Posted 王小特
- 在BookMapper.xml中加入selectByCondition方法
1 <select id="selectByCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap" 2 parameterType="com.wn.model.Book"> 3 select 4 <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 5 from t_book 6 <where> 7 <if test="bookName!=null"> 8 book_name=#{bookName,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 9 </if> 10 <if test="author!=null"> 11 AND author=#{author,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 12 </if> 13 <if test="publishDate!=null"> 14 AND publish_date=#{publishDate,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} 15 </if> 16 </where> 17 </select>
- 在BookMapper.java中加入:
List<Book> selectByCondition(Book record);
- 在BookDao加入
1 public List<Book> selectByCondition(Book book) { 2 return bookMapper.selectByCondition(book); 3 }
- 在BookService加入
1 public List<Book> selectByCondition(String bookName, String author, Date publishDate) { 2 Book book = new Book(); 3 book.setBookName(bookName); 4 book.setAuthor(author); 5 book.setPublishDate(publishDate); 6 return bookDao.selectByCondition(book); 7 }
- 在BookController加入
1 @RequestMapping(value = "/selectByCondition", method = RequestMethod.GET) 2 public List<Book> selectByCondition(@RequestParam(value="bookName",required=false) String bookName, 3 @RequestParam(value="author",required=false) String author, 4 @RequestParam(value="publishDate",required=false) @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")Date publishDate) { 5 return bookService.selectByCondition(bookName, author, publishDate); 6 }
- 在FlowerMapper.xml中加入
1 <select id="selectLimit" resultMap="BaseResultMap" 2 parameterType="java.lang.Integer"> 3 select 4 <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 5 from t_flower 6 order by price DESC limit #{start}, #{size} 7 </select>
- 在FlowerMapper.java中加入:
1 List<Flower> selectLimit(@Param("start") int start, @Param("size") int size);
- 在FlowerDao中加入:
1 /* 2 * 传入开始显示记录的索引,即显示记录的条数,实现分页显示功能 3 */ 4 public List<Flower> selectLimit(int start, int size) { 5 return flowerMapper.selectLimit(start, size); 6 }
- 在FlowerService中加入:
1 public List<Flower> selectLimit(Integer start, Integer size) { 2 return flowerDao.selectLimit(start, size); 3 }
- 在FlowerController中加入
1 @RequestMapping(value = "/getFlowerByLimit", method = RequestMethod.GET) 2 public List<Flower> getFlowerByLimit(@RequestParam("start") Integer start, @RequestParam("size") Integer size) { 3 return flowerService.selectLimit(start, size); 4 }