量子计算求解函数因子:Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm

Posted 元之田


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了量子计算求解函数因子:Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

f ( x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , . . . ) → 0  or  1  where  x n  is  0  or  1 f(\\x_0,x_1,x_2,...\\) \\rightarrow 0 \\textrm or 1 \\textrm where x_n \\textrm is 0 \\textrm or 1 f(x0,x1,x2,...)0 or 1 where xn is 0 or 1
该函数的形式为 f ( x ) = s ⋅ x   (mod 2) f(x) = s \\cdot x \\, \\text(mod 2) f(x)=sx(mod 2),给定x,得到f(x),求s的值。


  1. 初始化 |0⟩⊗n state, and output qubit
    to |−⟩ .
  2. 对Input寄存器进行Hardmard变化。
  3. 对Output进行measure。

∣ a ⟩ → H ⊗ n 1 2 n ∑ x ∈ 0 , 1 n ( − 1 ) a ⋅ x ∣ x ⟩ . |a\\rangle \\xrightarrowH^\\otimes n \\frac1\\sqrt2^n \\sum_x\\in \\0,1\\^n (-1)^a\\cdot x|x\\rangle. aHn 2n 1x0,1n(1)axx.

我们对 ∣ 00 … 0 ⟩ |00\\dots 0\\rangle 000 使用n Hadamard gates得到量子叠加态:

∣ 00 … 0 ⟩ → H ⊗ n 1 2 n ∑ x ∈ 0 , 1 n ∣ x ⟩ |00\\dots 0\\rangle \\xrightarrowH^\\otimes n \\frac1\\sqrt2^n \\sum_x\\in \\0,1\\^n |x\\rangle 000Hn 2n 1x0,1nx

( − 1 ) a ⋅ x = 0 (-1)^a\\cdot x=0 (1)ax=0 , since a = 0 , a=0, a=0, and thus ( − 1 ) a ⋅ x = 1 (-1)^a\\cdot x = 1 (1)ax=1.

之后,我们作用 f s f_s fs函数。这里我们的ouput初始状态a为 ∣ − ⟩ |-\\rangle .

  • 若f(x) = 1, ∣ a ⊕ f ( x ) ⟩ = − ∣ − ⟩ |a \\oplus f(x)\\rangle = -|-\\rangle af(x)=
  • 若f(x) = 0, ∣ a ⊕ f ( x ) ⟩ = ∣ − ⟩ |a \\oplus f(x)\\rangle = |-\\rangle af(x)=

∣ x ⟩ → f s ( − 1 ) s ⋅ x ∣ x ⟩ |x \\rangle \\xrightarrowf_s (-1)^s\\cdot x |x \\rangle xfs (1)sxx

∣ 00 … 0 ⟩ → H ⊗ n 1 2 n ∑ x ∈ 0 , 1 n ∣ x ⟩ → f a 1 2 n ∑ x ∈ 0 , 1 n ( − 1 ) a ⋅ x ∣ x ⟩ |00\\dots 0\\rangle \\xrightarrowH^\\otimes n \\frac1\\sqrt2^n \\sum_x\\in \\0,1\\^n |x\\rangle \\xrightarrowf_a \\frac1\\sqrt2^n \\sum_x\\in \\0,1\\^n (-1)^a\\cdot x|x\\rangle 000Hn 2n 1x0,1nxfa 2n 1x0,1n(1)axx

由于量子计算是可逆的,我们再使用Hardmard Gate便可以得到a。

1 2 n ∑ x ∈ 0 , 1 n ( − 1 ) a ⋅ x ∣ x ⟩ → H ⊗ n ∣ a ⟩ \\frac1\\sqrt2^n \\sum_x\\in \\0,1\\^n (-1)^a\\cdot x|x\\rangle \\xrightarrowH^\\otimes n |a\\rangle 2n 1x0,1n(1)axxHn a


# initialization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# importing Qiskit
from qiskit import IBMQ, Aer
from qiskit.providers.ibmq import least_busy
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, transpile, assemble

# import basic plot tools
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

n = 3 # number of qubits used to represent s
s = '011'   # the hidden binary string

# We need a circuit with n qubits, plus one auxiliary qubit
# Also need n classical bits to write the output to
bv_circuit = QuantumCircuit(n+1, n)

# put auxiliary in state |->

# Apply Hadamard gates before querying the oracle
for i in range(n):
# Apply barrier 

# Apply the inner-product oracle
s = s[::-1] # reverse s to fit qiskit's qubit ordering
for q in range(n):
    if s[q] == '0':
        bv_circuit.cx(q, n)
# Apply

以上是关于量子计算求解函数因子:Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


量子计算何时投入实用? 光子可能是个关键角色



