Posted lida2003
前面了解了三种消息中间件中的一种uORB消息中间件,接下来看下MAVLink(Micro Air Vehicle Link,微型空中飞行器链路通讯协议)中间件。
1. MAVLink(PX4)应用简介
34 set(MAVLINK_DIALECT "development") # standard, development, etc
2. MAVLink v2.0新特性
- 24 bit message ID - 支持2^24=16,777,216个消息定义(MAVLink v1.0仅支持256个)
- Packet signing - 支持信任签名机制,保证系统的可靠性。
- Message extensions - 新增字段并兼容支持之前的版本。
- Empty-byte payload truncation - 在发送之前,必须删除序列化负载末尾的空(零填充)字节(所有字节都在MAVLink 1中发送,而不管内容如何)。
- Compatibility Flags/Incompatibility Flags - 报文尝试解释和直接丢弃标记功能
3. MAVLink协议版本
- MAVLink 2.0: 当前/推荐 主要版本,于2017年开始采用。
- MAVLink v1.0: 广泛应用于2013年,目前仍有大量存量设备采用上述协议。
- If the system supports MAVLink 2 and the handshake it will respond with PROTOCOL_VERSION encoded as MAVLink 2 packet.
- If it does not support MAVLink 2 it should NACK the command.
- The GCS should fall back to a timeout in case the command interface is not implemented properly.
4. MAVLink通信协议帧
4.1 MAVLink v1.0 帧格式

Byte Index | C version | Content | Value | Explanation |
0 | uint8_t magic | Packet start marker | 0xFE | Protocol-specific start-of-text (STX) marker used to indicate the beginning of a new packet. Any system that does not understand protocol version will skip the packet. |
1 | uint8_t len | Payload length | 0 - 255 | Indicates length of the following payload section (fixed for a particular message). |
2 | uint8_t seq | Packet sequence number | 0 - 255 | Used to detect packet loss. Components increment value for each message sent. |
3 | uint8_t sysid | System ID | 1 - 255 | ID of system (vehicle) sending the message. Used to differentiate systems on network. Note that the broadcast address 0 may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address. |
4 | uint8_t compid | Component ID | 1 - 255 | ID of component sending the message. Used to differentiate components in a system (e.g. autopilot and a camera). Use appropriate values in MAV_COMPONENT. Note that the broadcast address MAV_COMP_ID_ALL may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address. |
5 | uint8_t msgid | Message ID | 0 - 255 | ID of message type in payload. Used to decode data back into message object. |
5+n | uint8_t payload[max 255] | Payload data | Message data. Content depends on message type (i.e. Message ID). | |
(6+n) to (7+n) | uint16_t checksum | Checksum (low byte, high byte) | CRC-16/MCRF4XX for message (excluding magic byte). Includes CRC_EXTRA byte. |
- 最小包8字节(acknowledgment packets without payload)
- 最长包263字节
4.2 MAVLink 2.0 帧格式
Byte Index | C version | Content | Value | Explanation |
0 | uint8_t magic | Packet start marker | 0xFD | Protocol-specific start-of-text (STX) marker used to indicate the beginning of a new packet. Any system that does not understand protocol version will skip the packet. |
1 | uint8_t len | Payload length | 0 - 255 | Indicates length of the following payload section. This may be affected by payload truncation. |
2 | uint8_t incompat_flags | Incompatibility Flags | Flags that must be understood for MAVLink compatibility (implementation discards packet if it does not understand flag). | |
3 | uint8_t compat_flags | Compatibility Flags | Flags that can be ignored if not understood (implementation can still handle packet even if it does not understand flag). | |
4 | uint8_t seq | Packet sequence number | 0 - 255 | Used to detect packet loss. Components increment value for each message sent. |
5 | uint8_t sysid | System ID (sender) | 1 - 255 | ID of system (vehicle) sending the message. Used to differentiate systems on network. Note that the broadcast address 0 may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address. |
6 | uint8_t compid | Component ID (sender) | 1 - 255 | ID of component sending the message. Used to differentiate components in a system (e.g. autopilot and a camera). Use appropriate values in MAV_COMPONENT. Note that the broadcast address MAV_COMP_ID_ALL may not be used in this field as it is an invalid source address. |
7 to 9 | uint32_t msgid:24 | Message ID (low, middle, high bytes) | 0 - 16777215 | ID of message type in payload. Used to decode data back into message object. |
9+n | uint8_t payload[max 255] | Payload | Message data. Depends on message type (i.e. Message ID) and contents. | |
(10+n) to (11+n) | uint16_t checksum | Checksum (low byte, high byte) | CRC-16/MCRF4XX for message (excluding magic byte). Includes CRC_EXTRA byte. | |
(n+12) to (n+25) | uint8_t signature[13] | Signature | (Optional) Signature to ensure the link is tamper-proof. |
- 最小包12字节(acknowledgment packets without payload)
- 最长包280字节(a signed message that uses the whole payload)
5. MAVLink 签名报文
MAVLink 2.0 packet signing proposal
5.1 签名报文帧格式
带签名的包incompatibility flag field的第一位0x01置位,最后的13 字节签名追加到报文最后面。
Data | Description |
linkID (8 bits) | ID of link on which packet is sent. Normally this is the same as the channel. |
timestamp (48 bits) | Timestamp in 10 microsecond units since 1st January 2015 GMT time. This must monotonically increase for every message on a particular link. Note that means the timestamp may get ahead of the actual time if the packet rate averages more than 100,000 packets per second. |
signature (48 bits) | A 48 bit signature for the packet, based on the complete packet, timestamp, and secret key. |
5.1.1 Link IDs (链路ID)
5.1.2 Timestamp (时间戳)
48位时间戳的单位是10us,计算时间从2015年1月1日(GMT)开始。每个stream流,后到报文必须比前面的报文时间晚, 以确保系统报文的前后顺序。
5.1.3 Signature (签名)
48位签名采用SHA-256 hash,计算方法如下:
signature = sha256_48(secret_key + header + payload + CRC + link-ID + timestamp)
5.2 签名报文有效性判断
- 同一链路内报文时间戳晚于之前报文。
- 同一链路内报文时间前后相差1分钟 (6,000,000us) 。
- 48位签名计算值与报文签名不符。
5.3 非签名报文处理建议
- 通过安全通道的非签名报文可以都接收(比如:有线连接USB,Ethernet )。
- 根据系统具体参数接收所有非签名报文。
- 在非签名报文模式,接收所有非签名报文(也许报文是硬件触发消息,比如:boot按钮)。
- 无条件接收所有非签名报文直到收到签名报文后,进入严格的签名报文有效性验证。
5.4 错误签名报文处理建议
5.5 秘钥管理
6. 参考资料
【1】MAVLink Messaging
【3】MAVLink Git代码