Posted 高智商~哈士奇
日志实现 | |
Log4j JUL(java.util.logging) Log4j2 |
日志门面: SLF4J;
SpringBoot选用 SLF4j和logback;
slf4j(Simple logging facade for Java)是对所有日志框架制定的一种规范、标准、接口,并不是一个框架的具体的实现,因为接口并不能独立使用,需要和具体的日志框架实现配合使用
- log4j是apache实现的一个开源日志组件
- logback同样是由log4j的作者设计完成的,拥有更好的特性,用来取代log4j的一个日志框架,是slf4j的原生实现
- log4j2是log4j 1.x和logback的改进版,据说采用了一些新技术(无锁异步、等等),使得日志的吞吐量、性能比log4j 1.x提高10倍,并解决了一些死锁的bug,而且配置更加简单灵活。
- SLF4J提供了统一的记录日志的接口,对不同日志系统的具体实现进行了抽象化,只要按照其提供的方法记录即可,最终日志的格式、记录级别、输出方式等通过绑定具体的日志系统来实现。在项目中使用了SLF4J记录日志,并且绑定了log4j,则日志会以log4j的风格输出;后期需要改为以logback的风格输出日志,只需要将jar包log4j替换成logback即可,不用修改项目中的代码。
- SLF4J支持
maven jar包
<!--boot版本:--> <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.2.13.RELEASE</version> <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository --> </parent> <!--使用的log版本是(boot这一个就可以了):以下内容会自动导入--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-logging</artifactId> <version>2.2.13.RELEASE</version> </dependency> <!--logback-classic和logback-core版本是:--> <dependency> <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId> <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId> <artifactId>logback-core</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>jul-to-slf4j</artifactId> <version>1.7.30</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency>
- 提供日志接口 (Logger.class)
- 提供获取具体日志对象的方法 (LoggerFactory.class)

/** * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 QOS.ch * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ package org.slf4j; /** * The org.slf4j.Logger interface is the main user entry point of SLF4J API. * It is expected that logging takes place through concrete implementations * of this interface. * <p/> * <h3>Typical usage pattern:</h3> * <pre> * import org.slf4j.Logger; * import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; * * public class Wombat { * * <span style="color:green">final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Wombat.class);</span> * Integer t; * Integer oldT; * * public void setTemperature(Integer temperature) { * oldT = t; * t = temperature; * <span style="color:green">logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. Old temperature was {}.", t, oldT);</span> * if(temperature.intValue() > 50) { * <span style="color:green">logger.info("Temperature has risen above 50 degrees.");</span> * } * } * } * </pre> * * Be sure to read the FAQ entry relating to <a href="../../../faq.html#logging_performance">parameterized * logging</a>. Note that logging statements can be parameterized in * <a href="../../../faq.html#paramException">presence of an exception/throwable</a>. * * <p>Once you are comfortable using loggers, i.e. instances of this interface, consider using * <a href="MDC.html">MDC</a> as well as <a href="Marker.html">Markers</a>.</p> * * @author Ceki Gülcü */ public interface Logger { /** * Case insensitive String constant used to retrieve the name of the root logger. * * @since 1.3 */ final public String ROOT_LOGGER_NAME = "ROOT"; /** * Return the name of this <code>Logger</code> instance. * @return name of this logger instance */ public String getName(); /** * Is the logger instance enabled for the TRACE level? * * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level, * false otherwise. * @since 1.4 */ public boolean isTraceEnabled(); /** * Log a message at the TRACE level. * * @param msg the message string to be logged * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(String msg); /** * Log a message at the TRACE level according to the specified format * and argument. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the TRACE level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(String format, Object arg); /** * Log a message at the TRACE level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the TRACE level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * Log a message at the TRACE level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous string concatenation when the logger * is disabled for the TRACE level. However, this variant incurs the hidden * (and relatively small) cost of creating an <code>Object[]</code> before invoking the method, * even if this logger is disabled for TRACE. The variants taking {@link #trace(String, Object) one} and * {@link #trace(String, Object, Object) two} arguments exist solely in order to avoid this hidden cost.</p> * * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(String format, Object... arguments); /** * Log an exception (throwable) at the TRACE level with an * accompanying message. * * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(String msg, Throwable t); /** * Similar to {@link #isTraceEnabled()} method except that the * marker data is also taken into account. * * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level, * false otherwise. * * @since 1.4 */ public boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker); /** * Log a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param msg the message string to be logged * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(Marker marker, String msg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #trace(String, Object)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object arg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #trace(String, Object, Object)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * This method is similar to {@link #trace(String, Object...)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param argArray an array of arguments * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object... argArray); /** * This method is similar to {@link #trace(String, Throwable)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log * @since 1.4 */ public void trace(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t); /** * Is the logger instance enabled for the DEBUG level? * * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isDebugEnabled(); /** * Log a message at the DEBUG level. * * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void debug(String msg); /** * Log a message at the DEBUG level according to the specified format * and argument. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the DEBUG level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void debug(String format, Object arg); /** * Log a message at the DEBUG level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the DEBUG level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void debug(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * Log a message at the DEBUG level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous string concatenation when the logger * is disabled for the DEBUG level. However, this variant incurs the hidden * (and relatively small) cost of creating an <code>Object[]</code> before invoking the method, * even if this logger is disabled for DEBUG. The variants taking * {@link #debug(String, Object) one} and {@link #debug(String, Object, Object) two} * arguments exist solely in order to avoid this hidden cost.</p> * * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void debug(String format, Object... arguments); /** * Log an exception (throwable) at the DEBUG level with an * accompanying message. * * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void debug(String msg, Throwable t); /** * Similar to {@link #isDebugEnabled()} method except that the * marker data is also taken into account. * * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker); /** * Log a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void debug(Marker marker, String msg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #debug(String, Object)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object arg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #debug(String, Object, Object)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * This method is similar to {@link #debug(String, Object...)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments); /** * This method is similar to {@link #debug(String, Throwable)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void debug(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t); /** * Is the logger instance enabled for the INFO level? * * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the INFO level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isInfoEnabled(); /** * Log a message at the INFO level. * * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void info(String msg); /** * Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format * and argument. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the INFO level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void info(String format, Object arg); /** * Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the INFO level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void info(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous string concatenation when the logger * is disabled for the INFO level. However, this variant incurs the hidden * (and relatively small) cost of creating an <code>Object[]</code> before invoking the method, * even if this logger is disabled for INFO. The variants taking * {@link #info(String, Object) one} and {@link #info(String, Object, Object) two} * arguments exist solely in order to avoid this hidden cost.</p> * * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void info(String format, Object... arguments); /** * Log an exception (throwable) at the INFO level with an * accompanying message. * * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void info(String msg, Throwable t); /** * Similar to {@link #isInfoEnabled()} method except that the marker * data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration * @return true if this logger is warn enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker); /** * Log a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level. * * @param marker The marker specific to this log statement * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void info(Marker marker, String msg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #info(String, Object)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object arg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #info(String, Object, Object)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * This method is similar to {@link #info(String, Object...)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments); /** * This method is similar to {@link #info(String, Throwable)} method * except that the marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data for this log statement * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void info(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t); /** * Is the logger instance enabled for the WARN level? * * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the WARN level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isWarnEnabled(); /** * Log a message at the WARN level. * * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void warn(String msg); /** * Log a message at the WARN level according to the specified format * and argument. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the WARN level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void warn(String format, Object arg); /** * Log a message at the WARN level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous string concatenation when the logger * is disabled for the WARN level. However, this variant incurs the hidden * (and relatively small) cost of creating an <code>Object[]</code> before invoking the method, * even if this logger is disabled for WARN. The variants taking * {@link #warn(String, Object) one} and {@link #warn(String, Object, Object) two} * arguments exist solely in order to avoid this hidden cost.</p> * * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void warn(String format, Object... arguments); /** * Log a message at the WARN level according to the specified format * and arguments. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the WARN level. </p> * * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void warn(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * Log an exception (throwable) at the WARN level with an * accompanying message. * * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void warn(String msg, Throwable t); /** * Similar to {@link #isWarnEnabled()} method except that the marker * data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the WARN level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker); /** * Log a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level. * * @param marker The marker specific to this log statement * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void warn(Marker marker, String msg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #warn(String, Object)} method except that the * marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg the argument */ public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object arg); /** * This method is similar to {@link #warn(String, Object, Object)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arg1 the first argument * @param arg2 the second argument */ public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); /** * This method is similar to {@link #warn(String, Object...)} * method except that the marker data is also taken into * consideration. * * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement * @param format the format string * @param arguments a list of 3 or more arguments */ public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments); /** * This method is similar to {@link #warn(String, Throwable)} method * except that the marker data is also taken into consideration. * * @param marker the marker data for this log statement * @param msg the message accompanying the exception * @param t the exception (throwable) to log */ public void warn(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t); /** * Is the logger instance enabled for the ERROR level? * * @return True if this Logger is enabled for the ERROR level, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isErrorEnabled(); /** * Log a message at the ERROR level. * * @param msg the message string to be logged */ public void error(String msg); /** * Log a message at the ERROR level according to the specified format * and argument. * <p/> * <p>This form avoids superfluous object creation when the logger * is disabled for the ERRO以上是关于springBoot的日志配置(LogBack+slf4j)简介的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章