- 下载mariadb:
yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb
- 开启mariadb服务:
systemctl start mariadb
- 无密码登录mariadb:
- 查看用户表:
select * from mysql.user\G
- 添加远程访问用户:
grant all on *.* to ‘root‘@‘%‘ identified by ‘123456‘
- 设置添加用户的授权权限:
update mysql.user set Grant_priv=‘Y‘ where Host=‘%‘
- 移除匿名用户:
delete from mysql.user where Host<>‘%‘ or User<>‘root‘
- 退出mariadb命令行:
- 重启mariadb:
systemctl restart mariadb
- 服务器列表:
角色 ip地址 主服务器 从服务器
- 主服务器的配置(
a. 配置:
vim /etc/my.cnf
b. 重启:systemctl restart mariadb
- 从服务器配置(
a. 配置:
vim /etc/my.cnf
b. 重启:systemctl restart mariadb
- 主服务器设置(
a. 进入命令行:
b. 查看状态: - 从服务器设置(
a. 进入命令行:
b. 配置:
c. 开启:
d. 查看状态: - 测试:
a. 主:
b. 从:三、coreseek(sphinx):
- 安装依赖:
yum -y install make gcc gcc-c++ libtool autoconf automake imake mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel libxml2-devel expat-devel
- 下载软件包:
a. 克隆:git clone https://github.com/dollarphper/soft.git
b. 进入目录:
cd soft
- 解压缩:
tar -xzf coreseek-4.1-beta.tar.gz
- 安装mmseg:
a. 进入目录:cd coreseek-4.1-beta/mmseg-3.2.14/
b. 安装:
./bootstrap ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mmseg3 make && make install
- 安装coreseek:
a. 进入目录:cd ../csft-4.1
b. 修改配置文件:
vim configure.ac将 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign]) 修改为 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall foreign])
c. 下载软件:
yum -y install patch
d. 打补丁:
patch -p1 < /home/lee/sphinx/sphinxexpr.cpp-csft-4.1-beta.patch 输入: /home/lee/sphinx/coreseek-4.1-beta/csft-4.1/src/sphinxexpr.cpp
e. 安装:sh buildconf.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/coreseek --without-unixodbc --with-mmseg --with-mmseg-includes=/usr/local/mmseg3/include/mmseg/ --with-mmseg-libs=/usr/local/mmseg3/lib/ --with-mysql make && make install
- 测试:
a. 进入测试目录:cd ../testpack/
b. 查看测试文件:
cat var/test/test.xml
c. 测试中文分词:/usr/local/mmseg3/bin/mmseg -d /usr/local/mmseg3/etc var/test/test.xml
d. 创建索引:/usr/local/coreseek/bin/indexer -c etc/csft.conf --all
e. 搜索测试:/usr/local/coreseek/bin/search -c etc/csft.conf 李彦宏
- php连接sphinx:
a. 安装扩展:
a-1. 进入目录:cd ../csft-4.1/api/libsphinxclient/
a-2. 编译:
aclocal libtoolize --force automake --add-missing autoconf autoheader make clean ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sphinxclient make && make install
a-3. 回到软件包目录:
cd ../../../../
a-4. 解压:
tar -xzf sphinx-1.3.0.tgz
a-5. 安装php-devel:
yum -y install php php-devel
a-6. 进入目录:
cd sphinx-1.3.0
a-7. 安装:
phpize ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config --with-sphinx=/usr/local/sphinxclient make && make install
a-8. 开启php-sphinx扩展:
vim /etc/php.ini在末尾加上: [sphinx] extension=sphinx.so
b. 测试:
b-1. 启动mariadb服务:systemctl start mariadb
b-2. 添加测试数据:
mysql -uroot -p123456 < /usr/local/coreseek/etc/example.sql
b-3. 复制配置文件:
cp /usr/local/coreseek/etc/sphinx.conf.dist /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf cp /home/lee/sphinx/coreseek-4.1-beta/mmseg-3.2.14/data/* /usr/local/mmseg3/etc/
b-4. 修改配置文件:
vim /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.confsource src1 { type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = root sql_pass = 123456 sql_db = test sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_sock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock sql_query = SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, title, content FROM documents sql_attr_uint = group_id sql_attr_timestamp = date_added sql_ranged_throttle = 0 sql_query_info_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM documents WHERE id=$id } source src1throttled : src1 { sql_ranged_throttle = 100 } index test1 { source = src1 path = /usr/local/coreseek/var/data/test1 docinfo = extern mlock = 0 morphology = none min_word_len = 1 html_strip = 0 charset_dictpath = /usr/local/mmseg3/etc/ charset_type = zh_cn.utf-8 } indexer { mem_limit = 128M } searchd { listen = 9312 listen = 9306:mysql41 log = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/searchd.log query_log = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/query.log read_timeout = 5 client_timeout = 300 max_children = 30 pid_file = /usr/local/coreseek/var/log/searchd.pid max_matches = 1000 seamless_rotate = 1 preopen_indexes = 1 unlink_old = 1 mva_updates_pool = 1M max_packet_size = 8M max_filters = 256 max_filter_values = 4096 max_batch_queries = 32 workers = threads # for RT to work }
b-5. :复制二进制文件:
cp /usr/local/coreseek/bin/* /usr/bin/
b-6. 生成索引:
indexer --rotate --all
b-7. 启动服务:
b-8. 停止服务:
searchd --stop
b-9. 测试:
b-9-1. 编写测试脚本:
vim test.php<?php $sphinx = new SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer("",9312); $sphinx->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ALL); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 1000); $sphinx->SetArrayResult(true); $result = $sphinx -> query("one","test1"); var_dump($result);
b-9-2. 运行脚本:
php test.php四、
CentOS7.5下安装配置mariadb --CentOS