easyexcel: The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了easyexcel: The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

easyexcel The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters


使用easyexcel向excel中写内容出现了单元格大小不能超过32,767的限制,这是因为excel 2007限制单个cell不能超过32767个字符,但是现在都2020年了。。。。

 .xls和.xlsx文件格式有32,767个字符的硬限制. Apache POI只是强制执行Excel限制的文件格式.您可以在Microsoft文档中查看这些限制的详细信息,也可以在 this Apache POI javadoc page中很好地捕获

将poi更新到最新版本仔细看看源码 org.apache.poi.ss.SpreadsheetVersion 中只用excel97 和excel2007俩个选项 ,XSSFCell 类被修饰为final 不能被继承重写版本校验方法。
在自己的项目文件夹下创建org.apache.poi.ss.SpreadsheetVersion 类,复制poi中的该类源码,excel2007中的最后一个值改为int类型最大值。重试导出问题解决。



 1 private static void writeRowsToExcel(XSSFWorkbook wb, Sheet sheet, List<List<Object>> rows, int rowIndex) {
 2         int colIndex = 0;
 4         Font dataFont = wb.createFont();
 5         dataFont.setFontName("simsun");
 6         dataFont.setColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.index);
 8         XSSFCellStyle dataStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
 9         dataStyle.setAlignment(XSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER);
10         dataStyle.setVerticalAlignment(XSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER);
11         dataStyle.setFont(dataFont);
12         setBorder(dataStyle, BorderStyle.THIN, new XSSFColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)));
14         for (List<Object> rowData : rows) {
15             Row dataRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex);
16             colIndex = 0;
17             for (Object cellData : rowData) {
18                 colIndex = setCell(cellData.toString(), dataRow, colIndex, dataStyle);
19             }
20             rowIndex++;
21         }
22     }
24     private static int setCell(String data, Row dataRow, Integer colIndex, XSSFCellStyle dataStyle) {
26         int max = 32767;
27         if (data == null || data.length() < max) {
28             Cell cell = dataRow.createCell(colIndex);
29             cell.setCellStyle(dataStyle);
30             cell.setCellValue(data == null ? "" : data);
31             colIndex++;
32         } else {
33             int num = data.length() / max;
34             for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
35                 Cell cell = dataRow.createCell(colIndex);
36                 cell.setCellStyle(dataStyle);
37                 cell.setCellValue(data.substring(i * max, max * (i + 1)));
38                 colIndex++;
39             }
40             int extra = data.length() % max;
41             if (extra > 0) {
42                 Cell cell = dataRow.createCell(colIndex);
43                 cell.setCellStyle(dataStyle);
44                 cell.setCellValue(data.substring(num * max, num * max + extra));
45                 colIndex++;
46             }
47         }
48         return colIndex;
49     }


方法三:切换文件格式 (推荐)



CSV是逗号分隔文件(Comma Separated Values)的首字母英文缩写,是一种用来存储数据的纯文本格式,通常用于电子表格或数据库软件。在 CSV文件中,数据“栏”以逗号分隔,可允许程序通过读取文件为数据重新创建正确的栏结构,并在每次遇到逗号时开始新的一栏。如:

  1 package com.yph.omp.common.util;
  3 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
  4 import java.io.File;
  5 import java.io.FileInputStream;
  6 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  7 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  8 import java.io.IOException;
  9 import java.io.InputStream;
 10 import java.io.OutputStream;
 11 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
 12 import java.util.ArrayList;
 13 import java.util.Iterator;
 14 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 15 import java.util.List;
 16 import java.util.Map;
 18 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 19 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
 21 import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
 22 import org.junit.Test;
 24 /**
 25  * Java生成CSV文件
 26  */
 27 public class CSVUtil {
 29     /**
 30      * 生成为CVS文件
 31      * 
 32      * @param exportData
 33      *            源数据List
 34      * @param map
 35      *            csv文件的列表头map
 36      * @param outPutPath
 37      *            文件路径
 38      * @param fileName
 39      *            文件名称
 40      * @return
 41      */
 42     @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 43     public static File createCSVFile(List exportData, LinkedHashMap map,
 44             String outPutPath, String fileName) {
 45         File csvFile = null;
 46         BufferedWriter csvFileOutputStream = null;
 47         try {
 48             File file = new File(outPutPath);
 49             if (!file.exists()) {
 50                 file.mkdir();
 51             }
 52             // 定义文件名格式并创建
 53             csvFile = File.createTempFile(fileName, ".csv",
 54                     new File(outPutPath));
 55             // UTF-8使正确读取分隔符","
 56             csvFileOutputStream = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
 57                     new FileOutputStream(csvFile), "GBK"), 1024);
 58             // 写入文件头部
 59             for (Iterator propertyIterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); propertyIterator
 60                     .hasNext();) {
 61                 java.util.Map.Entry propertyEntry = (java.util.Map.Entry) propertyIterator
 62                         .next();
 63                 csvFileOutputStream
 64                         .write("\\"" + (String) propertyEntry.getValue() != null ? (String) propertyEntry
 65                                 .getValue() : "" + "\\"");
 66                 if (propertyIterator.hasNext()) {
 67                     csvFileOutputStream.write(",");
 68                 }
 69             }
 70             csvFileOutputStream.newLine();
 71             // 写入文件内容
 72             for (Iterator iterator = exportData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
 73                 Object row = (Object) iterator.next();
 74                 for (Iterator propertyIterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); propertyIterator
 75                         .hasNext();) {
 76                     java.util.Map.Entry propertyEntry = (java.util.Map.Entry) propertyIterator
 77                             .next();            /*-------------------------------*/ 
 78                     //以下部分根据不同业务做出相应的更改
 79                     StringBuilder sbContext = new StringBuilder("");
 80                     if (null != BeanUtils.getProperty(row,(String) propertyEntry.getKey())) {
 81                         if("证件号码".equals(propertyEntry.getValue())){
 82                             //避免:身份证号码 ,读取时变换为科学记数 - 解决办法:加 \\t(用Excel打开时,证件号码超过15位后会自动默认科学记数)
 83                             sbContext.append(BeanUtils.getProperty(row,(String) propertyEntry.getKey()) + "\\t");
 84                         }else{
 85                             sbContext.append(BeanUtils.getProperty(row,(String) propertyEntry.getKey()));                            
 86                         }
 87                     }
 88                     csvFileOutputStream.write(sbContext.toString());
 89             /*-------------------------------*/                    
 90                     if (propertyIterator.hasNext()) {
 91                         csvFileOutputStream.write(",");
 92                     }
 93                 }
 94                 if (iterator.hasNext()) {
 95                     csvFileOutputStream.newLine();
 96                 }
 97             }
 98             csvFileOutputStream.flush();
 99         } catch (Exception e) {
100             e.printStackTrace();
101         } finally {
102             try {
103                 csvFileOutputStream.close();
104             } catch (IOException e) {
105                 e.printStackTrace();
106             }
107         }
108         return csvFile;
109     }
111     /**
112      * 下载文件
113      * 
114      * @param response
115      * @param csvFilePath
116      *            文件路径
117      * @param fileName
118      *            文件名称
119      * @throws IOException
120      */
121     public static void exportFile(HttpServletRequest request,
122             HttpServletResponse response, String csvFilePath, String fileName)
123             throws IOException {
124         response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
125         response.setContentType("application/csv;charset=GBK");
127         response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="
128                 + new String(fileName.getBytes("GB2312"), "ISO8859-1"));
129         InputStream in = null;
130         try {
131             in = new FileInputStream(csvFilePath);
132             int len = 0;
133             byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
134             OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
135             while ((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
136                 out.write(buffer, 0, len);
137             }
138         } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
139             System.out.println(e1);
140         } finally {
141             if (in != null) {
142                 try {
143                     in.close();
144                 } catch (Exception e1) {
145                     throw new RuntimeException(e1);
146                 }
147             }
148         }
149     }
151     /**
152      * 删除该目录filePath下的所有文件
153      * 
154      * @param filePath
155      *            文件目录路径
156      */
157     public static void deleteFiles(String filePath) {
158         File file = new File(filePath);
159         if (file.exists()) {
160             File[] files = file.listFiles();
161             for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
162                 if (files[i].isFile()) {
163                     files[i].delete();
164                 }
165             }
166         }
167     }
169     /**
170      * 删除单个文件
171      * 
172      * @param filePath
173      *            文件目录路径
174      * @param fileName
175      *            文件名称
176      */
177     public static void deleteFile(String filePath, String fileName) {
178         File file = new File(filePath);
179         if (file.exists()) {
180             File[] files = file.listFiles();
181             for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
182                 if (files[i].isFile()) {
183                     if (files[i].getName().equals(fileName)) {
184                         files[i].delete();
185                         return;
186                     }
187                 }
188             }
189         }
190     }
192     @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
193     @Test
194     public void createFileTest() {
195         List exportData = new ArrayList<Map>();
196         Map row1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
197         row1.put("1", "11");
198         row1.put("2", "12");
199         row1.put("3", "13");
200         row1.put("4", "14");
201         exportData.add(row1);
202         row1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
203         row1.put("1", "21");
204         row1.put("2", "22");
205         row1.put("3", "23");
206         row1.put("4", "24");
207         exportData.add(row1);
208         LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap();
209         map.put("1", "第一列");
210         map.put("2", "第二列");
211         map.put("3", "第三列");
212         map.put("4", "第四列");
214         String path = "d:/export";
215         String fileName = "文件导出";
216         File file = CSVUtil.createCSVFile(exportData, map, path, fileName);
217         String fileNameNew = file.getName();
218         String pathNew = file.getPath();
219         System.out.println("文件名称:" + fileNameNew );
220         System.out.println("文件路径:" + pathNew );
221     }
222 }//注:BeanUtils.getProperty(row,(String) propertyEntry.getKey()) + "\\t" ,只为解决数字格式超过15位后,在Excel中打开展示科学记数问题。



以上是关于easyexcel: The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

01-复杂度2 Maximum Subsequence Sum (25分)

Find the maximum(规律,大数)

Find the Maximum sum

consider increasing the maximum size of the cache.

consider increasing the maximum size of the cache

1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum (25分) 求最大连续区间和