SQL Server 2008 R2未使用已分配的内存



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SQL Server 2008 R2未使用已分配的内存相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

我有一个通过VM运行的sql实例。 VM分配了32GB的内存,我设置使用28GB。但是,看看内存使用情况,我只看到SQL使用大约1GB。它还显示除了1gb之外的所有内容都是免费的,但是使用的进程不会增加到31gb。甚至没有关闭,我看到可能总共3gb。


Memory usage details for SQL Server instance- X64) - Enterprise Edition (64-bit))

Memory visible to the Operating System

Physical Memory_MB                      Physical Memory_GB                      Virtual Memory GB
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
32768                                   32                                      8192

Buffer Pool Usage at the Moment

BPool_Committed_MB                      BPool_Commit_Tgt_MB                     BPool_Visible_MB
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
28672.000000                            28672.000000                            28672.000000

Total Memory used by SQL Server Buffer Pool as reported by Perfmon counters

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
29360128             28672.000000                            28.000000000

Memory needed as per current Workload for SQL Server instance

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
29360128             28672.000000                            28.000000000

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
5288                 5.164062                                0.005043029

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
31248                30.515625                               0.029800415

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
40752                39.796875                               0.038864135

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
2528                 2.468750                                0.002410888

Total amount of dynamic memory used for hash, sort and create index operations.

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
0                    0.000000                                0.000000000

Total Amount of memory consumed by cursors

Mem_KB               Mem_MB                                  Mem_GB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
1832                 1.789062                                0.001747131

Number of pages in the buffer pool (includes database, free, and stolen).

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
3670016              29360128.000000                         28672.000000000

Number of Data pages in the buffer pool

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
1429714              11437712.000000                         11169.640625000

Number of Free pages in the buffer pool

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
1887521              15100168.000000                         14746.257812500

Number of Reserved pages in the buffer pool

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
0                    0.000000                                0.000000000

Number of Stolen pages in the buffer pool

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
352781               2822248.000000                          2756.101562500

Number of Plan Cache pages in the buffer pool

8KB_Pages            Pages_in_KB                             Pages_in_MB
-------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
357949               2863592.000000                          2796.476562500

Page Life Expectancy - Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references

Page Life in seconds PLE Status
-------------------- ------------------
81046                PLE is Healthy

Number of requests per second that had to wait for a free page

Free list stalls/sec

Number of pages flushed to disk/sec by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed

Checkpoint pages/sec

Number of buffers written per second by the buffer manager"s lazy writer

Lazy writes/sec

Total number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant

Memory Grants Pending

Total number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant

Memory Grants Outstanding

Per Shanky的要求。

physical_memory_in_use_kb = 30784516
large_page_allocations_kb = 196608  
locked_page_allocations_kb = 30285504
total_virtual_address_space_kb = 8589934464
virtual_address_space_reserved_kb = 34544372    
virtual_address_space_committed_kb = 31110044
virtual_address_space_available_kb = 8555390092
page_fault_count = 1706349
memory_utilization_percentage = 100
available_commit_limit_kb = 34625996
process_physical_memory_low = 0
process_virtual_memory_low = 0



通过最大服务器内存为SQL Server分配了多少内存。您发布的信息不包括在内。


select * from sys.dm_os_process_memory

你永远不应该看任务管理器的SQL Server内存消耗。它是一个Windows工具,只提供有关Working Set memory的信息,而不是SQL Server消耗的总内存。如果SQL Server服务帐户在本地系统下运行,或者服务帐户具有内存中的锁定页面权限(LPIM),则任务管理器将不显示由AWE API(或锁定的内存)分配的内存。

任务管理器显示的工作集内存可以通过操作系统进行分页,但是由AWE API分配的内存(当SQL Server服务帐户具有LPIM时)无法被分页,这就是为什么它被称为locked。在您的情况下,我猜SQL Server服务帐户具有LPIM,因此任务管理器不显示由AWE API仅分配工作集的内存




locked_page_allocations_kb = 30285504~ 28 G

这是SQL Server使用的总内存的一部分(被锁定的内存),这不会在任务管理器下显示。任务管理器不会显示此信息,因为它是NON PAGEABLE内存,而任务管理器仅报告可分页的工作集。

现在你问到为什么运行大查询时SQL Server内存消耗上升的原因是因为缓冲池开始获取新页面导致内存消耗增加因此利用率增加

以上是关于SQL Server 2008 R2未使用已分配的内存的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

win12安装 sqlserver2008 r2未授权的操作

如何在SQL Server 2008R2中查找未使用的列

如果已附加数据库,如何使用 Transact-SQL 和 SQL Server 2008 R2 进行测试? [复制]

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SQL Server 2008 R2 为用户分配权限

sql server 2008 R2 评估期已过问题,不能解决