
Posted Archer_w




create tablespace stg datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg01.dbf‘ size 20G extent management local segment space management auto;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg02.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg03.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg04.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg05.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg06.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg07.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg08.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg09.DBF‘ size 20G ;
alter tablespace stg add datafile ‘h:/ORA_TBS/stg10.DBF‘ size 20G ;

create user stg identified by stg default tablespace stg temporary tablespace TEMP;

grant connect,resource to stg;
grant dba to stg;
alter user stg quota unlimited on stg;

grant create any table to stg;
grant update any table to stg;
grant select any table to stg;
grant insert any table to stg;
grant drop 	 any table to stg;
grant delete any table to stg;
grant create any index to stg;
grant drop	 any index to stg;
grant comment any table to stg;
grant execute any procedure to stg;

--create or replace directory ORA_DMP as ‘/home/oracle/ORA_DMP‘;
--grant write,read on directory ORA_DMP to jmbsuser;

grant select on dba_jobs_running to stg;
grant select on dba_jobs to stg;
grant   select on v_$session to stg;
grant   select on v_$process to stg;
grant execute on dbms_lock to stg;
grant execute on dbms_job to stg;
grant alter session to stg;
grant alter system to stg;

grant select on DBA_DATA_FILES to stg;
grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE to stg;
grant create any view to stg;
grant drop any view to stg;




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