参考技术A 我在2022年给自己立了一个flag:至少完整阅读10本英文原著。昨晚半夜三更刚完成第一本:DON QUIJOTE ( 西班牙语书名 ),其全名是:DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA。英语版的书名是:DON QUIXOTE。中文名叫《堂吉诃德》。
作者是西班牙的文学泰斗 Miguel de Cervantes ,塞万提斯。
为什么要读这本书呢?大部分原因是,我平时在学西班牙语。学西班牙语不读DON QUIJOTE,就像学中文不读《论语》等经典。
虽然之前也读过1000多页的书,但那本书的体积没有DON QUIJOTE这么大,给我的心理压力,也就相对没那么大。看看这对比:
不过,DON QUIJOTE这本书的语言本身不是太难。说实话,上图左边 那本1000多页的书,我读了大半年 ,而DON QUIJOTE,严格算来,我只读了1个月。
这本书讲述了一个瘦弱的老乡绅Don Quijote,在一个清晨,披上盔甲,悄悄离开生活了几十年的村庄,踏上了梦寐以求的冒险之旅。他沉迷于骑士小说多年,坚信书中的历险故事是真实存在的,期待有一天自己也能周游天下,行侠仗义,打抱不平,搞出惊天动地的大事情。
读这本书的时候,我时常想到咱们的《西游记》。这是在网上找的一份QON QUIJOTE游历线路图:
DON QUIJOTE的伟大之处,大概是通过一连串的笑声,一连串失败,和一连串的磨难,来表达人在追求理想时的会遇到的困境,但永不言弃的精神。
我之前不知道书名里DON QUIJOTE的DON是什么意思,想当然地以为是主角的名字,其实DON相当于英语的Sir,是一个头衔,放在男性爵士姓名前面。
我尤其喜欢读这本书里的比喻句, 比喻句简直是语言的灵魂!
He saw the light of the glory of his achievements obscured; the hopes of the promises lately made him swept away like smoke before the wind ;
but I must say I think the anger he shows suggests an invisible assailant; it is like the irritation of a man stung by a mosquito in the dark .
To try to think of a Don Quixote without Sancho Panza is like trying to think of a one-bladed pair of scissors .
For a knight-errant without love was like a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul .
A mouth without teeth is like a mill without a millstone .
No things human are eternal, but rather decline from their beginnings to their ultimate end, especially the lives of men.
This maiden's trouble comes from being idle, and the remedy is for her to have something useful to do to occupy her time.
Sleep soothes the miseries of those who have them when awake.
It's not with whom you are bred, but rather with whom you are fed.
What the eyes don't see doesn't break the heart.
Fate is a drunken and capricious woman, and above all, blind, and so she doesn't see who she tears down, nor who she raises up.
Every man is the architect of his own destiny.
There's a remedy for everything except death.
Just as a fire cannot be concealed, virtue cannot fail to be recognized.
The beginning of health is to recognize the illness and for the sick person to take the medicine the doctor prescribes.
The desire for revenge can pervert the calmest of hearts.
Justice is such a good thing, you have to practice it with thieves themselves.
Where there's life, there's hope.
Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that Heaven ever gave to man. Neither the treasures hidden in the earth nor those the sea covers can equal it. For freedom, as well as for honor, one can and should risk one's life. And the opposite is also true -- captivity is the worst evil that can befall a man.
To have begun something is like having it half-done.
When anger overflows its banks, it's almost impossible to stop it.
There are rare gifts that are lost in the world and many are wasted on those who don't know how to use them.
Love -- as I've heard tell -- looks through glasses that make copper look like gold; poverty, wealth; and sleep from one's eye, pearls.
Love and fondness easily blind the eyes of one's understanding, which is so necessary to choose a mate, and it's very easy to make a mistake in this area. When one wants to make a long voyage, if he's prudent, before starting out, he'll choose a faithful and pleasant companion.
Oh, power of flattery! How wide you cast your net and how vast are the boundaries of your satisfying dominion!
The pen is the tongue of the soul.
Time will finish us off without us looking around for reasons to end our lives before their time, when they fall like ripe fruit.
The tongue speaks from the outpouring of the heart.
Tell me the company you keep, and I'll tell you who you are.
Anyone who doesn't catch hold of Opportunity when it comes his way shouldn't complain when it passes him by.
Injustice typically awakens wrath in the meekest of hearts.
Honey was not intended for the mouth of donkeys.
It's better to be praised by the few wise men than to be jeered by the many fools.
There is nothing on earth, in my opinion, that can equal that of recovering one's lost freedom.
What costs the most is esteemed, and should be esteemed the most. If someone achieves eminence in letters, it costs him time, loss of sleep, hunger, nakedness, headaches, indigestion, and other things associated with it.
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