Posted lodger47
g++ demo.cpp -lcrypto -lssl
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] )
return 0 ;
如果没有任何提示信息输出的话, 说明 ssl 这个动态链接库已经可以正常工作了
srcFile=$(wildcard *.cpp)
srcHead=$(wildcard *.h)
#dstFile=$(patsubst %.cpp,%,$(srcFile))
LIBS=-lcrypto \\
-lssl \\
INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/include/openssl \\
# g++ -g -w -o$(APP) $(srcFile) $(srcHead) $(LIBS) $(srcHead)
g++ -g -w -o$(APP) $(srcFile) $(srcHead) -lcrypto $(srcHead)
# g++ -o $@ $< -g $(INCLUDE) $(LIBS)
-@rm -f $(dstFile)
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
class rsaPair
public :
rsaPair ()
pub_key = NULL ;
pri_key = NULL ;
rsaPair ( std::string pub_k_path , std::string pri_key_path, std::string psword ) ;
~rsaPair () ;
int create_key_pair () ;
private :
std::string pub_key_path ;
std::string pri_key_path ;
std::string password ;
RSA *pub_key ;
RSA *pri_key ;
} ;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rsa_pair.h"
using namespace std ;
rsaPair::rsaPair( string pub_k_path , string pri_k_path , string psword)
pub_key = NULL ;
pri_key = NULL ;
if ( pub_k_path.empty () || pri_k_path.empty() )
perror ("file stores key values empty") ;
return ;
if ( psword.empty ())
perror ("password empty , use default") ;
password = "inuyasha" ;
return ;
printf ("here ") ;
pub_key_path = pub_k_path ;
pri_key_path = pri_k_path ;
password = psword ;
rsaPair::~rsaPair ()
if ( pub_key )
RSA_free ( pub_key ) ;
if ( pri_key )
RSA_free ( pri_key ) ;
int rsaPair::create_key_pair ()
RSA *rsa ;
int modulelen = 1024 ;
int ret ;
unsigned int len ;
unsigned long e = RSA_3 ;
BIGNUM *bn ;
bn = BN_new () ;
ret = BN_set_word ( bn , e ) ;
if ( ret != 1 )
perror ("BN_set_word method goes wrong ") ;
return -1 ;
rsa = RSA_new () ;
if ( RSA_generate_key_ex ( rsa , modulelen , bn , NULL ) != 1 )
perror ("RSA_generate_key_ex method goes wrong") ;
return -1 ;
// public key
BIO *bioPtr = BIO_new ( BIO_s_file () ) ;
//----- open public key store file ------
if ( BIO_write_filename ( bioPtr , (void*)pub_key_path.c_str ()) <= 0 )
perror ("failed to open public key file ") ;
return -1 ;
//----- write public key into file -----
if ( PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey( bioPtr , rsa ) != 1 )
perror ("failed to write RSA public key into file") ;
return -1 ;
//----- if we get here , everything goes well -----
printf ("generated RSA public key already written into file %s \\n" , pub_key_path.c_str()) ;
BIO_free_all( bioPtr ) ; // don\'t forget release and free the allocated space
//----- private key -----
bioPtr = BIO_new_file ( pri_key_path.c_str() , "w+") ;
if ( bioPtr == NULL )
perror ("failed to open file stores RSA private key ") ;
return -1 ;
if ( PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey ( bioPtr , rsa ,EVP_des_ede3_ofb() ,
(unsigned char *)password.c_str() , password.size() , NULL , NULL ) != 1 )
perror ("failed write RSA private key into file") ;
return -1 ;
BIO_free_all ( bioPtr ) ; // do not forget this
printf ("genertated RSA private key already written into file %s \\n" , pri_key_path.c_str () ) ;
return 0 ;
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "rsa_pair.h"
using namespace std ;
int main ( int argc , char **argv )
string pub_key_path , pri_key_path ;
string password ;
cout << "public key path " << endl;
cin >> pub_key_path ;
cout << pub_key_path << endl ;
cout << "private key path " << endl ;
cin >> pri_key_path ;
cout << pri_key_path <<endl ;
cout << "password " << endl ;
cin >> password ;
cout << password <<endl;
// rsaPair key_pair ;
rsaPair key_pair ( pub_key_path , pri_key_path , password) ;
key_pair.create_key_pair () ;
return 0 ;