




    What + a (an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 感叹号!

    What a beautiful butterfly!

    (说明:what 是代词,代表后面的名词,侧重强调名词)

    How + 形容词 + 名词 + be + 感叹号!

    How beautiful the butterfly is!



    What beautiful butterflies!

    How beautiful the butterflies are!

参考技术A 可以用两个方式变为感叹句的,即What a beautiful butterfly!或How beautiful the butterfly is! 参考技术B What a beautiful butterfly!
How beautiful the butterfly is!

What is the rbenv?

  1. rbenv is a tool that allows you to manage multiple versions of Ruby on your system. It lets you switch between different Ruby versions on a per-user or per-project basis. It also provides support for installing and updating Ruby versions and plugins.
    rbenv 是一个允许您在系统上管理多个版本的 Ruby 的工具。它允许您在每个用户或每个项目的基础上在不同的 Ruby 版本之间切换。它还提供对安装和更新 Ruby 版本和插件的支持。
  2. rbenv works by injecting itself into your PATH and intercepting any Ruby-related commands. It then scans the current directory for a file named .ruby-version that specifies the Ruby version to use. If found, it executes the command using that Ruby version. Otherwise, it uses the global Ruby version that you have set with rbenv global.
    rbenv 通过将自身注入您的 PATH 并拦截任何与 Ruby 相关的命令来工作。然后它会扫描当前目录以查找名为 .ruby-version 的文件,该文件指定要使用的 Ruby 版本。如果找到,它将使用该 Ruby 版本执行命令。
  3. rbenv is simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well. It does not override shell commands like cd or touch, nor does it require any changes to your shell configuration files. It also does not handle installing Ruby versions by itself, but relies on ruby-build or other plugins to do so.
    rbenv 简单、不引人注意,并遵循 UNIX 的单一用途工具的传统,即做好一件事。它不会覆盖 cd 或 touch 等 shell 命令,也不需要对 shell 配置文件进行任何更改。

The Basic Uses

rbenv is a tool that allows you to manage multiple versions of Ruby on your system. It lets you switch between different Ruby versions on a per-user or per-project basis. It also provides support for installing and updating Ruby versions and plugins. [1][1]

Some basic uses for rbenv are:

  • To list all Ruby versions available to install: rbenv install --list
  • To list all Ruby versions installed on your system: rbenv versions
  • To install a specific Ruby version: rbenv install 3.0.2
  • To set the global Ruby version for your user: rbenv global 3.0.2
  • To set the local Ruby version for your project: rbenv local 3.0.2
  • To update rbenv and its plugins: rbenv update

This response is derived from web search results.


HTC butterfly,怎么换主题?




Flutter, Butterfly!

我想唱数码宝贝主题歌butterfly 但那个日文歌词好难啊 怎么破啊