Posted elim168
- if
- choose(when,otherwise)
- trim
- where
- set
- foreach

- <select id="dynamicIfTest" parameterType="Blog" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog where 11 = 1
- <if test="title != null">
- and title = #title
- </if>
- <if test="content != null">
- and content = #content
- </if>
- <if test="owner != null">
- and owner = #owner
- </if>
- </select>
choose元素的作用就相当于JAVA中的switch语句,基本上跟JSTL中的choose的作用和用法是一样的,通常都是与when和otherwise搭配的。看如下一个例子: Xml代码

- <select id="dynamicChooseTest" parameterType="Blog" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog where 11 = 1
- <choose>
- <when test="title != null">
- and title = #title
- </when>
- <when test="content != null">
- and content = #content
- </when>
- <otherwise>
- and owner = "owner1"
- </otherwise>
- </choose>
- </select>
where语句的作用主要是简化SQL语句中where中的条件判断的,先看一个例子,再解释一下where的好处。 Xml代码

- <select id="dynamicWhereTest" parameterType="Blog" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog
- <where>
- <if test="title != null">
- title = #title
- </if>
- <if test="content != null">
- and content = #content
- </if>
- <if test="owner != null">
- and owner = #owner
- </if>
- </where>
- </select>
trim元素的主要功能是可以在自己包含的内容前加上某些前缀,也可以在其后加上某些后缀,与之对应的属性是prefix和suffix;可以把包含内容的首部某些内容覆盖,即忽略,也可以把尾部的某些内容覆盖,对应的属性是prefixOverrides和suffixOverrides;正因为trim有这样的功能,所以我们也可以非常简单的利用trim来代替where元素的功能,示例代码如下: Xml代码

- <select id="dynamicTrimTest" parameterType="Blog" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog
- <trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and |or">
- <if test="title != null">
- title = #title
- </if>
- <if test="content != null">
- and content = #content
- </if>
- <if test="owner != null">
- or owner = #owner
- </if>
- </trim>
- </select>

- <update id="dynamicSetTest" parameterType="Blog">
- update t_blog
- <set>
- <if test="title != null">
- title = #title,
- </if>
- <if test="content != null">
- content = #content,
- </if>
- <if test="owner != null">
- owner = #owner
- </if>
- </set>
- where id = #id
- </update>
- 如果传入的是单参数且参数类型是一个List的时候,collection属性值为list
- 如果传入的是单参数且参数类型是一个array数组的时候,collection的属性值为array
- 如果传入的参数是多个的时候,我们就需要把它们封装成一个Map了,当然单参数也可以封装成map,实际上如果你在传入参数的时候,在MyBatis里面也是会把它封装成一个Map的,map的key就是参数名,所以这个时候collection属性值就是传入的List或array对象在自己封装的map里面的key

- <select id="dynamicForeachTest" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog where id in
- <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
- #item
- </foreach>
- </select>

- public List<Blog> dynamicForeachTest(List<Integer> ids);

- @Test
- public void dynamicForeachTest()
- SqlSession session = Util.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession();
- BlogMapper blogMapper = session.getMapper(BlogMapper.class);
- List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
- ids.add(1);
- ids.add(3);
- ids.add(6);
- List<Blog> blogs = blogMapper.dynamicForeachTest(ids);
- for (Blog blog : blogs)
- System.out.println(blog);
- session.close();

- <select id="dynamicForeach2Test" resultType="Blog">
- select * from t_blog where id in
- <foreach collection="array" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
- #item
- </foreach>
- </select>

- public List<Blog> dynamicForeach2Test(int[] ids);

- @Test
- public void dynamicForeach2Test()
- SqlSession session = Util.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession();
- BlogMapper blogMapper = session.getMapper(BlogMapper.class);
- int[] ids = new int[] 1,3,6,9;
- List<Blog> blogs = blogMapper.dynamicForeach2Test(ids);
- for (Blog blog : blogs)
- System.out.println(blog);
- session.close();