Java 之父 James Gosling 最新访谈:JIT 很好,但不适合所有语言

Posted 东海陈光剑


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Java 之父 James Gosling 最新访谈:JIT 很好,但不适合所有语言相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


James Gosling,“Java 之父”, 完成了 Java 的原始设计,并实现了 Java 最初版本的编译器和虚拟机。

90年代初,James Gosling和一群技术人员合作“绿色计划”,创建了一个名为Oak的项目,旨在开发出能够运行于虚拟机的编程语言,开创计算机在家电产品上的嵌入式应用。后来,这项工作就演变为Java。


1997年2月,JDK 1.1面世;





随着互联网的普及,Java成为全球最流行的开发语言。James Gosling也因此被称作“Java之父”。

James Gosling 在此次访谈中聊了大量关于编程语言的话题,例如对现代编程语言新特性的看法、怎么看待编程语言更新后引起的破坏性变更、为什么不是所有编程语言都使用 JIT 技术等。

Evrone 是一家企业软件开发公司,旗下担任技术布道师 (DevRel) 的 Grigory Petrov 最近对 James Gosling 进行了采访。

James Gosling 在此次访谈中聊了大量关于编程语言的话题,例如对现代编程语言新特性的看法、怎么看待编程语言更新后引起的破坏性变更、为什么不是所有编程语言都使用 JIT 技术等。












Grigory:最近,我们采访了Ruby的创作者Yukihiro Matsumoto,他对最新的Ruby 3.0版本进行了实验,试图在不破坏更改的情况下发布这个版本。我知道Java对“不破坏更改”的态度一直很谨慎。让所有语言在完全兼容的情况下进化,这是合理的吗?还是说这个方法只能用于特定的语言,例如RubyJava



在JDK 9中,出现了一个罕见的破坏性变化:如果你使用的是隐藏API,封装机制就会被打乱。人们打破封装界限,运用了非常规的方式,使用了不应该使用的东西,这种改变是痛苦的。然而,一旦我们彻底改变,平台便有了更多的创新空间。在这种改变下,平台可以被分割,你可以定制打包,Java的运行环境就会更小。



Grigory:25年前,当我开始自己的软件开发生涯时,我写了很多C和C++代码。几乎每个月都会遇到一次错误警报。调试这些错误是一件很痛苦的事情。但是现在,我看到许多工具集成到我们的工作流程中,比如静态类型检查器。现代开发人员使用IDE,如NetBeans、IntelliJ IDEA,甚至Visual Studio。他们编写源代码,编写静态类型检查器解析程序,构造抽象语法树,并进行检查,然后在文本编辑器中标记错误。这些技巧不仅适用于静态类型的语言,也适用于动态类型的语言,在Python、Ruby和TypeScript中皆可使用。

















Grigory:几个月前,Ruby on Rails(一种广受欢迎的Web框架)的作者David Heinemeier Hansson提到,在他的云计算的应用开发中,性能基本都是由缓存、消息队列、存储等方面决定的,开发语言的影响最多不超过15%。他指出,不管Ruby有多“慢”,这都不是很重要,因为即使Ruby的速度快了100倍,将15%变成了1%,也不会改变什么。




Grigory:许多语言都采用了协程和async/await方法来处理网速慢之类的问题。这个方法被添加到Python、 Ruby、 JavaScript以及其他语言中。但是在一个线程中这个方法并不是无所不能的,并且很复杂,有时还会使软件运行速度变慢。那么,您如何看待这种现代async/await方法呢?这是处理网络的好方法,还是我们误用了它,我们需要寻找其他方法?

James:这依然取决于实际情况。协程是完美的,它起源于60年代。第一种使用协程的语言是Simula 67。Simula是一种很好的语言,它没有线程,但是有协程,只不过它们做协程的方式看起来很像线程。协程完全避开了并行中的一些难题。对我来说,协程有一个问题:它们不允许使用多个处理器,无法做到真正的并行。因此我已经很久没有使用协程。



还有样式的问题。透明的控制反转时常发生,而你只能被动接受。这会让你的语法看起来很像线程,但也意味着在真正的线程中会遇到一些问题。例如,你输入“a=a + 1”的语句,你知道这个操作不会被中断,所以你不需要同步。但在其他情况下,它变成了一个event导向的样式,操作过程中,你需要插入一个事件处理程序,去处理后续问题。这就是JavaScript的主要风格。这样也不错,但似乎有点笨拙。




James:我回答这个问题可能会带有一点偏见,毕竟 Java 已经成功运行这么多年。我学的第一种编程语言是PDP-8汇编代码,随后是Fortran。大家可以去学习任何语言,有些人的接受能力更强,但这很大程度上取决于一个人最终的职业道路。如果你想成为一个软件开发人员,你要构建大型的、高性能的系统,运行在JVM上的语言最值得去学习,例如ScalaKotlinClojure很有趣。如果你是物理专业的学生,Python是个不错的选择。





Inspect PWhen Image do Show;When Vector do Draw;

因此可以把它看成是一个case语句,用case处理类型,大多数模式匹配语言的建议都是这样的。就我个人而言,我很喜欢,特别是应对C的隐形强制转换。在C之类的语言中,常常需要进行强制转换。如果你执行“inspect P When Image P do P ”,那么在case语句体中,P就是switch标签的类型,这让一切都变得简单多了。我很喜欢Simula中的inspect语句。我同意所谓“特殊案例”的说法,如果称之为“模式匹配”,但是它又不如正则表达式,就会有误导性,像一则虚假广告。但是抛开这些,我依然认为它的功能很强大。







附录1: JIT 编译原理

JIT(just in time):即时编译编译器,能够加速 Java 程序的执行速度。通常通过 javac java代码编译,转换成 java 字节码,JVM将字节码将其翻译成机器指令,逐条读入,逐条解释翻译。很显然,经过解释执行,其执行速度必然会比可执行的二进制字节码程序慢很多。为了提高执行速度,引入了JIT,它会在运行时把翻译过的机器码保存起来,以备下次使用。

JIT默认是启用的,JVM 读入 .class 文件, 解释后发给JIT编译器,然后它将字节码编译成本机机器代码,下图展示了该过程:




Hot Spot  VM 编译

JVM 执行代码时,它并不立即开始编译代码。这主要有两个原因:


首先,如果这段代码只会被执行一次,那么编译就是在浪费精力。如果一段代码被多次执行,那么编译就非常值得了。因此,编译器具有的这种权衡能力会首先执行解释后的代码,然后再去分辨哪些方法会被频繁调用来保证其本身的编译。Java代码开始都是被编译器编译成字节码文件,然后字节码文件会被交由 JVM 解释执行,其实Java本身是一种半编译半解释执行的语言。

Hot Spot VM 采用了 JIT compile 技术,将运行频率很高的字节码直接编译为机器指令执行以提高性能(以 method 为翻译单位,还会保存起来,第二次执行就不用翻译了)直接执行。


第二个原因是最优化,当 JVM 执行某一方法或遍历循环的次数越多,就会更加了解代码结构,那么 JVM 在编译代码的时候就做出相应的优化。









  • 词法分析


  • 语法分析


  • 语义分析

      语义分析是编译过程的一个逻辑阶段, 语义分析的任务是对结构上正确的源程序进行上下文有关性质的审查,进行类型审查。语义分析是审查源程序有无语义错误,为代码生成阶段收集类型信息。


  • 中间代码生成









HotSpot虚拟机中内置了两个JIT编译器:Client ComplierServer Complier,分别用在客户端和服务端,目前主流的HotSpot虚拟机中默认是采用解释器与其中一个编译器直接配合的方式工作。



要想触发JIT,首先需要识别出热点代码。目前主要的热点代码识别方式是热点探测(Hot Spot Detection),有以下两种:

1、基于采样的方式探测(Sample Based Hot Spot Detection) :周期性检测各个线程的栈顶,发现某个方法经常出险在栈顶,就认为是热点方法。好处就是简单,缺点就是无法精确确认一个方法的热度。容易受线程阻塞或别的原因干扰热点探测。

2、基于计数器的热点探测(Counter Based Hot Spot Detection)。采用这种方法的虚拟机会为每个方法,甚至是代码块建立计数器,统计方法的执行次数,某个方法超过阀值就认为是热点方法,触发JIT编译。






附录2: Java 语言简史

Java是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台的总称,最初推出的时候提出 “Write Once, Run Anywhere” 的理想愿景。

Java是一门面向对象编程语言,不仅吸收了C/C++语言的各种优点,还摒弃了C/C++里难以理解的多继承、指针等概念,因此Java语言具有功能强大和简单易用两个特征。Java语言作为静态面向对象编程语言的代表,极好地实现了面向对象理论,允许程序员以优雅的思维方式进行复杂的编程 。

Java具有简单性、面向对象、分布式、健壮性、安全性、平台独立与可移植性、多线程、动态性等特点 。Java可以编写桌面应用程序、Web应用程序、分布式系统和嵌入式系统应用程序等 。

用 Java 实现的 HotJava 浏览器(支持Java applet)显示了 Java 的魅力:跨平台、动态的Web、Internet计算。从此,Java被广泛接受并推动了Web的迅速发展,常用的浏览器现在均支持Java Applet。


  • 安卓应用

  • 金融业应用服务器程序

  • 网站开发

  • 嵌入式

  • 大数据

  • 高频交易空间

  • 科学应用


JDK 1.0(1996)


JDK 1.1(1997)


引入JDBC:是Java语言中用来规范客户端程序如何来访问数据库的应用程序接口,提供了诸如查询和更新数据库中数据的方法。JDBC也是Sun Microsystems的商标。JDBC是面向关系型数据库的。





J2SE 1.2(1998)





Java plug-in(Java Applet):Web环境下的小程序


J2SE 1.3(2000)

初次引入 HotSpot VM

Java命名和目录接口(Java Naming and Directory Interface,缩写JNDI)包含在主程序库中(先前为扩展组件的形式)


J2SE 1.4(2002)

语言上的改变:assert 关键字(断言)



支持 Internet Protocol version 6(IPv6)


新增 日志API

J2SE 5.0(2004)

泛型:为集合提供编译期间 (静态) 类型安全,且不须为大多数类型转换 (类型转换) (规范在 JSR 14)

元数据(MetaData):也称作注解。让语言结构(像是类别和方法)能够用额外的数据标记,可以由元数据意识工具处理(规范在 JSR 175)



静态导入(import static)



For-Each 循环

Scanner 类别来解析来自各式各样的输入和缓冲

JavaSE 6(2006)



@Override 接口

JavaSE 7(2011)









JavaSE 8(2014 LTS)




无参构造器方法引用:类名::new 或者 Class::new

静态方法引用:Class::static_method (接受一个Class类型参数)

类成员方法引用:Class::method (没有参数)

实例成员方法引用:instance::method (接受一个instance对应类型的参数)




新增Stream API(


工具包,类依赖分析工具 jdeps

JVM方面:使用Metaspace(JEP122)代替方法区持久带(PermGen space)

JavaSE 9(2017)

JSR 376:在Jigsaw项目中将JDK模块化(参见Java平台模块系统条目)

JEP 222:jshell:Java Shell(一个 Java 交互式顶层构件)

JEP 295:AOT编译(通过 Graal VM 实现)[240]

JEP 268:XML Catalogs

JEP 266:更多的并发更新。包含响应式流的Java实现,及其部分替代品java.util.concurrent.Flow。

JEP 193:变量句柄:定义一个标准方法来调用java.util.concurrent.atomic和sun.misc.Unsafe操作的等价物。

JEP 282:jlink:Java链接器。该工具可以为模块生成一个包含了其所有依赖项的自定义运行时映像,同时允许生成一个包括运行它的JVM的可执行文件。


JEP 263:高DPI图像:自动缩放与尺寸自适应。

JavaSE 10 (2018.3)

JEP 286:局部变量类型推断 : var a = new ArrayList<>(); 

JEP 317:实验性的基于Java的JIT编译器。这是 Linux x64 下 Graal 动态编译器的集成。

JEP 310:应用程序类级别数据共享

JEP 322:基于时间的版本命名

JEP 307:适用于G1的多线程完全垃圾回收

JEP 304:垃圾回收器接口

JEP 314:更多的Unicode语言标签扩展

JEP 319:内置根证书

JEP 312:线程本地握手

JEP 316:在可选的内存设备上申请堆内存空间

JEP 313:删除本地代码头文件生成器javah

JEP 296:将所有JDK分支集成到同一个版本库中

JavaSE 11 (2018.9 LTS)

JEP 309:动态类文件常量

JEP 318:Epsilon:无操作垃圾收集器

JEP 323:lambda参数的局部变量语法

JEP 331:低开销堆分析

JEP 321:HTTP Client

JEP 332:支持 TLS 1.3

JEP 328:添加Java飞行记录器(JFR),其用于创建性能分析记录

JEP 333:添加ZGC(一个可扩展的低延迟垃圾收集器)

JavaFX、Java EE、CORBA 被移出 JDK

JEP 335:弃用 Nashorn JavaScript 引擎

JavaSE 12(2019.3)

JEP 189:Shenandoah:一个实验性的低延迟垃圾收集器

JEP 230:细粒度性能评审包

JEP 325:Switch 表达式(预览阶段)

JEP 334:JVM Constants API

JEP 340:仅保留一个 AArch64 平台的移植

JEP 341:默认类数据共享归档

JEP 344:针对G1,提供可中止的混合垃圾收集

JEP 346:针对G1,及时释放已申请但未使用的内存



附录3: James Gosling 历史采访

James Gosling on Java, May 1999

A Converstion with Java's Creator, James Gosling

by Bill Venners

June 15, 1999

First published in JavaWorld, June 1999


Java's Creator James Gosling talks with Bill Venners about the current state of the Java language.

On Wednesday, May 29, 1999 James Gosling, vice president and Sun fellow at Sun Microsystems and creator of the Java programming language, assessed the state of the Java language and platform in a phone interview with Bill Venners. In the course of the hour-long interview, Gosling discussed the current state of the Java programming language and the changes that are being considered for future versions of the language. Looking back to the Java language's early days, Gosling described the extent to which he had Jini technology in mind when he designed the Java language and the problems the Java platform solves in the enterprise. Gosling touched on those areas that have been a challenge for the Java language in the past and gave his impression of how they will be dealt with in the future.

The creator of the Java language also looked at how software and API development will change in the coming age of networked embedded devices. He explained why Jini technology's agree-on-interfaces approach to getting devices to work together on the network is superior to the traditional agree-on-protocols approach. In closing, Gosling shared his views about when it makes sense for developers to build a tool to solve the general case -- like he did when he invented the Java language -- and when it makes sense to concentrate on solving the specific problem at hand using available tools.

The Evolution of the Java Programming Language

Bill Venners: What has happened since the JavaOne show last spring that you think is significant in the evolution of the Java language?

James Gosling: The Java language itself has pretty much held constant. We've worked really hard to keep it very, very stable. We're being conservative about the Java language.

The kinds of things that have changed [since last year's JavaOne conference] have been implementations of the virtual machines underneath the language to give the language much higher performance, make it much more solid, and make it usable in many more situations. On top of the language we've done a lot of work with APIs. One of the key features of the language is this ability to define new facilities as classes. That's been where the explosion has really been: in all the APIs on top of the Java language itself. One main motivation for being conservative about the Java language and keeping it stable is so that all of this work on APIs that are on top of it doesn't get disturbed. Because that's where the real value is, in the stuff that's on top.

Bill Venners: What kind of changes can we expect to see in the language in the future?

James Gosling: There's a list of things that have been on the table for quite a long time. One of the things we get asked about a lot is type polymorphism, which shows up in C++ as its template maker. Five years ago, when I was trying to figure out the right thing to do as far as developing a new language, there were probably twice as many type polymorphism systems in the world as there were experts in type polymorphism. And nobody thought that anybody else's solution made any sense.

While there was a general feeling that there was something good about type polymorphism, exactly what it should look like was very unclear. There's been a really heated debate on this subject over the last few years. (There's a guy here named Gilad Bracha who's run herd on that debate, and a mailing list on the subject called the Java Genericity mailing list.) At this point we're down to about three proposals for type polymorphism, and it looks like we'll get to some kind of a resolution.

If you go to, you'll find a set of slides from a talk I gave in San Diego four weeks ago at COOTS 99, the Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems. In this talk, I go through unanswered questions concerning the Java language, including talking about what changes people have been asking for.

The number one thing people have been asking for is an assertion mechanism. Of course, that [request] is all over the map: There are people who just want a compile-time switch. There are people who think those are the spawn of the devil, and they want something that's more analyzable. Then there are people who want a full-blown Eiffel kind of thing. We're probably going to start up a study group on the Java platform community process. We've been using that process for everything, including language changes. There's already a study group starting up on type polymorphism, and a study group is also probably going to start up on assertions.

Performance and the Java Language

Bill Venners: Now that the Java HotSpot performance engine is released, to what extent is performance solved? Are there areas in which performance still can be improved? What future plans might you have for performance improvements?

James Gosling: Performance is one of those things that you're never done with. There is no system on the planet that is ever finished with performance. But our performance is getting pretty good. Lots of people do benchmarks of server applications, and compared to C and C++, we're basically right in the same ball park.

There is room for performance improvement in the new 2D graphics libraries in the Java 2 platform; these certainly need some tuning. One of the persistent performance problems we've had that has been pretty hard to grapple with involves the demand for features: people keep asking us to put this in and put that in. Look at "Project Swing," for example. "Project Swing" is this UI toolkit that is industrial-strength. It's got everything in there, and that makes it kind of big. And big always turns into a performance problem. So we're working on ways to try to make "Project Swing" faster, trim it down, and give it fewer interdependencies, so that it is fast and nimble.

It's this difficult paradox -- that the more there is, the more there is. In terms of the Java HotSpot performance engine, we've put out the first release of it, but there are more interesting optimization techniques that we would like to try which are not there yet. There are many more tricks in that particular bag, and there's a lot of room for it to grow.

Bill Venners: Can you be more specific?

James Gosling: One of the things that made HotSpot rather difficult is that it's a collection from some fairly large number of PhD theses -- a long esoteric list of dynamic compilation tricks. There were a bunch of things that have an awful lot of value that we decided not to do just to get Hotspot out there.

We do an awful lot of dynamic compilation tricks in the Java HotSpot performance technology now, but there's room to add more. Right now [performance-wise] we are as good as C or C++, often beating them, and it's pretty clear that we can get greater improvement out of it.

Another thing is that when you talk about optimizing something, it's often optimizing with respect to a particular situation. The current Java HotSpot technology release is targeted toward making server applications really fast. The kinds of tuning you do in server applications tend to be different than what you do in other places.

Inspiration for the Interface

Bill Venners: In Java you included multiple inheritance of interface, but left out multiple inheritance of implementation. Were you trying to say anything to designers by making the interface a separate construct? Were you trying to say anything by leaving out multiple inheritance of implementation? How did that come about?

James Gosling: It listened to people from the C++ and Objective-C camps, and I tried to sort out who had the most happy experiences. The Objective-C notion of a pure interface with no implementation seemed to have worked out really well for people. It avoids a lot of the sticky issues such as disambiguation that people get into in C++. It's still kind of messy. It's an area that I don't feel totally happy with.

Bill Venners: In what way?

James Gosling: Another way for doing these things is a technique called delegation. Some ideas in the delegation camp felt good, but I never came up with anything that really worked. I ended up with the interface construct, which felt simple enough to be comprehensible, sophisticated enough to be useful. It also avoided any of the tar pits that the other folks got into.

The Jini Vision

Bill Venners: I heard Java was originally envisioned for embedded devices. To what extent was Java designed with what would eventually come to be called Jini technology in mind? In other words, were you just thinking about embedded devices, or were you thinking about a Jini technology-like world?

James Gosling: Oddly enough, something very much like the Jini technology world was in there from day one. The very early version of the Java language, which was called Oak and ran on the Star Sevens, had a distributed message system in it that was very much like RMI. In fact, even though the original distributed message system got ripped apart when we started doing some of the cable television stuff, there was enough of it still lying around that when the RMI folks went to do RMI, they were able to fit in some of it.

Jini's Footprint

Bill Venners: What is the JDK footprint for Jini technology-enabled devices, and is that going to be a problem for people who are making devices where every tenth of a penny counts toward cost savings?

James Gosling: The Jini technology team has put a lot of effort into making it so that it can handle really teeny devices. To be technology-enabled, a Jini technology device doesn't actually have to have a full-blown Java virtual machine in it. All it has to be able to do is respond to messages over the network. And it has to be able to do a certain amount to identify itself and read class files out of ROM.

Homogeneous Execution Environments

Bill Venners: For mobile code to work, the Java platform needs to provide a homogenous execution environment, no matter where you go. That's been difficult to achieve for applets landing in just a few browsers. Is there something new that's going to help Jini service code see a more homogenous Java platform wherever it goes in all these different kinds of devices?

James Gosling: We really have had very limited problems with homogeneity for people who do tested VMs. The browsers turned into a real serious problem. There was Microsoft on the one hand that was just being evil. And then there was Netscape that ran into all kinds of engineering and financial difficulties. So the Java embedded in browsers was just turning into an unfortunate situation for us.

Bill Venners: But basically Sun developed a bunch of tests, and VM and API implementations that actually go through the tests are more homogeneous?

James Gosling: That story is quite different, certainly, for people who take pieces of Java technology-based code and squirt them around between servers and out to Oracle and the rest.

Bill Venners: Do you envision a solution to the browser problem?

James Gosling: We have a solution in place for Netscape 5.0, which hasn't been released yet. The general structure of the solution we're pursuing, that we like the best, is the Java Plug-in, which has been working out pretty well. What we need to do is make that more robust, deal with some delivery issues, and get it tied into the browsers better. But the basic direction for dealing with the browsers is taking the [Java] Plug-in product and making it industrial-strength.

Picking and Choosing APIs

Bill Venners: People who do embedded devices always seem to have this pressure to make things fit, which gives them the need to pick and choose which APIs they'll support. Is there some way of dealing with this pressure, such as somehow getting them to all have the same set of APIs?

James Gosling: Trying to get them to have the same APIs is why we came up with these API subsets. Some of that has worked, some of it hasn't. Much of what we've been trying to do lately has been to make it so these folks can do dynamic loading of pieces of the APIs that they don't support.

A certain amount of it has been trying to get people in the different industrial segments to get together and agree on what the common things are. But what should the standard APIs be that are available in a toaster? Or in some robot arm controller? They're very different.

Bill Venners: So what about the subsets, like Embedded Java and Personal Java? What's the status of those things then? It sounds like you've recognized that maybe you need to go into each little niche and help those people get together and figure out what APIs they need.

James Gosling: We figured that it was pretty much hopeless for us -- both hopeless and sort of arrogantly presumptuous -- to go into the different industrial segments and tell them what we think the API should be. For example, this is what we think the API should be for the GPS navigation system; this is what the API should be for telescope control; and so on. Those aren't things that we have any expertise in.

[What] we really have an interest in is making sure that the participants in those industries get together and figure it out. One of the things we try to do is facilitate matters where we can. So we might have a person or two who's involved in these efforts, but we certainly don't try to control them or drive them or run them.

How Software Development Will Change

Bill Venners: How will the emerging hardware environment of network-connected embedded devices change the way software and APIs are developed?

James Gosling: I think the biggest difference is that you can't just sit alone in a room and build stuff, because the things you're building interact with everything out there. You can't just sit alone and do whatever you want.

Bill Venners: And why is that?

James Gosling: Because you're trying to interact with other things, you have to know what the other things do. If there are multiple people doing similar kinds of things, they have to have some kind of an agreement on how these things should work. If you're designing an electrical power delivery mechanism, for example, you have to design a wall socket. And everybody has to use the same wall socket; otherwise those toasters won't be able to plug in to you.

It becomes an environment where people have to be much more socially involved. It really is a community thing.

The Idea Behind the Interface

Bill Venners: You once said that the core of object-oriented design is "figuring out what the interfaces are." Could you elaborate on that?

James Gosling: The interfaces are the things that connect the pieces. You've got a toaster and a power plug in the wall; it's the way you connect. The core of the object-oriented design thing is to try to figure out what the interfaces should be. The actual technology of object-oriented design in a programming language is how you express those interfaces.

From a developer'

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