Sql 语法练习 sq语法

Posted Cgrain


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Sql 语法练习 sq语法相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

select * from Student
select * from Class
select * from Score
select * from Subject

select * from Student where StuAddress=
(select StuAddress from Student where StuName=张三)

select * from Student where StuAge>
(select StuAge from Student where StuName=李四)

select * from Student where ClassID=
(select ClassID from Student where StuName=张三)

select * from Student where ClassID in
(select ClassID from Class where ClassType=脱产)

select *  from Student where StuID not in
(select StuID from score)

update Score set  Marks+=10 where StuID in 
(select StuID from Student where ClassID=
    (select ClassID from Student where StuName=张三)
and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

select * from Student where StuID in
(select StuID from Score where Marks>
    (select Marks from Score where StuID=(select StuID from Student where StuName=张三)
    and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

select * from Class where ClassID in 
(select ClassID from Student where StuID in
    (select StuID from Score where Marks>
        (select Marks from Score where StuID=(select StuID from Student where StuName=张三)
        and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

select * from Student where StuID in
(select StuID from Student where StuAge>
    (select max(StuAge) from Student where ClassID in
        (select ClassID from Class where ClassType=周末

select c.ClassID 班级编号,c.ClassType 班级类型,c.ClassDate 班级日期 ,
avg(case SubName when JAVA then Marks end) JAVA平均分,
avg(case SubName when C# then Marks end) C#平均分,
avg(case SubName when SQL then Marks end) SQL平均分,
avg(case SubName when HTML then Marks end) HTML平均分,
avg(Marks) 平均分
from Student st
inner join Class c on st.ClassID=c.ClassID
inner join Score sc on sc.StuID=st.StuID
inner join Subject su  on su.SubId=sc.SubId
where c.ClassType=脱产
group by c.ClassID,c.ClassType,c.ClassDate 

select * from Student where StuID in(
select StuID from Score where Marks>(
  select max(Marks) from Score where SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)
  and StuID in(select StuID from Student where ClassID=S1T21)
  and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

select * from Student where StuID in(
  select StuID from Score where Marks<60
  and  SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)
select * from Score where StuID in (
  select StuID from Student where StuName like 王%

select st.StuName 姓名,
(case SubName when JAVA then Marks end) JAVA成绩,
(case SubName when C# then Marks end) C#成绩
from Score sc
inner join Student st on sc.StuID=st.StuID
inner join Subject su on sc.SubId=su.SubId
where st.StuID in (
  select StuID from Student where StuName like 王%
group by st.StuName,(case SubName when JAVA then Marks end),(case SubName when C# then Marks end)

select top 3 * from Student where  StuID not in(
 select top ((1-1)*3) StuID from Student
select top 3 * from Student where StuID not in(
 select top ((2-1)*3) StuID from Student
select st.StuName ,c.ClassID,c.ClassType,c.ClassDate from Student st
inner join Class c on c.ClassID= st.ClassID
where StuID not in (
 select StuID from Score where SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

select ClassID,count(*) 班级人数,avg(StuAge) 平均年龄 from Student where ClassID=(
  select ClassID from student where StuName=张三
group by ClassID

select st.StuName,st.ClassID,su.SubName,sc.Marks from Score sc
inner join Student st on sc.StuID=st.StuID
inner join Subject su on sc.SubId=su.SubId

select * from Class where ClassID in (
 select ClassID from Student group by ClassID having
 count(*)=(select top 1 count(*) num from Student group by ClassID order by num desc)

delete from Score where StuID in (select StuID from Student where StuName in (张三,李四,王五)) 
and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)

update Score set Marks+=10 where StuID in (select StuID from Student where ClassID=S1T23) 
and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=C#) 

select st.StuID,st.StuName,st.ClassID,c.ClassType,c.ClassDate from Student st
inner join Class c on st.ClassID=c.ClassID
where StuID in (
 select StuID from Student where StuAge>25 and StuAddress=湖北襄樊

select count(*) 人数,avg(StuAge) 平均年龄 from Student where ClassID in (
 select ClassID from  Class  where ClassDate<2010-1-1

select ClassID,count(StuID) JAVA成绩不及格的人数 from Student where StuID in (
 select StuID from Score where Marks<60
 and SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)
group by ClassID

select c.ClassID,
count(case when SubName=JAVA and Marks<60 then Marks end) JAVA成绩不及格的人数
from Student st
inner join Class c on st.ClassID=c.ClassID
inner join Score sc on sc.StuID=st.StuID
inner join Subject su  on su.SubId=sc.SubId
group by c.ClassID

select ClassID,count(*) 没有参加JAVA考试的学生人数 from Student where StuID not in (
 select StuID from Score where SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)
group by ClassID

--成绩<60 :★

select st.StuName 学生姓名,sc.Marks 学生JAVA成绩,
(case when Marks<60 then           
when Marks>=60 and Marks<70 then   ★★
when Marks>=80 and Marks<90 then   ★★★★
when Marks>=90 and Marks<=100 then ★★★★★
 else × end) JAVA课程的分数评级
from Score sc 
inner join Student st on sc.StuID=st.StuID
where SubId=(select SubId from Subject where SubName=JAVA)


以上是关于Sql 语法练习 sq语法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Sql 语法练习



MySQL[练习]SQL 语句

在下面的代码片段中的剩余 ='passthrough' 处的代码中出现语法错误

30.3. MySQL四种语句操作,SQL语法等简介