Posted 他乡一故知
a=input() b=input() a=int(a) b=int(b) temp=a a=b b=temp print("%d %d"%(a,b))
while true: a,x,b=input().split() a=int(a) b=int(b) if x=="+": print(a+b) elif x=="-": print(a-b) elif x=="*": print(a*b) elif x=="/": print(a/b) else: print("不支持此算法")
import math print("输入直角边a:") x=input() print("输入直角边b:") y=input() x=int(x) y=int(y) z=math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) print("斜边长度为:") print(z)
import random player_input = input("请输入(0剪刀、1石头、2布:)") player = int(player_input) computer = random.randint(0,2) if (player == 0 and computer == 2) or (player == 1 and computer == 0)\\ or (player == 2 and computer == 1): print("电脑出的是%s,恭喜,你赢了!"%computer) elif (player == 0 and computer == 0) or (player == 1 and computer == 1)\\ or (player == 2 and computer == 2): print("电脑出的是%s,平局!"%computer) else: print("电脑出的是%s,你输了!"%computer)
ticket=1 knife_length=9 if ticket==1: print("There are tickets available for the station.") if knife_length<10: print("Through the security check." ) print("I will see her.") else: print("Don\'t go through security.") print("The knife over the limit.") else: print("You can\'t get in without a ticket.") print("See you next time.")
year=int(input("please input the year:")) month=int(input("please input the month:")) day=int(input("please input the day:")) day_month=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] if day>31 or month>12: print("please input the correct format") else: if year%400==0 or (year%4==0 and year%100!=0): day_month[1]=28 if month==1: print("You were born on the %dth day of the year"%day) else: print("You were born on the %dth day of the year"%(sum(day_month[0:month-1])+day))