LeetCode 885. Spiral Matrix III
Posted Dylan_Java_NYC
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了LeetCode 885. Spiral Matrix III相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
On a 2 dimensional grid with R
rows and C
columns, we start at (r0, c0)
facing east.
Here, the north-west corner of the grid is at the first row and column, and the south-east corner of the grid is at the last row and column.
Now, we walk in a clockwise spiral shape to visit every position in this grid.
Whenever we would move outside the boundary of the grid, we continue our walk outside the grid (but may return to the grid boundary later.)
Eventually, we reach all R * C
spaces of the grid.
Return a list of coordinates representing the positions of the grid in the order they were visited.
Example 1:
Input: R = 1, C = 4, r0 = 0, c0 = 0
Output: [[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3]]

Example 2:
Input: R = 5, C = 6, r0 = 1, c0 = 4
Output: [[1,4],[1,5],[2,5],[2,4],[2,3],[1,3],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[3,5],[3,4],[3,3],[3,2],[2,2],[1,2],[0,2],[4,5],[4,4],[4,3],[4,2],[4,1],[3,1],[2,1],[1,1],[0,1],[4,0],[3,0],[2,0],[1,0],[0,0]]

1 <= R <= 100
1 <= C <= 100
0 <= r0 < R
0 <= c0 < C
At the beginning, turn at 1 and 1, then 2 and 2, then 3 and 3, and goes on.
Thus, we need to figure out the loop relationship.
Every 2 times, we goes into the repeated steps. When finishing repeated steps, turn.
After 2 times, increase repeated steps.
With this, we know 2 times loop is outside repeated steps loop.
Time Complexity: O(R * C).
Space: O(1). regardless res.
AC Java:
1 class Solution { 2 int [][] dirs = new int[][]{{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}}; 3 4 public int[][] spiralMatrixIII(int R, int C, int r0, int c0) { 5 int [][] res = new int[R * C][2]; 6 if(R == 0 || C == 0){ 7 return res; 8 } 9 10 res[0] = new int[]{r0, c0}; 11 12 int count = 1; 13 int index = 0; 14 int k = 1; 15 while(count < R * C){ 16 for(int j = 0; j<2; j++){ 17 int [] dir = dirs[index % 4]; 18 for(int i = 0; i<k; i++){ 19 r0 += dir[0]; 20 c0 += dir[1]; 21 if(r0 >= 0 && r0 < R && c0 >=0 && c0 < C){ 22 res[count++] = new int[]{r0, c0}; 23 } 24 } 25 26 index++; 27 } 28 29 k++; 30 } 31 32 return res; 33 } 34 }
以上是关于LeetCode 885. Spiral Matrix III的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
[LeetCode] 885. Spiral Matrix III 螺旋矩阵之三