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<?php include('header.php'); ?>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>">
<table class="filters">
<td>From:<input type="text" name="fromDate" id="fromDate" style="width:100px"></td>
<td>To:<input type="text" name="toDate" id="toDate" style="width:100px"></td>
<td><div class="ui-widget"><input id="customers" name="Cno" placeholder="Customer Name"></div></td>
<?php /*<td><input type="text" oninput="showCustomers(this.value)" placeholder="Search here" name="CustomerNo" /> <select name="Cno">
$sql2 = 'SELECT Customer_Name as Cname,No from customers order by Customer_Name';
$result2 = mysqli_query($connection, $sql2);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result2) > 0) {
?><option value="">Customer Name</option><?php
// output data of each row
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) { ?>
<option value="<?php
echo $row2['No']; ?>"><?php echo $row2["Cname"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?></td>*/?>
<select name="alldata">
<option value="">All</option>
<option value="Yes">I want all Data</option>
<select name="Gno">
<?php $sql = 'SELECT customergroup.gdesc as Gname,Gno from customergroup';
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
?><option value="">Customer Group</option><?php
// output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<option value="<?php
echo $row['Gno']; ?>"><?php echo $row["Gname"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td><select name="Ano">
<?php $sql = 'SELECT accountant.Name as Aname,No from accountant';
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
?><option value="">FollowUp By</option><?php
// output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<option value="<?php
echo $row['No']; ?>"><?php echo $row["Aname"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?><select name="Sno">
$sql = 'SELECT Name as Sname,No from salesman';
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
?><option value="">Salesman Name</option><?php
// output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<option value="<?php
echo $row['No']; ?>"><?php echo $row["Sname"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?></td>
<td><select name="statNo">
$sql2 = 'SELECT * from status';
$result2 = mysqli_query($connection, $sql2);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result2) > 0) {
?><option value="">Status</option><?php
// output data of each row
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) { ?>
<option value="<?php
echo $row2['Sno']; ?>"><?php echo $row2["desc"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?></td>
<td>Contacted on:<input type="text" name="lastDate" id="lastDate" style="width:100px"><br />Changed on<input type="text" name="changedOn" id="changedOn" style="width:100px"></td>
<td><select name="UserName">
$sql = 'SELECT user,admin.Number from admin order by user';
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { ?>
<option value="">Edited By</option>
<?php // output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<option value="<?php
echo $row['user']; ?>"><?php echo $row["user"]; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<select name="sortby" onchange="showReceivable(this.value)">
<option value="">Sort By</option>
<option value="InvoiceNo">InvoiceNo</option>
<option value="InvoiceDate">Invoice Date</option>
<option value="CustomerName">Customer Name</option>
<td><button class="btn" type="submit" value="Create Report" name="readFile"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Search</button></td>
$fromDate = $_POST["fromDate"] ;
$toDate = $_POST["toDate"];
$Cname = $_POST["Cno"];
$sql = "SELECT No from customers where Customer_Name = '$Cname'";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$Cno = $row["No"];
$Ano = $_POST["Ano"];
$Gno = $_POST["Gno"];
$Sno = $_POST["Sno"];
$statNo = $_POST["statNo"];
$alldata = $_POST["alldata"];
$lastDate = $_POST["lastDate"];
$UserName = $_POST["UserName"];
$sql = "SELECT detail.First_Contacted,detail.No as Dno,detail.Invoice_no,detail.Invoice_date,detail.Invoice_amount,detail.Cheque_expected,detail.Last_contacted,customers.Customer_Name as Cname,accountant.Name as Aname,salesman.Name as Sname,detail.Comments,status.desc,customers.No,detail.InsertedBy,detail.Groupno,customergroup.Gno,customergroup.gdesc as Gname FROM status,detail,customers,salesman,accountant,customergroup where detail.Customer_No=customers.No and detail.Accountant_No=accountant.No and detail.Salesman_No=salesman.No and detail.StatusNo=status.Sno and detail.Groupno=customergroup.Gno";
if( $fromDate!="" )
$sql.=" and Cheque_expected >= '$fromDate'";
if( $toDate!="" )
$sql.=" and Cheque_expected <= '$toDate'";
if( $Sno!="" )
$sql.=" and detail.Salesman_No='$Sno'";
if( $Cno!="" )
$sql.=" and detail.Customer_No='$Cno'";
$sql.=" and detail.Accountant_No='$Ano'";
$sql.=" and detail.Groupno='$Gno'";
$sql.=" and detail.StatusNo='$statNo'";
$sql.=" and detail.Last_contacted='$lastDate'";
$sql.=" and detail.InsertedBy='$UserName'";
$changedOn=date( 'd M Y', strtotime($changedOn) );
$sql.=" and ChangeTime like '$changedOn%'";
$sql = "SELECT detail.First_Contacted,detail.Comments,status.desc,customers.No,detail.InsertedBy,detail.No as Dno,detail.Invoice_no,detail.Invoice_date,detail.Invoice_amount,detail.Cheque_expected,detail.Last_contacted,detail.Status,customers.Customer_Name as Cname,accountant.Name as Aname,salesman.Name as Sname FROM status,detail,customers,salesman,accountant where detail.Customer_No=customers.No and detail.Accountant_No=accountant.No and detail.Salesman_No=salesman.No and detail.StatusNo=status.Sno and detail.Groupno=customergroup.Gno";
if( $Ano!="" || $Gno!="" || $Sno!="" || $Cno!="" || $alldata!="" || isset( $_POST["readFile"]) || $fromDate!="" || $toDate!="" ){
$_SESSION["query"] = $sql;
if( isset($_SESSION["query"]) ){
$sql = $_SESSION["query"];
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
// output data of each row ?>
<div id="Sortlisting">
<table border="1" class="report">
<th>Invoice Date</th>
<th>Invoice Number</th>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th>Invoice Amount</th>
<th>Customer Group</th>
<th>Follow Up by</th>
<th>Next Follow-up Date</th>
<th>Last Contacted</th>
<th>Follow-up Days</th>
<th>Edit All</th>
<!--<th>Inserted By</th>-->
<?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if( ( $row["desc"]==("Received"||"Cancelled")&&isset($UserName)&&!empty($UserName) )||($row["desc"]!=="Received"&&$row["desc"]!=="Cancelled")||( $row["desc"]==("Received"||"Cancelled") &&isset($statNo)&&!empty($statNo) ) ){ ?>
<td><?php echo date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Invoice_date"])); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Invoice_no"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Cname"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Invoice_amount"];
$totalAmount += $row["Invoice_amount"];
<td><?php echo $row["Gname"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Sname"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Aname"]; ?></td>
if((date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Cheque_expected"]))=='01/01/70')||(date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Cheque_expected"]))=='31/12/69'))
echo '-';
echo date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Cheque_expected"])); ?></td>
if((date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Last_contacted"]))=='01/01/70')||(date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Last_contacted"]))=='31/12/69'))
echo '-';
echo date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["Last_contacted"])); ?></td>
if((date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["First_Contacted"]))=='01/01/70')||(date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["First_Contacted"]))=='31/12/69')||(date( 'd/m/y', strtotime($row["First_Contacted"]))=='00/00/00'))
echo '-';
else {
$diff = time() - strtotime($row["First_Contacted"]);
echo floor($diff / (60 * 60 * 24));
} ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["desc"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["Comments"]; ?></td>
<td><a href="/edit.php?id=<?php echo $row['Dno']; ?>"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a></td>
<td><a href="/copy.php?id=<?php echo $row['Dno']; ?>"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></a></td>
<td><a href="/editAll.php?id=<?php echo $row['Dno']; ?>"><i class="fa fa-fax"></i></a></td>
<?php /*$no=$row["Dno"]; $sqlquery="delete.php?id=$no"; ?>
<td><button type="button" onclick='confirmDelete("<?php echo $sqlquery; ?>")'><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></button></td><?php */ ?>
<!--<td><?php// echo $row["InsertedBy"]; ?></td>-->
<?php if($totalAmount){ ?>
<tr style="background-color: #70a793;">
<td>Total Amount</td>
<?php for($cnt=0;$cnt<2;$cnt++) { ?>
<td> </td>
<?php } ?>
<td><?php echo $totalAmount; ?></td>
<?php for($cnt=0;$cnt<11;$cnt++) { ?>
<td> </td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<td colspan="14"><?php echo "No Data Found!";?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else {
echo "0 results";
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