



【一】【模块8的单词详细用法】Module8【模块8Timeoff放假时间】Moduletask:Writingaleafletforatrip模块任务:为一次旅行写一个宣传单Unit1Icanhardlybelieveweareinthecitycentre.【第1单元,我几乎不能相信我们是在城市中心?】【日期:2015年5月15日】【1】hardly【①(用于修正作出的陈述,表示不大可能)几乎不,几乎没有】Ihardlyknowyou.我不太认识你。Nick,onthesofa,hardlyslept.尼克在沙发上几乎没睡。Hewasgivenhardly24hourstopackhisbags.只给了他不到24小时的时间来打点行装。Theirtwofaceswerehardlymorethaneighteeninchesapart.他俩的脸相隔还不到18英寸。【②几乎不;几乎没有】Icanhardlyrememberhimatthisdistanceoftime.时间隔得这么久,我已几乎记不得他了。Icouldhardlywaittohearthenews.我迫不及待地要听这消息。Hardlyanyonesleptthatnight.那天晚上几乎没人睡觉。【③(用在否定句中构成双重否定,用于强调某事属实或经常发生)几乎不】Hardlyadaygoesbywithoutavisitfromsomeone.几乎每天都有人来。【④(用于can之后,表示强调)很难】Icanhardlybelieveit'sbeenovereightyearssinceyouusedtogocampingatCedarCreek.我几乎无法相信现在距离你过去常常去松溪露营的日子已经有8年多了。MygardenwascoveredwithsomanybutterfliesthatIcouldhardlyseetheflowers.我的花园里飞舞着很多蝴蝶,我几乎看不见花了。【⑤(表示两件事情紧接着发生)刚刚,才】Hehadhardlycollectedthepapersonhisdeskwhenthedoorburstopen.他刚桌上的文件,门就猛地开了。HardlyhadhereturnedtoLondonwhenananonymouswell-wishercalledtosayhewasabouttoberaidedbyCustoms&Excise.他刚回到伦敦,就有一个不愿透露姓名的好心人打来电话说,他即将面临海关的突击检查。【⑥(表示希望听者或读者赞同自己)并不,丝毫不】Wehavenotseentheletter,sowecanhardlycommentonit我们还没有看到这封信,所以无从发表意见。It'shardlysurprisinghisideasdidn'tcatchon..他的想法没有被广泛接受,这并不足为奇。Thegrowthratefor1980-89was2.2%.Hardlythestuffofeconomicmiracles.1980至1989年间的经济增长率是2.2%,算不上什么经济奇迹。【⑦(尤用于对不赞同的说法表示惊奇或不满)不可能,不会吧】'Theyallthoughtyouweremarvellous!'—'Well,hardly.'“他们都认为你很棒!”“哦,不可能吧!”'Wecouldalmosthaveseenit,'—'Hardly,darling—inthedarkandfromadistanceofagoodhundredfeet?'“我们几乎都看到它了。”“不会吧,亲爱的——天那么黑,离得又至少有100英尺呢!”hardly,scarcely,barely这些副词均含“几乎不”之意。hardly:指接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,强调困难和程度。scarcely:指不太充分,不太够,不足,不能令人满意,强调数量。barely:指仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。这三个短语都可表示“一…就…”。其区别是:1.assoonas可转化为nosoonerthan或hardlywhen结构。例如:AssoonasIheardtheknockIopenedthedoor.NosoonerhadIheardtheknockthanIopenedthedoor.HardlyhadIheardtheknockwhenIopenedthedoor.当我听到敲门声,我马上就开门了。2.assoonas通常用于一般时态,nohardlythan和hardlywhen通常用于过去完成时。例如:Assoonasyoufinishyourjob,letmeknow.你一完成工作就告诉我一声。Nosoonerhadthedoctorarrivedthanhebegantreatingthesick.医生一到马上就抢救病人。Ihadhardlystartedwhenitbegantorain.我刚动身就下起雨来了这一对副词都有“几乎不”、“几乎没有”的否定意味,但涵义重心有细微的差异。hardly:hardly强调“困难”,指程度而言,常用以修饰表示能力的词,与can、ever、any等词连用。他简直不知道说什么才好。Hehardlyknewwhattosay.我简直不能相信,一些社会名流,达官政要竟然涉及集团罪行。Icanhardlybelievethatsomesocialitesanddignitariesareinvolvedinsyndicatedcrime.scarcely:scarcely强调“不足”,主要指数量而言,常与enough、sufficient、any或数词连用。他懂得弹钢琴还不满四岁。Whenheplayedthepianohewasscarcelyfouryearsold.电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有你立足之地。Thetramwassocrowdedthattherewasscarcelysufficientroomforyou.午夜时分,街上几乎看不到一辆的士。Atmidnight,scarcelyanytaxicouldbefoundinthestreets.这组词意思相近,其区别是:hardly常用来修饰表示能力的词;scarcely强调不足,常与enough,sufficient等词连用;barely强调“勉强”。例如:Theenemyaresoexhaustedthattheyarehardlyabletofightanylonger.敌人已经疲惫得简直不能再战了。Thefieldissothicklygrownwithricethatthereisscarcelysufficientroomforonetoworkin.稻子长得很密,人们简直无法下田劳动了。Ihavebarelyenoughmoneytobuyacupofcoffee.我的钱刚好够买一杯咖啡。hardly,hard1.hard可作形容词或副词;而hardly只能用作副词。2.hard意指“坚硬”“痛苦的”“结实的”“艰难地”“困苦地”“费力地”“困难地”;而hardly是“几乎不”“几乎没有”的意思。Hehardlyevergoestobedbeforeeleveno'clock.他很少在11点以前上床。Ihadhardlyevergoneoutthesedays.这些天我很少出去。Ihavehardlyeverseenher.我几乎一直未看见她。Hardlyanybodycame.几乎没有人来。Hecouldhardlyrefrainhimself.他几乎不能自制。Thedesertaircontainshardlyanymoisture.沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。Heissoexcitedthathecanhardlysleep.他如此兴奋,几乎不能入睡。Shecouldhardlybelieveherears.她简直不能相信自己的耳朵。MylegsweresoweakIcouldhardlystand.我的腿软得简直不能站立。Hardlyhadthegamebegunwhenitstartedraining.比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来【2】takeup【①开始从事;喜欢上】WhendidyoutakeupJapaneseasasecondforeignlanguage?你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二语言?Hedidnotparticularlywanttotakeupacompetitivesport.他并不特别想从事竞技体育运动。HeleftajobintheCitytotakeupfarming.他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。Angelausedtobeamodelandhasdecidedtotakeitupagain.安杰拉以前当过模特,现已决定重操旧业了。【②开始处理;讨论如何处理】MrdeGaris'sMP,MaxMadden,tookupthecase德加里斯先生的下议员马克斯·马登开始着手处理这个问题。Mostscientistswhocanpresentevidenceofanenvironmentalthreatcanreasonablyassumethatapressuregroupwilltakeuptheissue.能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。DrMahathirintendstotakeuptheproposalwiththeprimeminister.马哈蒂尔博士打算和首相讨论这个提案。【③开始从事,开始干(工作)】Hewilltakeuphispostastheheadofthecivilcourtsattheendofnextmonth.他将在下个月底就任民事法庭庭长一职。【④接受,答应(提议或挑战)】Youshouldtakeupmysuggestionandstartsavingmoney.你应该接受我的建议,开始存钱I'dliketotakeupyourofferofarideintotown.我愿接受你的邀请,搭你的车进城。Increasingly,morewine-makersaretakingupthechallengeofgrowingPinotNoir.越来越多的酿酒商开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。96percentoftheeligibleemployeestookuptheoffer.符合条件的雇员有96%接受了这个条件。【⑤占用,花费(时间、空间或精力)】Iwon'ttakeupmuchofyourtime.我不会占用你很多时间。Thisthingtakesupallmyattention.这件事占用我所有的注意力。IknowhowbusyyoumustbeandnaturallyIwouldn'twanttotakeuptoomuchofyourtime我知道您肯定特别忙,我当然不想占用您太多的时间。Theentirememotookupalloftwopages.整个备忘录写了满满两页纸。Agooddealofmytimeistakenupwithreadingcriticalessaysandreviews.我的大部分时间都用在阅读评论文章上了。Theaimwasnottotakeupvaluabletimewiththeusualboringpictures.目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片占用宝贵时间。【⑥占领,占据,占有(位置、阵地)】Theytakeuptoomuchspace.它们占了太多空间。WhendidyoutakeupJapaneseasasecondforeignlanguage?你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二语言?Hehadtakenupapositioninthecentreoftheroom.他占据了房间中心的位置。UNpeacekeepingforcesareexpectedtotakeuppositionsalongtheborder.联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。【⑦短语动词继续;把…接着进行下去】Iputthetelephonedownandtookupmyworkagain.我放下电话继续干我的活。Gerry'swifeJotakesupthestory.格里的妻子乔接着往下讲。'No,no,no,'saysDamon,takingupwhereDaveleftoff.“不,不,不,”戴蒙说,然后从戴夫停下的地方接着说ShetookupthenarrativewhereJohnhadleftoff.她接着讲约翰未讲完的故事。【⑧拿起;抱起】Hetookuptelephonereceiverandbegantodial.他拿起电话听筒开始拨号码。Shetakesupachildundereacharm.她一手抱起一个孩子。Shetookupthereceiverandbegantodialthenumber.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。【3】pointout【①指点;指明Ifyoupointoutanobjectorplace,youmakepeoplelookatitorshowthemwhereitis】Theykeptstandinguptotakepicturesandpointthingsouttoeachother.他们不停地站起来拍照,还互相指点景物给对方看。They'dalreadydrivenalongthewharfsothatshecouldpointoutherfather'sboat.他们已经开车沿码头走了一遍,好让她指出哪艘是她父亲的船。【②指出,说出(事实或错误)Ifyoupointoutafactormistake,youtellsomeoneaboutitordrawtheirattentiontoit】Criticspointoutthattheprince,onhisincome,shouldbepayingtax.批评家指出王子的收入应该纳税。Ishouldpointoutthattheseestimatescoverjustthehospitalexpenditures.我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。Wealltooeasilypointoutourmothers'failings.我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。Wemustpointoutitisn'trealtythatnoerror.我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。Nomatterwhopointoutourshortcoming,wewillcorrectthem.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。Ibegtopointoutthatyourcalculationiswrong.请容许我冒昧地指出你的计算错误。IthinkIshouldpointoutthatisnotcorrect.我认为我应该指出那是不对的【二】重点短语和词组【1】welcometoBeihaiPark欢迎来到北海公园【2】writealeafletforatrip为一次旅行写一个宣传单【3】inthecitycentre在城市中心【4】choosetherightanswer选择正确的回答【5】choosetodosth选择做某事情作【6】makeachoicetodosth一个做某事情的选择【7】hearaboutsth/sb听说某人/某事情【8】hearofsomething/somebody听说某人/某事情【9】hearsbdosth听见某人做了某事情【10】hearsbdoingsth听见某人正在做某事情【表示某人正在执行一个动作】【11】hearfrom收到某人的来信,【12】hear+从句听说..【13】so+adj/adv+that如此…..以致于..【14】hearthebirdssinging听见鸟儿们正在唱歌【15】befamousfor因/以..而著名【16】theancientbuildingsonthehill山上的古代建筑物【17】takeup占椐;时间/空间;从事于【18】overhalfoftheparkarea公园一半以上面积【19】walkalongthelake沿着这条湖行走【20】crossthebridge穿过桥【21】climbupthehill爬山【22】pointoutthesightsofBeijingforyou为你指出北京的风景【23】goodidea好主义/好想法【24】itisfantastictodosth做某事情是极其好的【25】Itwillbefantastictoseethecityfromthecityfromthetop【26】lookniceandcool看起来漂亮起凉快【27】whydon’twegoforaswim?我们为什么不在这里游泳呢【28】allowsbtodosth允许我们做某事情【29】allowsbsth允许某人有某物【30】allowdoingsth允许做某事情【31】allowforsth考虑到,估计【考虑到;将…计算在内;为…酌留余地】Youhavetoallowforacertainamountoferror.你必须将一定量的误差考虑在内。TheAgency'sbudgetsimplydidnotallowforsuchamassiveincrease.该机构的预算根本没有将如此大额的超支计算在内。【32】allowof容许,允许容许,允许Theregulationallowsofnovariation.这规则不得改变。Thesituationallowsofnodelay.形势刻不容缓。Theriveristoodeeptoallowofswimming.河太深,不能游泳。【33】sbdon’tthinksbdosth某人认为某人没有做某事情【34】allowpeopletoswiminthelake【35】thatistoobad那太槽糕了【36】haveourpicnic进行我们的野餐【37】whydon’thaveourpicnichere?为什么我们不在这里野餐呢?【38】Iamhungryandthirsty我很饿有口渴【39】itisbettertodosth做某事情是更好的【40】Ithinkitisbettertohaveourpicnicatthetopofthehill我认为在山顶上野餐更好【41】Ithinkitbettertohaveourpicnicatthetopofthehill我认为在山顶上野餐更好【42】atthetopof在..的顶部【43】atthetopofone’svoice用最大的嗓门【44】atthebottomof在..底部【45】inthemiddleof在..的中间【46】onthetopof在..的上面【47】comeon快点=hurryup【48】Let’snotwasteanymoretime让我们不要在浪费时间【49】Itisawasteoftimetodosth做某事情是浪费时间【50】wastetime/moneyonsth浪费时间/金钱在某事上【51】wastetime/moneyindoingsth浪费时间/金钱做某事情【52】Ihopeitwillbecoolerupthere我希望那里将会更凉快【53】upthere在那里,(美)(非正式)在天上 参考技术A 一首乡村音乐歌曲永远改变了她的生活当萨拉还是一个青少年的时候,她常常几乎为所有的东西与家人争吵。但是五年前,当她在英国留学时,她在收音机里听到了一首充满回家之情的歌曲。这让萨拉回想起了在美国的家人和朋友。她开始意识到实际上她是多么想念他们所有人。从那时起,她就已经成为了一个美国乡村音乐迷。乡村音乐是一种来自美国南部各州的传统音乐。田纳西州的纳什维尔是乡村音乐的故乡。最近的许多歌曲只是关于美国的现代生活,如金钱的重要性和成功,而与集体归属感无关。然而,乡村音乐把我们带回了“过去的美好时光”,那时人们相互友好、彼此信任。它提醒我们,生活中最美好的东西是免费的——笑声、朋友、家人、自然和乡村之美。萨拉还没有去过纳什维尔,但她梦想有一天去那里。她已经读了很多关于这个地方的书,并对这个地方进行了研究。她知道在纳什维尔有一个乡村音乐名人堂博物馆,也有很多很好的由著名的音乐家和歌手,像加思•布鲁克斯参加的乡村音乐会。萨拉已经听过他大部分的歌曲了。“加思是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。他已经售出了120,000,000多张唱片。我希望有一天能看他现场演唱!” 参考技术B 第一篇


参考技术C 你记得你正在做什么吗?        人们经常记得他们正在做什么当他们听到历史上的重大事件时.在美国,例如,许多人记得它们在做什么在1968年4月4日.这是美国历史上的一件大事.在那天,马丁·路德·金被杀害.虽然一些人可能不记得是谁杀害了他,但它们记得当他们听到这个消息是他们正在做什么.    罗伯特·艾伦现在已经超过50岁了,但他在那时还是个学生.“我和我的父母在家中,”罗伯特记忆到.“当我们听到收音机上的新闻时我们正在厨房吃晚餐.新闻播报员说'金先生在十分钟前去世了.‘我的父母震惊了!我的父母在那之后不讲话,我们默默的吃完了剩下的晚餐.”    最近,大多数美国人记得当纽约的世贸大楼被恐怖分子袭击的时候他们正在做什么.甚至这个日期——2001,9月11日——对大多数美国人有着特殊的意义. 这是凯特·史密斯永不会忘记的一天,她记得她正在两个塔楼之间的办公室里工作.“我的朋友大喊一架飞机撞了世贸大楼!我起初并不相信他,但后来我看了看窗外意识到这是真的.我很害怕以至于后来我几乎无法正常思考.” 以完善, ,可追问. 参考技术D 你记得你正在做什么吗?        人们经常记得他们正在做什么当他们听到历史上的重大事件时.在美国,例如,许多人记得它们在做什么在1968年4月4日.这是美国历史上的一件大事.在那天,马丁·路德·金被杀害.虽然一些人可能不记得是谁杀害了他,但它们记得当他们听到这个消息是他们正在做什么.    罗伯特·艾伦现在已经超过50岁了,但他在那时还是个学生.“我和我的父母在家中,”罗伯特记忆到.“当我们听到收音机上的新闻时我们正在厨房吃晚餐.新闻播报员说'金先生在十分钟前去世了.‘我的父母震惊了!我的父母在那之后不讲话,我们默默的吃完了剩下的晚餐.”    最近,大多数美国人记得当纽约的世贸大楼被恐怖分子袭击的时候他们正在做什么.甚至这个日期——2001,9月11日——对大多数美国人有着特殊的意义. 这是凯特·史密斯永不会忘记的一天,她记得她正在两个塔楼之间的办公室里工作.“我的朋友大喊一架飞机撞了世贸大楼!我起初并不相信他,但后来我看了看窗外意识到这是真的.我很害怕以至于后来我几乎无法正常思考.” 以完善, ,可追问.



参考技术A http://www.bzfhzx.com/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=106
参考技术B A
a(an) art.
ability n..
able a.
about prep. & ad.
above prep.
abroad a. & ad.
absent a.
accent n.
accept v.
accident n.
ache n.
achieve v.
across prep.
act n. & v.
action n.
active a.
activity n.
add v.
address n.
advantage n.
advertisement n.
advice n.
advise v.
afford v.
afraid a.
after ad, prep. & conj.
afternoon n.
again ad.
against prep.
age n. ago ad.
agree v.
agreement n.
air n.
airline n.
airplane n.
airport n.
alive a.
all a. & pron.
allow v.
almost ad.
alone a.
along ad. & prep.
aloud ad.
already ad.
also ad.
although conj.
always ad.
America n.
American a. & n.
among prep.
ancient a.
and conj.
angry a.
animal n.
another a. & pron.
answer n. & v.
ant n.
any pron. & a.
anybody pron.
anyone pron.
anything pron.
说明: 1. 本表共收约1600个单词。 2. 本词表不列词组和短语。
3. 本词表不列语法术语。 4. 部分可根据构词法推导出的副词、名词等不单列。
5. 以初中为起点学习英语的学生可以不要求掌握加“”号的单词。
6. 本词汇表为《义务教育英语课程标准》(修订稿)拟采用的词汇表。

anyway ad.
anywhere ad.
appear v.
apple n.
April n.
area n.arm n.
army n.
around prep.& ad.
arrive v.
art n.
article n.
as ad, conj. & prep.
Asia n.
Asian a. & n.
ask v.
asleep a.
at prep.
Atlantic n. & a.
attention n.
August n. & a.
aunt n.
Australia n.
Australian a. & n.
autumn n.
available a.
avoid v.
awake v.
away ad.
baby n.
back ad. & n.
background n.
bad(worse, worst) a.
bag n.
ball n.

balloon n.
bamboo n.
banana n.
bank n.
baseball n.
basic a.
basket n.
basketball n.
bathroom n.
be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux v.
beach n.
bear n.
beat v. & n.
beautiful a.
because conj.
become (became, become) v.
bed n.
bedroom n.
bee n.
beef n.
before prep, ad. & conj.
begin (began, begun) v.
behaviour n.
behind prep.
believe v.
bell n.
below prep.
beside prep.
besides prep. & ad.
between prep.
beyond prep.
big a.
bike = bicycle n.
bill n.
bird n.

birth n.
birthday n.
biscuit n.
bit n.
bitter a.
black n. & a.
blackboard n.
blind a.
blood n.
blow (blew, blown) v.
blue a. & n.
board n.
boat n.
body n.
book n.
boring a.
born a.
borrow v.
boss n.
both a. & pron.
bottle n.
bottom n.
bowl n.
box n.
boy n.
brain n.
brave a.
bread n.
break(broke, broken) v. & n.
breakfast n.
breath n.
breathe v.
bridge n.
bright a.
bring(brought, brought) v.
brother n.
brown n. & a.

brush v. & n.
build(built, built) v.
building n.
burn (-ed, -ed / burnt, burnt) v.
bus n.
business n.
busy a.
but conj.
butter n.
butterfly n.
buy (bought, bought) v.
by prep.
bye interj.

cabbage n.
cake n.
call v. & n.
camel n.
camera n.
camp n. & v.
can modal v.
Canada n.
cancel v.
candle n.
cancer n.
candy n.
cap n.
capital n.
captain n.
car n.
card n.
care n. & v.
careful a.
careless a.
carry v.

cat n.
catch (caught, caught) v.
cause n. & v.
CD n.
CD—ROM n.
ceiling n.
celebrate v.
cent n.
centre n.
century n.
certain a.
chair n.
chairman/ woman n.
chalk n.
chance n.
change v.
chant v. & n.
cheap a.
cheat v.
check v.& n.
cheer v. & n.
cheese n.
chemistry n.
chess n.
chest n.
chicken n.
child(pl. children) n.
China n.
Chinese n. & a.
chocolate n.
choice n.
choose (chose, chosen) v.
chopsticks n.
Christmas n.
church n.
cinema n.
circle n. & v.
city n.
clap v. & n.
class n.
classmate n.
classroom n.
clean v. & a.
clear a.
clever a.
climb v.
clock n.
clone v.
close a.& v.
clothes n.
cloud n.
cloudy a.
club n.
coach n.
coal n.
coast n.
coat n.
coffee n.
coin n.
coke n.
cold a. & n.
collect v.
college n.
colour (Am color) n. & v.
come (came, come) v.
comfortable a.
common a.
communicate v.
communication n.
company n.

compare v.
competition n.
complete a.& v.
composition n.
computer n.
concert n.
condition n.
conference n.
connect v.
consider v.
continue v.
control v.
conversation n.
cook n.& v.
cooker n.
cool a.
copy n. & v.
corner n.
correct a. & v.
cost n .&v.
cotton a. & n.
cough n. & v.
could modal v.
count v.
country n.
countryside n.
couple n.
courage n.
course n.
cousin n.
cover n. & v.
cow n.
crayon n.
crazy a.
create v.

cross n. & v.
cruel a.
cry n. & v.
culture n.
cup n.
cut (cut, cut) n. & v.

dad (daddy) n.
daily a, ad. & n.
dance n. & v.
danger n.
dangerous a.
dare v.& aux v.
dark a. & v.
date n.
daughter n.
day n.
dead a.
deaf a.
deal v.
dear a.
death n.
December n.
decide v.
decision n.
deep a. & ad.
degree n.
delicious a.
dentist n.
depend v.
describe v.
desk n.
develop v.

development n.
dialogue (Am dialog) n.
diary n.
dictionary n.
die v.
difference n.
different a.
difficult a.
difficulty n.
dig (dug, dug) v.
dinner n.
direct a. & v.
direction n.
director n.
dirty a.
discover v.
discovery n.
discuss v.
discussion n.
disease n.
dish n.
dismiss v.
disturb v.
divide v.
do (did, did) v.
doctor n.
dog n.
doll n.
dollar n.
door n.
double a. & n.
doubt n. & a.
down ad. & prep.
downstairs ad.
dozen n.
draw (drew, drawn) v.
drawer n.
dream (-ed, -ed/ dreamt, dreamt) n. & v.
dress n. & v.
drink (drank, drunk) n. & v.
drive (drove, driven) v.
driver n.
drop n. & v.
drug n.
drum n.
dry a. & v.
duck n.
dumpling n.
during prep.
duty n.
DVD n.
each a. & pron.
ear n.
early a.& ad.
earth n.
east a, n. & ad.
easy a.
eat (ate, eaten) v.
edge n.
education n.
effort n.
egg n.
eight num.
eighteen num.
eighth num.
eighty num.
either a, conj. & ad.
elder a.

electric a.
elephant n.
eleven num.
else a.
e-mail n. & v.
empty a.
encourage v.
end n. & v.
enemy n.
energy n.
engineer n.
England n.
English a. & n.
enjoy v.
enough a. & ad.
enter v.
environment n.
eraser n.
especially ad.
Europe n.
European a. & n.
even ad.
evening n.
ever ad.
every a.
everybody pron.
everyday a.
everyone pron.
everything pron.
everywhere ad.
exam= examination n.
examine v.
example n.
excellent a.
except prep.
excite v.
excuse v. & n.
exercise v.& n.
expect v.
expensive a.
experience n.
experiment n.
explain v.
express v.
eye n.

face n. & v.
fact n.
factory n.
fail v.
fair a.
fall (fell, fallen) v.
family n.
famous a.
fan n.
fantastic a.
far (farther, farthest/ further, furthest)
a. & ad.
farm n.
farmer n.
fast a. & ad.
fat a.
father n.
favourite (Am favorite) a. & n.
fear n.
February n.
feed (fed, fed) v.
feel (felt, felt) v.

feeling n.
festival n.
fetch v.
fever n.
few a. & pron.
field n.
fifteen num.
fifth num.
fifty num.
fight (fought, fought) v. & n.
fill v.
film n.
final a.
find (found, found) v.
fine a.
finger n.
finish v.
fire n.
first a, num. & ad.
fish n.
fisherman n.
fit a. & v.
five num.
fix v.
flag n.
flat n.
floor n.
flower n.
flu n.
fly1 (flew, flown) v.
fly2 n.
follow v.
food n.
foot (pl. feet) n.
football n.
for prep.

force v.
foreign a.
foreigner n.
forest n.
forget (forgot, forgot) v.
fork n.
form n.
forty num.
forward ad.
four num.
fourteen num.
fourth num.
fox n.
free a.
freeze (froze, frozen) v.
fresh a.
Friday n.
fridge (=refrigerator) n.
friend n.
friendly a.
friendship n.
frog n.
from prep.
front a.& n.
fruit n.
full a.
fun n.
funny a.
furniture n.
future n.
game n.
garden n.
gate n.
general a.

gentleman n.
geography n.
gesture n.
get (got, got) v.
gift n.
giraffe n
girl n.
give (gave, given) v.
glad a.
glass n.
glove n.
go (went, gone) v.
goat n.
god n.
gold n.& a.
golden a.
good (better, best) a.
goodbye (bye-bye) interj
goose (pl. geese) n.
government n.
grade n.
grammar n.
grandchild n.
granddaughter n.
grandma=grandmother n.
grandpa=grandfather n.
grandparent n.
grandson n.
granny n.
grape n.
grass n.
great a.
green a.& n.
greeting n.
ground n.
group n.
grow (grew, grown) v.

guard n.
guess v.
guest n.
guitar n.
gun n.
gym = gymnasium n.
habit n.
hair n.
half a. & n.
hall n.
ham n.
hamburger n.
hand n.
handbag n.
handsome a.
handwriting n.
hang (hung, hung) v.
happen v.
happy a.
hard ad.& a.
hardly ad.
hat n.
hate v.& n.
have (has, had, had) v.
he pron.
head n.
headache n.
health n.
healthy a.
hear (heard, heard) v.
heart n.
heat n.
heaven n.
heavy a.
height n.

hello (hi) interj.
help v.& n.
helpful a.
hen n.
her pron.
here ad.
hero n.
hers pron.
herself pron.
hide (hid, hidden) v.
high a.
hill n.
him pron.
himself pron.
his pron.
history n.
hit (hit, hit) v.
hobby n.
hold (held, held) v.
hole n.
holiday n.
home n.& ad.
hometown n.
homework n.
honest a.
honour (Am honor) n.&v.
hope n.&v.
horse n.
hospital n.
hot a.
hotdog n.
hotel n.
hour n.
house n.
housework n.
how ad.
however ad.& conj.

huge a.
human a.& n.
humorous a.
hundred num.
hungry a.
hurry n.& v.
hurt (hurt, hurt) v.
husband n.
I pron.
ice n.
ice-cream n.
idea n.
if conj.
ill a.
illness n.
imagine v.
immediately ad.
important a.
impossible a.
improve v.
in prep.
inch n.
include v.
increase v& n.
India n.
Indian a.& n.
industry n.
influence n.
information n.
ink n.
inside prep.
insist v.
instead ad.
instruction n.
intention n.

interest n.
interesting a.
international n.
Internet n.
interview n.&v.
into prep.
introduce v.
introduction n.
invent v.
invention n.
invite v.
iron n.& v.
island n.
it pron.
its pron.
itself pron.
jacket n.
January n.
Japan n.
Japanese n.& a.
jeans n.
job n.
join v.
joke n. & v.
joy n.
juice n.
July n.
jump v.
June n.
just a.& ad.
keep (kept, kept) v.
key n.
keyboard n.

kick v.& n.
kid n.
kill v.
kilo = kilogram n.
kilometer (Am kilometer) n.
kind1 a.
kind2 n.
king n.
kiss n.& v.
kitchen n.
kite n.
knee n.
knife (pl. knives) n.
knock v.& n.
know (knew, known) v.
knowledge n.
lab = laboratory n.
labour (Am labor) n.
lady n.
lake n.
lamb n.
lamp n.
land n.& v.
language n.
large a.
last a.& v.
late a.& ad.
laugh n.& v.
law n.
lay (laid, laid) v.
lazy a.
lead (led, led) v.
leader n.
leaf (pl. leave) n.
learn (learnt, learnt) v.

least n.
leave (left, left) v.
left a.& n.
leg n.
lemonade n.
lend (lent, lent) v.
lesson n.
let (let, let) v.
letter n.
level n.
library n.
license n.
lie1 (lay, lain) v.
lie2 v.& n.
life n.
lift v.
light n. v.& a.
like v.& prep
line n.
lion n.
list n.& v.
listen v.
litter v.& n.
little (less, least) a.
live v.
lively a.
lock n,& v.
London n.
lonely a.
long a.
look v. & n.
lose (lost, lost) v.
lot n.
loud a.
love v.& n.
lovely a.
low a.& ad.

luck n.
lucky a.
lunch n.
machine n.
mad a.
madam= madame n.
magazine n.
magic a.
mail n.
main a.
make (made, made) v.
man (pl. men) n
manage v.
manager n.
many (more, most) pron. & a.
map n.
March n.
mark n.& v.
market n.
marriage n.
marry v.
master v.& n.
match v. & n.
math(s) = mathematics n.
may modal v.
May n.
maybe ad.
me pron.
meal n.
mean (meant, meant) v.
meaning n.
meat n.
medical a.
medicine n.
meet (met, met) v.

meeting n.
member n.
memory n.
mend v.
mention n.& v.
message n.
menu n.
metal n.& v.
method n.
metre (Am meter) n.
middle n.
might modal v.
mile n.
milk n.
mind n.& v.
mine pron.
minute n.
mirror n.
miss1 n.
miss2 v.
mistake (mistook, mistaken) v.& n.
model n.
modern a.
mom (Am mum) n.
moment n.
Monday n.
money n.
monitor n.
monkey n.
month n.
moon n.
more a. ad. & n.
morning n.
most a. & ad.
mother n.
motorcycle n.
mountain n.

mouse (pl. mice ) n.
mouth n.
move v.
movie n.
Mr. (mister) n.
Mrs. (mistress) n.
Ms. n.
much a.
murder v.
museum n.
music n.
must modal v.
my pron.
myself pron.
name n.
national a.
natural a.
nature n.
near a.
nearly ad.
necessary a.
neck n.
need modal v. v. & n.
neighbour (Am neighbor) n.
neither a.
nervous a.
never ad.
new a.
news n.
newspaper n.
next a.& ad.
nice a.
night n.
nine num.
nineteen num.

ninety num.
ninth num.
no ad. & a.
nobody n.& pron
nod v.
noise n.
none pron.
noodle n.
noon n.
nor conj.
normal a.
north a.& n.
northern a.
nose n.
not ad.
note n.& v.
notebook n.
nothing pron.
notice n.& v.
November n.
now ad.
number n.
nurse n.
OK ad.
object n.
ocean n.
October n.
of prep.
off prep. & ad.
offer v. & n.
office n.
officer n.
often ad.
oil n.
old a.

on prep.
once n. ad. & conj
one num. & pron
oneself pron.
only ad.
open a.& v.
operation n.
or conj.
orange a.& n.
order v. & n.
other pron.& a.
our pron.
ours pron.
ourselves pron.
out ad.
outside n. ad. & prep.
over prep. & ad.
overcoat n.
own a.& v.
owner n.
P.C.= personal computer n.
P.E.= physical education n.
Pacific n.& a.
package n.
page n.
paint n.
pair n.
palace n.
pale a.
pancake n.
panda n.
paper n.
pardon n.
parent n.
park1 n.

park2 v.
part n.
party n.
pass v.
passage n.
passenger n.
passport n.
past n. a. & prep.
path n.
patient1 a.
patient2 n.
pay (paid, paid) v.
peace n.
pear n.
pen. n.
pence n.
pencil n.
penny n.
people n.
percent n.
perfect a.
perhaps ad.
period n.
person n.
personal a.
pet n.
phone=telephone v.& n.
photo=photograph n.
physics n.
piano n.
pick v.
picnic n.
picture n.
pie n.
piece n.
pig n.
pilot n.

pink n. & a.
pioneer n.
pity n.
place n, & v.
plain a.& n.
plan n.& v.
plane n.
planet n.
plant v.& n.
plastic n.& a.
plate n.
play v.playground n.
pleasant a.
please v.
pleasure n.
plenty n.
pocket n.
poem n.
point v.& n.
police n.
policeman (policewomen) n.
policy n.
polite a.
pond n.
pool n.
poor a.
pop = popular a.
popular a.
population a. & n.
pork n.
position n.
possible a.
post v.
postcard n.
postman n.
potato n.
pound n.

practice n.
practise (Am practice) v.
praise n.& v.
prepare v.
present n.
president n.
pretty a.
prevent v.
price n.
pride n.
primary a.
print v.
prison n.
prisoner n.
private a.
prize n.
probably ad.
problem n.
produce v.
programme (Am program) n.
progress n.& v.
promise n. & v.
pronounce v.
pronunciation n.
proper a.
protect v.
proud a.
prove v.
provide v.
public a.& n.
pull v.& n.
punish v.
pupil n.
purple a.& n.
purpose n.
purse n.
push n.& v.

put (put, put) v.
quarter n.
queen n.
question n.
quick a.& ad.
quiet a.
quite ad.
rabbit n.
race n.
radio n.
railway n.
rain v.& n.
raincoat n.
rainy a.
raise v.
rapid a.
rat n.
rather ad.
reach v.
read (read, read) v.
ready a.
real a.
realise (Am realize) v.
really ad.
reason n.
receive v.
recent a.
recite v.
record v. & n.
recorder n.
red a. & n.
refuse v.
regard v.

regret n.& v.
relation n.
relax v.
remain v.
remember v.
repair n.& v.
repeat v.
reply v.& n.
report n.& v.
require v.
research n.
rest n.& v.
restaurant n.
result n.
retell v.
return v.
review v.& n.
rice n.
rich a.
ride (rode, ridden) v.
riddle n.
right n.& a.
ring (rang, rung) v.
rise (rose, risen) v.
risk n.
river n.
road n.
robot n.
rock n.
role n.
room n.
rope n.
rose n.
round ad. prep & a.
row v.
rubber n.
rubbish n.

rule n.& v.
ruler n.
run (ran, run) v.
rush v.
Russia n.
Russian n.& a.
sad a.
safe a. & n.
safety n.
sail n. & v.
salad n.
sale n.
salt n.
same n. & a.
sand n.
sandwich n.
satisfy v.
Saturday n.
sausage n.
save v.
say (said, said) v.
scarf n.
school n.
schoolbag n.
science n.
scientist n.
score n.& v.
screen n.
sea n.
search n.& v.
season n.
seat n.
second num. a.& n.
secret n.
secretary n.

see (saw, seen) v.
seem v.
seldom ad.
sell (sold, sold) v.
send (sent, sent) v.
sense n.
sentence n.
separate v.& a.
September n.
serious a.
servant n.
serve v.
service n.
set (set, set) v.& n.
seven num.seventeen num.
seventh num.
seventy num.
several pron.& a.
shake (shook, shaken) v.
shall (should) aux.& v.
shame n.
shape n.& v.
share v.
she pron

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