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internal class TestViewModel { private const int _startPage = 1; private const int _totalPage = 2; public TestViewModel() { SwitchPrevious = new DelegateCommand(DoSwithPrevious, CanSwitchPrevious); SwitchNext = new DelegateCommand(DoSwitchNext, CanSwitchNext); } private int _currentPage = _startPage; public int CurrentPage { get { return _currentPage; } private set { _currentPage = value; } } private ICommand _switchPrevious; public ICommand SwitchPrevious { get { return _switchPrevious; } set { _switchPrevious = value; } } private bool CanSwitchPrevious() { return CurrentPage == _totalPage; } private void DoSwithPrevious() { CurrentPage--; } private ICommand _switchNext; public ICommand SwitchNext { get { return _switchNext; } set { _switchNext = value; } } private bool CanSwitchNext() { return CurrentPage == _startPage; } private void DoSwitchNext() { CurrentPage++; } }
1 ObservesCanExecute方法
[Fact] public void NonGenericDelegateCommandShouldObserveCanExecute() { bool canExecuteChangedRaised = false; ICommand command = new DelegateCommand(() => { }).ObservesCanExecute(() => BoolProperty); command.CanExecuteChanged += delegate { canExecuteChangedRaised = true; }; Assert.False(canExecuteChangedRaised); Assert.False(command.CanExecute(null)); BoolProperty = true; Assert.True(canExecuteChangedRaised); Assert.True(command.CanExecute(null)); }
/// <summary> /// Observes a property that is used to determine if this command can execute, and if it implements INotifyPropertyChanged it will automatically call DelegateCommandBase.RaiseCanExecuteChanged on property changed notifications. /// </summary> /// <param name="canExecuteExpression">The property expression. Example: ObservesCanExecute(() => PropertyName).</param> /// <returns>The current instance of DelegateCommand</returns> public DelegateCommand ObservesCanExecute(Expression<Func<bool>> canExecuteExpression) { _canExecuteMethod = canExecuteExpression.Compile(); ObservesPropertyInternal(canExecuteExpression); return this; }
这里需要注意我们上面的测试用例中并没有为DelegateCommand创建第二个参数,所以初始化完成后_canExecuteMethod是空的,当我们执行上面的方法之后会将当前的Expression(() => BoolProperty)解析成方法传给_canExecuteMethod方法,后面就是调用ObservesPropertyInternal方法并将当前的表达式传入到方法的内部,我们再来看ObservesPropertyInternal的内部实现。
/// <summary> /// Observes a property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and automatically calls DelegateCommandBase.RaiseCanExecuteChanged on property changed notifications. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The object type containing the property specified in the expression.</typeparam> /// <param name="propertyExpression">The property expression. Example: ObservesProperty(() => PropertyName).</param> protected internal void ObservesPropertyInternal<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression) { if (_observedPropertiesExpressions.Contains(propertyExpression.ToString())) { throw new ArgumentException($"{propertyExpression.ToString()} is already being observed.", nameof(propertyExpression)); } else { _observedPropertiesExpressions.Add(propertyExpression.ToString()); PropertyObserver.Observes(propertyExpression, RaiseCanExecuteChanged); } }
2 PropertyObserver类的实现
/// <summary> /// Provide a way to observe property changes of INotifyPropertyChanged objects and invokes a /// custom action when the PropertyChanged event is fired. /// </summary> internal class PropertyObserver { private readonly Action _action; private PropertyObserver(Expression propertyExpression, Action action) { _action = action; SubscribeListeners(propertyExpression); } private void SubscribeListeners(Expression propertyExpression) { var propNameStack = new Stack<PropertyInfo>(); while (propertyExpression is MemberExpression temp) // Gets the root of the property chain. { propertyExpression = temp.Expression; propNameStack.Push(temp.Member as PropertyInfo); // Records the member info as property info } if (!(propertyExpression is ConstantExpression constantExpression)) throw new NotSupportedException("Operation not supported for the given expression type. " + "Only MemberExpression and ConstantExpression are currently supported."); var propObserverNodeRoot = new PropertyObserverNode(propNameStack.Pop(), _action); PropertyObserverNode previousNode = propObserverNodeRoot; foreach (var propName in propNameStack) // Create a node chain that corresponds to the property chain. { var currentNode = new PropertyObserverNode(propName, _action); previousNode.Next = currentNode; previousNode = currentNode; } object propOwnerObject = constantExpression.Value; if (!(propOwnerObject is INotifyPropertyChanged inpcObject)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to subscribe PropertyChanged listener in object that " + $"owns \'{propObserverNodeRoot.PropertyInfo.Name}\' property, but the object does not implements INotifyPropertyChanged."); propObserverNodeRoot.SubscribeListenerFor(inpcObject); } /// <summary> /// Observes a property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and automatically calls a custom action on /// property changed notifications. The given expression must be in this form: "() => Prop.NestedProp.PropToObserve". /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyExpression">Expression representing property to be observed. Ex.: "() => Prop.NestedProp.PropToObserve".</param> /// <param name="action">Action to be invoked when PropertyChanged event occurs.</param> internal static PropertyObserver Observes<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression, Action action) { return new PropertyObserver(propertyExpression.Body, action); } }
[Fact] public void NonGenericDelegateCommandShouldObserveOneComplexProperty() { ComplexProperty = new ComplexType() { InnerComplexProperty = new ComplexType() }; bool canExecuteChangedRaised = false; var command = new DelegateCommand(() => { }) .ObservesProperty(() => ComplexProperty.InnerComplexProperty.IntProperty); command.CanExecuteChanged += delegate { canExecuteChangedRaised = true; }; ComplexProperty.InnerComplexProperty.IntProperty = 10; Assert.True(canExecuteChangedRaised); }
public class ComplexType : TestPurposeBindableBase { private int _intProperty; public int IntProperty { get { return _intProperty; } set { SetProperty(ref _intProperty, value); } } private ComplexType _innerComplexProperty; public ComplexType InnerComplexProperty { get { return _innerComplexProperty; } set { SetProperty(ref _innerComplexProperty, value); } } }
所以这个属性实际上有三层,我们需要监控的是最里面一层的IntProperty,我们来看看通过SubscribeListeners方法解析表达式后创建的Root PropertyObserverNode是什么样的,然后通过这个结果来分析代码。
图一 解析PropertyObserverNode过程
/// <summary> /// Represents each node of nested properties expression and takes care of /// subscribing/unsubscribing INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged listeners on it. /// </summary> internal class PropertyObserverNode { private readonly Action _action; private INotifyPropertyChanged _inpcObject; public PropertyInfo PropertyInfo { get; } public PropertyObserverNode Next { get; set; } public PropertyObserverNode(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Action action) { PropertyInfo = propertyInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyInfo)); _action = () => { action?.Invoke(); if (Next == null) return; Next.UnsubscribeListener(); GenerateNextNode(); }; } public void SubscribeListenerFor(INotifyPropertyChanged inpcObject) { _inpcObject = inpcObject; _inpcObject.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged; if (Next != null) GenerateNextNode(); } private void GenerateNextNode() { var nextProperty = PropertyInfo.GetValue(_inpcObject); if (nextProperty == null) return; if (!(nextProperty is INotifyPropertyChanged nextInpcObject)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to subscribe PropertyChanged listener in object that " + $"owns \'{Next.PropertyInfo.Name}\' property, but the object does not implements INotifyPropertyChanged."); Next.SubscribeListenerFor(nextInpcObject); } private void UnsubscribeListener() { if (_inpcObject != null) _inpcObject.PropertyChanged -= OnPropertyChanged; Next?.UnsubscribeListener(); } private void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e?.PropertyName == PropertyInfo.Name || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e?.PropertyName)) { _action?.Invoke(); } } }
如何在不使用任何框架(如 PRISM 或任何导航服务)的情况下按照 Xamarin.Forms 中的 MVVM 架构进行导航?