Posted axianzZ
- PC上电后,自动进入实模式(实模式就是寄存器都是16位的,最大寻址范围是1M,最大分段是64KB),从地址0xFFFF0开始执行,这里一般都是ROM-Bios的地址。
- BIOS加载第一个扇区(引导扇区,512字节)的程序(bootsect.s)到绝对地址0x7C00处,并跳转到这个地方执行。
- bootsect.s先把自己移动到0x90000(给system模块腾位置),然后加载引导扇区后面四个扇区(2KB)的setup.s读到0x90200,最后加载system模块到0x1000(64KB)处。
- setup.s把system移动到0地址处,至于为啥一开始不移动?因为开始部分还有BIOS的一些中断程序,有用。然后获取机器的一些参数,这里就用到了BIOS的中断,最后进入保护模式,跳转到head.s
- head.s主要初始化256项门描述符和内存页目录表,然后跳转到system模块的main.c处执行
! ! SYS_SIZE is the number of clicks (16 bytes) to be loaded. ! 0x3000 is 0x30000 bytes = 196kB, more than enough for current ! versions of linux ! SYSSIZE = 0x3000 ! ! bootsect.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds ! ! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves ! iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there. ! ! It then loads \'setup\' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system ! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. ! ! NOTE! currently system is at most 8*65536 bytes long. This should be no ! problem, even in the future. I want to keep it simple. This 512 kB ! kernel size should be enough, especially as this doesn\'t contain the ! buffer cache as in minix ! ! The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos ! read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It ! loads pretty fast by getting whole sectors at a time whenever possible. .globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss .text begtext: .data begdata: .bss begbss: .text SETUPLEN = 4 ! nr of setup-sectors BOOTSEG = 0x07c0 ! original address of boot-sector INITSEG = 0x9000 ! we move boot here - out of the way SETUPSEG = 0x9020 ! setup starts here SYSSEG = 0x1000 ! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536). ENDSEG = SYSSEG + SYSSIZE ! where to stop loading ! ROOT_DEV: 0x000 - same type of floppy as boot. ! 0x301 - first partition on first drive etc ROOT_DEV = 0x306 entry _start !将bootsect.s从0x07c0移动到0x9000 _start: mov ax,#BOOTSEG mov ds,ax mov ax,#INITSEG mov es,ax mov cx,#256 sub si,si sub di,di rep movw jmpi go,INITSEG ! cs:代码段寄存器 ds:数据段寄存器 es:扩展段寄存器 ss:栈首地址 sp:栈偏移地址 ! 设置相关寄存器 go: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax ! put stack at 0x9ff00. mov ss,ax mov sp,#0xFF00 ! arbitrary value >>512 ! load the setup-sectors directly after the bootblock. ! Note that \'es\' is already set up. !读取扇区通过中断int13 02子功能 成功CF=0 load_setup: mov dx,#0x0000 ! drive 0, head 0 mov cx,#0x0002 ! sector 2, track 0 mov bx,#0x0200 ! address = 512, in INITSEG mov ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN ! service 2, nr of sectors int 0x13 ! read it jnc ok_load_setup ! ok - continue mov dx,#0x0000 mov ax,#0x0000 ! reset the diskette int 0x13 j load_setup ok_load_setup: ! 获取驱动器参数 ! Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/track mov dl,#0x00 mov ax,#0x0800 ! AH=8 is get drive parameters int 0x13 ! 控制器驱动诊断 mov ch,#0x00 seg cs mov sectors,cx mov ax,#INITSEG mov es,ax ! 显示信息 ! Print some inane message mov ah,#0x03 ! read cursor pos xor bh,bh int 0x10 mov cx,#24 mov bx,#0x0007 ! page 0, attribute 7 (normal) mov bp,#msg1 mov ax,#0x1301 ! write string, move cursor int 0x10 ! 加载系统模块到0X10000处 ! ok, we\'ve written the message, now ! we want to load the system (at 0x10000) mov ax,#SYSSEG mov es,ax ! segment of 0x010000 call read_it call kill_motor ! 关闭驱动器马达 ! After that we check which root-device to use. If the device is ! defined (!= 0), nothing is done and the given device is used. ! Otherwise, either /dev/PS0 (2,28) or /dev/at0 (2,8), depending ! on the number of sectors that the BIOS reports currently. ! 检查使用哪个设备号 seg cs mov ax,root_dev cmp ax,#0 jne root_defined seg cs mov bx,sectors mov ax,#0x0208 ! /dev/ps0 - 1.2Mb cmp bx,#15 je root_defined mov ax,#0x021c ! /dev/PS0 - 1.44Mb cmp bx,#18 je root_defined undef_root: jmp undef_root root_defined: seg cs mov root_dev,ax ! after that (everyting loaded), we jump to ! the setup-routine loaded directly after ! the bootblock: jmpi 0,SETUPSEG ! This routine loads the system at address 0x10000, making sure ! no 64kB boundaries are crossed. We try to load it as fast as ! possible, loading whole tracks whenever we can. ! ! in: es - starting address segment (normally 0x1000) ! sread: .word 1+SETUPLEN ! sectors read of current track head: .word 0 ! current head track: .word 0 ! current track ! 用于读取system模块 read_it: mov ax,es test ax,#0x0fff die: jne die ! es must be at 64kB boundary xor bx,bx ! bx is starting address within segment rp_read: mov ax,es cmp ax,#ENDSEG ! have we loaded all yet? jb ok1_read ret ok1_read: seg cs mov ax,sectors sub ax,sread mov cx,ax shl cx,#9 add cx,bx jnc ok2_read je ok2_read xor ax,ax sub ax,bx shr ax,#9 ok2_read: ! 读取当前磁道cl的扇区数(al)到es:bx处 call read_track mov cx,ax add ax,sread seg cs cmp ax,sectors jne ok3_read mov ax,#1 sub ax,head jne ok4_read inc track ok4_read: mov head,ax xor ax,ax ok3_read: mov sread,ax shl cx,#9 add bx,cx jnc rp_read mov ax,es add ax,#0x1000 mov es,ax xor bx,bx jmp rp_read ! 读当前磁道上指定扇区和需读扇区数到es:bx处 read_track: push ax push bx push cx push dx mov dx,track mov cx,sread inc cx mov ch,dl mov dx,head mov dh,dl mov dl,#0 and dx,#0x0100 mov ah,#2 int 0x13 jc bad_rt pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret bad_rt: mov ax,#0 mov dx,#0 int 0x13 pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax jmp read_track !/* ! * This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so ! * that we enter the kernel in a known state, and ! * don\'t have to worry about it later. ! */ kill_motor: push dx mov dx,#0x3f2 mov al,#0 outb pop dx ret sectors: .word 0 msg1: .byte 13,10 .ascii "Loading system ..." .byte 13,10,13,10 .org 508 root_dev: .word ROOT_DEV boot_flag: .word 0xAA55 .text endtext: .data enddata: .bss endbss:

! ! setup.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds ! ! setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS, ! and putting them into the appropriate places in system memory. ! both setup.s and system has been loaded by the bootblock. ! ! This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters, and ! puts them in a "safe" place: 0x90000-0x901FF, ie where the ! boot-block used to be. It is then up to the protected mode ! system to read them from there before the area is overwritten ! for buffer-blocks. ! ! 这段代码主要是读取bios的相关参数,放到临时地址: 0x90000-0x901FF,后面system会读取 ! NOTE! These had better be the same as in bootsect.s! INITSEG = 0x9000 ! we move boot here - out of the way SYSSEG = 0x1000 ! system loaded at 0x10000 (65536). SETUPSEG = 0x9020 ! this is the current segment .globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss .text begtext: .data begdata: .bss begbss: .text entry start start: ! 0x90000 2 光标位置 ! ok, the read went well so we get current cursor position and save it for ! posterity. mov ax,#INITSEG ! this is done in bootsect already, but... mov ds,ax mov ah,#0x03 ! read cursor pos xor bh, int 0x10 ! save it in known place, con_init fetches mov [0],dx ! it from 0x90000. ! Get memory size (extended mem, kB) ! 0x90002 2 扩展内存数 mov ah,#0x88 int 0x15 mov [2],ax ! Get video-card data: ! 0x90004 2 显示页面 ! 0x90006 1 显示模式 ! 0x90007 1 字符列数 mov ah,#0x0f int 0x10 mov [4],bx ! bh = display page mov [6],ax ! al = video mode, ah = window width ! check for EGA/VGA and some config parameters ! 0x90008 2 ?? ! 0x9000A 1 显示内存 ! 0x9000B 1 显示状态 ! 0x9000C 2 显卡特性参数 mov ah,#0x12 mov bl,#0x10 int 0x10 mov [8],ax mov [10],bx mov [12],cx ! Get hd0 data ! 0x90080 16 硬盘参数表 第1个 mov ax,#0x0000 mov ds,ax lds si,[4*0x41] mov ax,#INITSEG mov es,ax mov di,#0x0080 mov cx,#0x10 rep movsb ! Get hd1 data ! 0x90090 16 硬盘参数表 第2个 没有则清零 mov ax,#0x0000 mov ds,ax lds si,[4*0x46] mov ax,#INITSEG mov es,ax mov di,#0x0090 mov cx,#0x10 rep movsb ! Check that there IS a hd1 :-) mov ax,#0x01500 mov dl,#0x81 int 0x13 jc no_disk1 cmp ah,#3 je is_disk1 no_disk1: mov ax,#INITSEG mov es,ax mov di,#0x0090 mov cx,#0x10 mov ax,#0x00 rep stosb is_disk1: ! now we want to move to protected mode ... cli ! no interrupts allowed ! ! first we move the system to it\'s rightful place ! 移动system从 0x10000 到0x0000 mov ax,#0x0000 cld ! \'direction\'=0, movs moves forward do_move: mov es,ax ! destination segment add ax,#0x1000 cmp ax,#0x9000 jz end_move mov ds,ax ! source segment sub di,di sub si,si mov cx,#0x8000 rep movsw jmp do_move ! then we load the segment descriptors end_move: mov ax,#SETUPSEG ! right, forgot this at first. didn\'t work :-) mov ds,ax lidt idt_48 ! load idt with 0,0 lgdt gdt_48 ! load gdt with whatever appropriate ! that was painless, now we enable A20 ! 开启A20地址线 访问超过1M call empty_8042 mov al,#0xD1 ! command write out #0x64,al call empty_8042 mov al,#0xDF ! A20 on out #0x60,al call empty_8042 ! well, that went ok, I hope. Now we have to reprogram the interrupts :-( ! we put them right after the intel-reserved hardware interrupts, at ! int 0x20-0x2F. There they won\'t mess up anything. Sadly IBM really ! messed this up with the original PC, and they haven\'t been able to ! rectify it afterwards. Thus the bios puts interrupts at 0x08-0x0f, ! which is used for the internal hardware interrupts as well. We just ! have to reprogram the 8259\'s, and it isn\'t fun. mov al,#0x11 ! initialization sequence out #0x20,al ! send it to 8259A-1 .word 0x00eb,0x00eb ! jmp $+2, jmp $+2 out #0xA0,al ! and to 8259A-2 .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0x20 ! start of hardware int\'s (0x20) out #0x21,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0x28 ! start of hardware int\'s 2 (0x28) out #0xA1,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0x04 ! 8259-1 is master out #0x21,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0x02 ! 8259-2 is slave out #0xA1,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0x01 ! 8086 mode for both out #0x21,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb out #0xA1,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb mov al,#0xFF ! mask off all interrupts for now out #0x21,al .word 0x00eb,0x00eb out #0xA1,al ! well, that certainly wasn\'t fun :-(. Hopefully it works, and we don\'t ! need no steenking BIOS anyway (except for the initial loading :-). ! The BIOS-routine wants lots of unnecessary data, and it\'s less ! "interesting" anyway. This is how REAL programmers do it. ! ! Well, now\'s the time to actually move into protected mode. To make ! things as simple as possible, we do no register set-up or anything, ! we let the gnu-compiled 32-bit programs do that. We just jump to ! absolute address 0x00000, in 32-bit protected mode. mov ax,#0x0001 ! protected mode (PE) bit lmsw ax ! This is it! jmpi 0,8 ! jmp offset 0 of segment 8 (cs) ! This routine checks that the keyboard command queue is empty ! No timeout is used - if this hangs there is something wrong with ! the machine, and we probably couldn\'t proceed anyway. empty_8042: .word 0x00eb,0x00eb in al,#0x64 ! 8042 status port test al,#2 ! is input buffer full? jnz empty_8042 ! yes - loop ret gdt: .word 0,0,0,0 ! dummy .word 0x07FF ! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb) .word 0x0000 ! base address=0 .word 0x9A00 ! code read/exec .word 0x00C0 ! granularity=4096, 386 .word 0x07FF ! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb) .word 0x0000 ! base address=0 .word 0x9200 ! data read/write .word 0x00C0 ! granularity=4096, 386 idt_48: .word 0 ! idt limit=0 .word 0,0 ! idt base=0L gdt_48: .word 0x800 ! gdt limit=2048, 256 GDT entries .word 512+gdt,0x9 ! gdt base = 0X9xxxx .text endtext: .data enddata: .bss endbss:

/* * linux/boot/head.s * * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds */ /* * head.s contains the 32-bit startup code. * * NOTE!!! Startup happens at absolute address 0x00000000, which is also where * the page directory will exist. The startup code will be overwritten by * the page directory. */ .text .globl idt,gdt,pg_dir,tmp_floppy_area pg_dir: .globl startup_32 startup_32: movl $0x10,%eax mov %ax,%ds mov %ax,%es mov %ax,%fs mov %ax,%gs lss stack_start,%esp call setup_idt call setup_gdt movl $0x10,%eax # reload all the segment registers mov %ax,%ds # after changing gdt. CS was already mov %ax,%es # reloaded in \'setup_gdt\' mov %ax,%fs mov %ax,%gs lss stack_start,%esp xorl %eax,%eax 1: incl %eax # check that A20 really IS enabled movl %eax,0x000000 # loop forever if it isn\'t cmpl %eax,0x100000 je 1b /* * NOTE! 486 should set bit 16, to check for write-protect in supervisor * mode. Then it would be unnecessary with the "verify_area()"-calls. * 486 users probably want to set the NE (#5) bit also, so as to use * int 16 for math errors. */ movl %cr0,%eax # check math chip andl $0x80000011,%eax # Save PG,PE,ET /* "orl $0x10020,%eax" here for 486 might be good */ orl $2,%eax # set MP movl %eax,%cr0 call check_x87 jmp after_page_tables /* * We depend on ET to be correct. This checks for 287/387. */ check_x87: fninit fstsw %ax cmpb $0,%al je 1f /* no coprocessor: have to set bits */ movl %cr0,%eax xorl $6,%eax /* reset MP, set EM */ movl %eax,%cr0 ret .align 2 1: .byte 0xDB,0xE4 /* fsetpm for 287, ignored by 387 */ ret /* * setup_idt * * sets up a idt with 256 entries pointing to * ignore_int, interrupt gates. It then loads * idt. Everything that wants to install itself * in the idt-table may do so themselves. Interrupts * are enabled elsewhere, when we can be relatively * sure everything is ok. This routine will be over- * written by the page tables. */ setup_idt: lea ignore_int,%edx movl $0x00080000,%eax movw %dx,%ax /* selector = 0x0008 = cs */ movw $0x8E00,%dx /* interrupt gate - dpl=0, present */ lea idt,%edi mov $256,%ecx rp_sidt: movl %eax,(%edi) movl %edx,4(%edi) addl $8,%edi dec %ecx jne rp_sidt lidt idt_descr ret /* * setup_gdt * * This routines sets up a new gdt and loads it. * Only two entries are currently built, the same * ones that were built in init.s. The routine * is VERY complicated at two whole lines, so this * rather long comment is certainly needed :-). * This routine will beoverwritten by the page tables. */ setup_gdt: lgdt gdt_descr ret /* * I put the kernel page tables right after the page directory, * using 4 of them to span 16 Mb of physical memory. People with * more than 16MB will have to expand this. */ .org 0x1000 pg0: .org 0x2000 pg1: .org 0x3000 pg2: .org 0x4000 pg3: .org 0x5000 /* * tmp_floppy_area is used by the floppy-driver when DMA cannot * reach to a buffer-block. It needs to be aligned, so that it isn\'t * on a 64kB border. */ tmp_floppy_area: .fill 1024,1,0 after_page_tables: pushl $0 # These are the parameters to main :-) pushl $0 pushl $0 pushl $L6 # return address for main, if it decides to. pushl $main jmp setup_paging L6: jmp L6 # main should never return here, but # just in case, we know what happens. /* This is the default interrupt "handler" :-) */ int_msg: .asciz "Unknown interrupt\\n\\r" .align 2 ignore_int: pushl %eax pushl %ecx pushl %edx push %ds push %es push %fs movl $0x10,%eax mov %ax,%ds mov %ax,%es mov %ax,%fs pushl $int_msg call printk popl %eax pop %fs pop %es pop %ds popl %edx popl %ecx popl %eax iret /* * Setup_paging * * This routine sets up paging by setting the page bit * in cr0. The page tables are set up, identity-mapping * the first 16MB. The pager assumes that no illegal * addresses are produced (ie >4Mb on a 4Mb machine). * * NOTE! Although all physical memory should be identity * mapped by this routine, only the kernel page functions * use the >1Mb addresses directly. All "normal" functions * use just the lower 1Mb, or the local data space, which * will be mapped to some other place - mm keeps track of * that. * * For those with more memory than 16 Mb - tough luck. I\'ve * not got it, why should you :-) The source is here. Change * it. (Seriously - it shouldn\'t be too difficult. Mostly * change some constants etc. I left it at 16Mb, as my machine * even cannot be extended past that (ok, but it was cheap :-) * I\'ve tried to show which constants to change by having * some kind of marker at them (search for "16Mb"), but I * won\'t guarantee that\'s all :-( ) */ .align 2 setup_paging: movl $1024*5,%ecx /* 5 pages - pg_dir+4 page tables */ xorl %eax,%eax xorl %edi,%edi /* pg_dir is at 0x000 */ cld;rep;stosl movl $pg0+7,pg_dir /* set present bit/user r/w */ movl $pg1+7,pg_dir+4 /* --------- " " --------- */ movl $pg2+7,pg_dir+8 /* --------- " " --------- */ movl $pg3+7,pg_dir+12 /* --------- " " --------- */ movl $pg3+4092,%edi movl $0xfff007,%eax /* 16Mb - 4096 + 7 (r/w user,p) */ std 1: stosl /* fill pages backwards - more efficient :-) */ subl $0x1000,%eax jge 1b xorl %eax,%eax /* pg_dir is at 0x0000 */ movl %eax,%cr3 /* cr3 - page directory start */ movl %cr0,%eax orl $0x80000000,%eax movl %eax,%cr0 /* set paging (PG) bit */ ret /* this also flushes prefetch-queue */ .align 2 .word 0 idt_descr: .word 256*8-1 # idt contains 256 entries .long idt .align 2 .word 0 gdt_descr: .word 256*8-1 # so does gdt (not that that\'s any .long gdt # magic number, but it works for me :^) .align 8 idt: .fill 256,8,0 # idt is uninitialized gdt: .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* NULL descriptor */ .quad 0x00c09a0000000fff /* 16Mb */ .quad 0x00c0920000000fff /* 16Mb */ .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* TEMPORARY - don\'t use */ .fill 252,8,0 /* space for LDT\'s and TSS\'s etc */