GTK+(GIMP Toolkit)是一套跨多种平台的图形工具包,按LGPL许可协议发布的。虽然最初是为GIMP写的,但目前已发展为一个功能强大、设计灵活的一个通用图形库。
GTK+虽然是用C语言写的,但是可以使用熟悉的语言来使用GTK+,因为GTK+已经被绑定到几乎所有流行的语言上,如:C++,php, Guile,Perl, Python, TOM, Ada95, Objective C, Free Pascal, and Eiffel。 参考技术A gtk现在有很多语言的 并不单单是C而已 刚开始用C是因为很多程序员喜欢用C 而已C的效率高啊 兄弟 参考技术B C效率高。
C里面虽然没有类和封装的概念,但是有文件的概念,有它在,可以做到函数并不相互“公开”。不同文件中的同名函数,可以指向不同的函数,完全在控制之中。 参考技术C 只是 你太浮躁拉,你没有慢慢的学习,坚持下来,你就看见GTK+是那么简单`!~!其实GTK+的架构挺好的,也没有像你说的繁杂~!
gdk 这个开头就是这用,
C语言也能实现面向对象,用C还是c++那要看场合了`! 参考技术D 关于信号/槽机制:这是为了便于增加新的信号,增加新的信号比增加一个新的回调更方便。
用 c 的话可以很容易映射到其它语言上,c++ 则很麻烦。
LZ建议了解下 gdk, gtk+, gtkmm. gtk/gtk+ 和 glib 是一条线上的,而 gtkmm 是完全基于 c++ 的。可以比如说建立 gtk -> ruby 的映射,而 gtkmm 则不能。
PHP+GTK2 初体验,简单计算器客户端
2.gtk布局 :

1 <?php 2 3 class Calculator extends GtkWindow { 4 private $chalkboard; //结果显示占位 5 private $param = false; //输入参数 6 private $operater; //运算规则 7 private $tmpres = false; //临时结果 8 9 function __construct() { 10 parent::__construct(); 11 $this->draw(); 12 $this->show(); 13 } 14 15 //UI布局 16 public function draw() { 17 $this->set_default_size(300, 400); 18 $this->set_title("this is my calculator"); 19 20 //加元素 21 $mesg = new GtkLabel(\'\'); 22 $this->chalkboard = new GtkLabel(); 23 24 $btn_1 = new GtkButton(\'1\'); 25 $btn_2 = new GtkButton(\'2\'); 26 $btn_3 = new GtkButton(\'3\'); 27 $btn_4 = new GtkButton(\'4\'); 28 $btn_5 = new GtkButton(\'5\'); 29 $btn_6 = new GtkButton(\'6\'); 30 $btn_7 = new GtkButton(\'7\'); 31 $btn_8 = new GtkButton(\'8\'); 32 $btn_9 = new GtkButton(\'9\'); 33 $btn_0 = new GtkButton(\'0\'); 34 $btn_minus = new GtkButton(\'\\-\'); 35 $btnPlus = new GtkButton(\'+\'); 36 $btnReduce = new GtkButton(\'-\'); 37 $btnRide = new GtkButton(\'*\'); 38 $btnDivide = new GtkButton(\'/\'); 39 $btnGet = new GtkButton(\'=\'); 40 $btnDle = new GtkButton(\'<-\'); 41 $btnAllclear = new GtkButton(\'Clean\'); 42 $btnNowclear = new GtkButton(\'Clear\'); 43 $btnPoint = new GtkButton(\'.\'); 44 45 46 //table布局UI 47 $tbl = new GtkTable(4, 5); 48 $tbl->attach($btnAllclear, 0, 1, 0, 1); 49 $tbl->attach($btnNowclear, 1, 2, 0, 1); 50 $tbl->attach($btnDle, 2, 3, 0, 1); 51 $tbl->attach($btnDivide, 3, 4, 0, 1); 52 $tbl->attach($btn_7, 0, 1, 1, 2); 53 $tbl->attach($btn_8, 1, 2, 1, 2); 54 $tbl->attach($btn_9, 2, 3, 1, 2); 55 $tbl->attach($btnRide, 3, 4, 1, 2); 56 $tbl->attach($btn_4, 0, 1, 2, 3); 57 $tbl->attach($btn_5, 1, 2, 2, 3); 58 $tbl->attach($btn_6, 2, 3, 2, 3); 59 $tbl->attach($btnReduce, 3, 4, 2, 3); 60 $tbl->attach($btn_1, 0, 1, 3, 4); 61 $tbl->attach($btn_2, 1, 2, 3, 4); 62 $tbl->attach($btn_3, 2, 3, 3, 4); 63 $tbl->attach($btnPlus, 3, 4, 3, 4); 64 $tbl->attach($btn_minus, 0, 1, 4, 5); 65 $tbl->attach($btn_0, 1, 2, 4, 5); 66 $tbl->attach($btnPoint, 2, 3, 4, 5); 67 $tbl->attach($btnGet, 3, 4, 4, 5); 68 69 70 //放入组件 71 $vBox = new GtkVBox(false, true); 72 $vBox->pack_start($mesg); 73 $vBox->pack_start($this->chalkboard); 74 $vBox->pack_start($tbl); 75 76 77 //给按键绑定触发事件 78 $btnGet->connect("clicked", array($this, "calculate")); 79 $btnPlus->connect("clicked", array($this, "plus")); 80 $btnReduce->connect("clicked", array($this, "reduce")); 81 $btnRide->connect("clicked", array($this, "ride")); 82 $btnDivide->connect("clicked", array($this, "divide")); 83 $btn_1->connect("clicked", array($this, "change1")); 84 $btn_2->connect("clicked", array($this, "change2")); 85 $btn_3->connect("clicked", array($this, "change3")); 86 $btn_4->connect("clicked", array($this, "change4")); 87 $btn_5->connect("clicked", array($this, "change5")); 88 $btn_6->connect("clicked", array($this, "change6")); 89 $btn_7->connect("clicked", array($this, "change7")); 90 $btn_8->connect("clicked", array($this, "change8")); 91 $btn_9->connect("clicked", array($this, "change9")); 92 $btn_0->connect("clicked", array($this, "change0")); 93 $btn_minus->connect("clicked", array($this, "changeMinus")); 94 $btnPoint->connect("clicked", array($this, "changePoint")); 95 $btnDle->connect("clicked", array($this, "paramDle")); 96 $btnAllclear->connect("clicked", array($this, "allClear")); 97 $btnNowclear->connect("clicked", array($this, "nowClear")); 98 99 $this->add($vBox); 100 } 101 //组件显示 102 public function show() { 103 $this->show_all(); 104 } 105 106 107 //加减乘除 108 public function plus(){ 109 $this->operate(\'1\'); 110 } 111 public function reduce(){ 112 $this->operate(\'2\'); 113 } 114 public function ride(){ 115 $this->operate(\'3\'); 116 } 117 public function divide(){ 118 $this->operate(\'4\'); 119 } 120 public function operate($operate) { 121 $this->operater = $operate; 122 if ($this->param) { 123 $this->tmpres = $this->param; 124 $this->param = false; 125 } 126 } 127 128 129 //数字录入 130 public function change0(){ 131 $this->changeParam(\'0\'); 132 } 133 public function change1(){ 134 $this->changeParam(\'1\'); 135 } 136 public function change2(){ 137 $this->changeParam(\'2\'); 138 } 139 public function change3(){ 140 $this->changeParam(\'3\'); 141 } 142 public function change4(){ 143 $this->changeParam(\'4\'); 144 } 145 public function change5(){ 146 $this->changeParam(\'5\'); 147 } 148 public function change6(){ 149 $this->changeParam(\'6\'); 150 } 151 public function change7(){ 152 $this->changeParam(\'7\'); 153 } 154 public function change8(){ 155 $this->changeParam(\'8\'); 156 } 157 public function change9(){ 158 $this->changeParam(\'9\'); 159 } 160 public function changePoint(){ 161 $this->changeParam(\'.\'); 162 } 163 public function changeMinus(){ 164 $this->changeParam(\'-\'); 165 } 166 public function changeParam($param){ 167 if ($this->param === false) { 168 $this->param = \'\'; 169 } 170 $this->param.= $param; 171 $this->param = $this->fotmat($this->param); 172 $this->notice($this->param); 173 } 174 175 176 177 public function paramDle(){ 178 $this->param = substr($this->param, 0, strlen($this->param)-1); 179 $this->notice($this->param); 180 } 181 182 183 //清存 184 public function allClear(){ 185 $this->param = false; 186 $this->operater = false; 187 $this->tmpres = false; 188 $this->notice(\'0\'); 189 } 190 191 //清屏 192 public function nowClear(){ 193 $this->param = false; 194 $this->notice(\'0\'); 195 } 196 197 //显示结果 198 private function notice($mesg) { 199 $this->chalkboard->set_text($mesg); 200 } 201 202 //计算 203 public function calculate() { 204 $res = $this->getRes($this->tmpres, $this->param, $this->operater); 205 $this->operater = false; 206 $this->param = false; 207 $this->notice($res); 208 return; 209 } 210 211 //运算函数 212 public function getRes($tmpres, $param, $operater) { 213 if ($tmpres!== false || !$operater) { 214 if ($param !== false) { 215 $this->tmpres = $param; 216 } 217 return $this->tmpres; 218 } 219 if ((!$tmpres || $tmpres === false) && $param!== false && $operater) { 220 $this->param = false; 221 if ($operater === \'1\') { 222 $this->tmpres = $tmpres + $param; 223 return $this->tmpres; 224 } 225 if ($operater === \'2\') { 226 $this->tmpres = $tmpres - $param; 227 return $this->tmpres; 228 } 229 if ($operater === \'3\') { 230 $this->tmpres = $tmpres * $param; 231 return $this->tmpres; 232 } 233 if ($operater === \'4\') { 234 if (abs($param) > 0) { 235 $this->tmpres = $tmpres / $param; 236 return $this->tmpres; 237 } else { 238 $this->param = false; 239 $this->operater = false; 240 $this->tmpres = false; 241 return "The divisor cannot be 0"; 242 } 243 } 244 } 245 } 246 247 248 249 //数字处理函数 250 public function fotmat($shownum){ 251 $flag = false; 252 $flag2 = false; 253 $tmpRight = \'\'; 254 if (strstr($shownum, \'-\')) { 255 $shownum = str_replace(\'-\', \'\', $shownum); 256 $flag2 = true; 257 } 258 if (strstr($shownum, \'.\')) { 259 $tmpArr = explode(\'.\', $shownum); 260 $shownum = $tmpArr[0]; 261 $tmpRight = $tmpArr[1]; 262 $flag = true; 263 } 264 if (preg_match_all(\'/([0]{1,})([1-9]*)/\', $shownum, $out)) { 265 if ($out[2][0] === \'\') { 266 $shownum = \'0\'; 267 } else { 268 $shownum = $out[2][0]; 269 } 270 } 271 if ($flag) { 272 $shownum = $shownum.\'.\'.$tmpRight; 273 } 274 if ($flag2) { 275 $shownum = \'-\'.$shownum; 276 } 277 return $shownum; 278 } 279 function __destruct() { 280 Gtk::main_quit(); 281 } 282 } 283 284 new Calculator(); 285 Gtk::main();