |                   ->  Seq Scan on math_score                     |      1 |       0 | 14.21   
    Predicate Information (identified by plan id)   
   6 --Index Only Scan using student_pkey on student
         Index Cond: (id = 2)
  11 --Seq Scan on math_score
         Filter: ((score > 70) AND (id = 2))
(20 rows)

通过这种改写,可以将聚集操作推到Nested Loop的每个子树中执行,当Nested Loop的每个子树的数据量比较大时,聚集可以大大降低结果集,减少参与join的数据量,从而提高性能。


Select sum(score)
From student s left join math_score ms on (s.id = ms.id)
Where s.id = 2
  And ms.score > 70;



将外键上的 SQL 连接转换为 R data.table 语法


如何将外键链接到 Oracle 中的自动递增主键?



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