
Posted weixin_ancenhw



基于单片机的测量心率脉搏健康系统设计与摘 要


Many bad habits in our daily life, such as staying up late, eating irregularly and so on, will bring great harm to our body. Now more and more people’s physical indicators can only reach sub-health, and the problem of physical health can not be underestimated. Therefore, it is necessary to measure heart rate and pulse. This major has designed a health system that can measure heart rate and pulse. AT89C51 is the controller of the system. The internal timer interrupt program is used to calculate the time, and the external interrupt program is used to accumulate the number of heart rate and pulse. After ST188 infrared photoelectric sensor, the biological signal becomes photoelectric signal. After the timer is interrupted, through the internal and external interrupt program of the system, the measured heart rate and pulse value can be obtained through pulse accumulation within one minute. After the system has passed the display program, the measurement results can not only be displayed on LCD1602 , but also be transmitted to the mobile app for our monitoring through Bluetooth module. When the number of heart rate pulse is not in the range from the minimum value to the maximum value set by us, the system will trigger an alarm. Of course, the alarm range value can be set by ourselves and can be changed at any time.
Therefore, the analysis, research and design of the heart rate and pulse health measurement system is very meaningful. Ultimately, it will realize the heart rate and pulse measurement function, and realize our monitoring of heart rate and pulse, which is actually the monitoring of our health. The setting of alarm circuit is also to make us pay attention to the situation that is not within the health range of our setting.

Keywords:Heart rate and pulse measuring system; Single chip microcomputer; ST188 infrared photoelectric sensor

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 健康系统的发展与应用 1
第2章 心率脉搏测量系统结构 3
2.1 心率脉搏测量系统的结构 3
2.2 系统工作原理 3
第3章 硬件系统 5
3.1 控制器 5
3.1.1 AT89C51单片机 5
3.1.2 AT89C51单片机的特性 6
3.2 心率脉搏测量模块 6
3.2.1 ST188光电传感器 6
3.2.2 光电传感器模块 7
3.3 显示模块 8
3.3.1 LCD1602简介 8
3.3.2 显示电路 8
3.4 蓝牙模块 9
3.4.1 串口调试工具 9
3.5 元件清单与原理图 10
3.5.1元件清单 10
3.5.2原理图 10
第4章 软件系统 11
4.1 主程序 11
4.2 子程序流程 11
4.2.1 定时器中断程序 11
4.2.2 外部中断程序 12
4.2.3 显示程序 13
4.2.4 报警程序 13
第5章 实验结果与分析 15
5.1 使用方法 15
5.2 实验结果 15
5.2.1 心率脉搏的测量 15
5.2.2 初始报警范围 16
5.2.3 报警范围的改变 16
5.2.4 蓝牙通信功能 17
5.3 分析比较 18
结 语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21



心率传感器pulse sensor 与单片机相连接来测心率,中间要加放大和滤波的元器件吗?




