
Posted howard2005




I. Random Talk

  • Look at the QQ icon in the taskbar. What’s its color? It’s gray. What does it mean? It means that my QQ is offline. Now I want to use my QQ to do something.
  • five operations of the mouse: point to (move), click (to select the object), double-click (to open the document or run the program), right-click (to pop up the context menu of the selected object) and drag (to move or resize the selected object)
  • single, double, triple, multiple
  • size of the dress: S - Small, M - Middle, L - Large, XL - eXtensibly Large
  • the five sense organs: eybrows, eyes, ears, nose, lips
  • Make my QQ online: Right-click on the QQ icon and a context menu will pop up.
  • I choose and click on the [hidden] option in the menu. You can have a look at the QQ icon, it’s not grey now and I can use it to communicate with my friends or colleagues.
  • Now I send the screenshot of the sign-in result to the QQ group of our class.
  • Let’s take a look at the picture.
  • Thirty-three students have signed in and six students are not here but they asked for leave.

II. The Composition of a Computer

  • In the markdown editor, we can use \\begincases...\\endcases to generate . In the body of the structure, \\\\ is used to start a new line. & is used for alignment.

Step One

1. Source Code

Hardware &(1)\\\\
Software &(2)\\\\

2. Final Effect

  • C o m p u t e r H a r d w a r e ( 1 ) S o f t w a r e ( 2 ) Computer\\begincases Hardware &(1)\\\\ Software &(2)\\\\ \\endcases ComputerHardwareSoftware(1)(2)

Step Two

1. Source Code

Hardware \\begincases
Control\\ Unit \\\\
ALU \\\\
Storage\\ Devices\\\\
Input\\ Devices\\\\
Output\\ Devices\\\\
System\\ Software\\\\
Application\\ Software\\\\
\\endcases \\\\

2. Final Effect

  • C o m p u t e r H a r d w a r e C o n t r o l   U n i t A L U S t o r a g e   D e v i c e s I n p u t   D e v i c e s O u t p u t   D e v i c e s S o f t w a r e S y s t e m   S o f t w a r e A p p l i c a t i o n   S o f t w a r e Computer\\begincases Hardware \\begincases Control\\ Unit \\\\ ALU \\\\ Storage\\ Devices\\\\ Input\\ Devices\\\\ Output\\ Devices\\\\ \\endcases\\\\ Software\\begincases System\\ Software\\\\ Application\\ Software\\\\ \\endcases \\\\ \\endcases ComputerHardwareControl UnitALUStorage DevicesInput DevicesOutput DevicesSoftwareSystem SoftwareApplication Software

Step Three

1. Source Code

Hardware \\begincases
\\left. \\beginmatrixControl\\ Unit \\\\
ALU \\\\ \\endmatrix\\right \\CPU\\\\
Storage\\ Devices\\\\
Input\\ Devices\\\\
Output\\ Devices\\\\
System\\ Software\\\\
Application\\ Software\\\\
\\endcases \\\\

2. Final Effect

  • C o m p u t e r H a r d w a r e C o n t r o l   U n i t A L U C P U S t o r a g e   D e v i c e s I n p u t   D e v i c e s O u t p u t   D e v i c e s S o f t w a r e S y s t e m   S o f t w a r e A p p l i c a t i o n   S o f t w a r e Computer\\begincases Hardware \\begincases \\left. \\beginmatrixControl\\ Unit \\\\ ALU \\\\ \\endmatrix\\right \\CPU\\\\ Storage\\ Devices\\\\ Input\\ Devices\\\\ Output\\ Devices\\\\ \\endcases\\\\ Software\\begincases System\\ Software\\\\ Application\\ Software\\\\ \\endcases \\\\ \\endcases ComputerHardwareControl UnitALUCPUStorage DevicesInput DevicesOutput DevicesSoftwareSystem SoftwareApplication Software

III. Single Brace

1. Generate Left Brace

(1) Source Code


(2) Final Effect

C o m p u t e r = H a r d w a r e S o f t w a r e Computer=\\left\\ \\beginmatrix Hardware\\\\ Software \\endmatrix \\right. Computer=HardwareSoftware

2. Right Brace

(1) Source Code

 Hardware \\






计算机英语讲课笔记11(Play with Flask)
