类型1: upstream timed out
类型2: connect() failed
类型3: no live upstreams
类型4: upstream prematurely closed connection
类型5: 104: Connection reset by peer
类型6: client intended to send too large body
类型7: upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0 header
类型 | 错误日志 | 原因 | 解决办法 |
类型 | 错误日志 | 原因 | 解决办法 |
1 | upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream | nginx与upstream建立tcp连接超时,nginx默认连接建立超时为200ms | 排查upstream是否能正常建立tcp连接 |
1 | upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream | nginx从upstream读取响应时超时,nginx默认的读超时为20s,读超时不是整体读的时间超时,而是指两次读操作之间的超时,整体读耗时有可能超过20s | 排查upstream响应请求为什么过于缓慢 |
2 | connect() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while connecting to upstream | nginx与upstream建立tcp连接时被reset | 排查upstream是否能正常建立tcp连接 |
2 | connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream | nginx与upstream建立tcp连接时被拒 | 排查upstream是否能正常建立tcp连接 |
3 | no live upstreams while connecting to upstream | nginx向upstream转发请求时发现upstream状态全都为down | 排查nginx的upstream的健康检查为什么失败 |
4 | upstream prematurely closed connection | nginx在与upstream建立完tcp连接之后,试图发送请求或者读取响应时,连接被upstream强制关闭 | 排查upstream程序是否异常,是否能正常处理http请求 |
5 | recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream | nginx从upstream读取响应时连接被对方reset | 排查upstream应用已经tcp连接状态是否异常 |
6 | client intended to send too large body | 客户端试图发送过大的请求body,nginx默认最大允许的大小为1m,超过此大小,客户端会受到http 413错误码 |
7 | upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0 header | nginx不能正常解析从upstream返回来的请求行 | 排查upstream http响应异常 |