On Writing Well - The Transaction & Simplicity



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了On Writing Well - The Transaction & Simplicity相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

参考技术A E.B. White is, as a writer, the model for William Zinsser. The Elements of Style, written by E.B. White and William Strunk tells people what is supposed or not supposed to do in writing. On Writing Well is written to instruct people how to use those principles in various topics. The more advanced writing tools may fasten the process of revealing words, but it does not mean higher-qualified compositions. Thinking and language itself outlandish good writings.

The writing process differs according to personal habits. It is the author that decides the aliveness of an article. He or she is supposed to reveal language's clarity and strength.

Clear thinking is the prerequisite for clear writing. The verbiage of words and sentences as well as the misusage of pronouns and tense bewilder readers who have worked hard to clear passages but failed. Writers should sharpen their thinking first and prune and revise and reshape their writings second.




the writing decisions I made通过看别人如何取舍素材从而审视自己在写作同一个话题时,选择了哪些,为什么这么选择。从而推论自己的思考模式和思考惯性。







1. Emulate: to cope something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have 效仿,模仿;和···竞争,努力赶上

Emulation 名词

原文:His was the seemingly effortless style-achieved, I knew, with great effort-that I wanted to emulate , and whenever I began a new project I would first read some White to get his cadences into my ear.

例句:They hope to emulate the success of other software companies.

造句: Emulation is not the kind of mechanical copy but the analytical recomposition.

2. Strangle: killed by pressing the throat; choke; stifle 扼杀,勒死

原文:We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.

例句:He strangled her to death by a cord put around her neck. 他用细绳绕在她的脖子上,将她勒死了。(《西游记》里“乌鸡国”那一章里内侍本想勒死皇后最后被太子勒死。)

Strangle & straggle

straggle的意思是散开,迷途,wander in a scattered fashion; stray from the rest。同strangle的意思相差很大。主要是第四个字母的差异,即a & g.

3. Elusive: hard to catch or find; evasive; hard to understand 令人困惑的

Elusion 名词

原文:Who is this elusive creature, the reader?

例句:He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him. 他就是这样一个谜一般的人物,当你需要他时,你永远不知道他在何处。

造句: Ulysses , written by James Joyce, is such an elusive work that few people can understand it.


1) But usually it doesn't take more than a few minutes for their eye to be drawn to the old man sitting at the typewriter.

2) What gets their attention is the simplicity of the process.

工作 & 副业 & 度假: vocation; avocation; vacation

white-haired; gray-haired 形容头发的颜色的表达方式

a man of letters 作家

On writing well

参考技术A On Writing Well 前言赏析

When I first wrote this book, in 1976, the readers I had in mind were a relatively small segment of the population : students, writers, editors and people who wanted to learn to write. I wrote it on a typewriter, the highest technology then available. I had no inkling of the electronic marvels just around the corner that were about to revolutionize the act of writing. First came the word processor, in the 1980s, which made the computer an everyday tool for people who had never thought of themselves as writers. Then came the Internet and e-mail, in the 1990s, which completed the revolution. Today everybody in the world is writing to everybody else, keeping in touch and doing business across every border and time zone .



1.1The historical interest I have in my mind were a relatively small segment of ....


1.2The customers I have in my mind were a relatively large segment of the population:..


2. I had no ...  just around the corner that were about to revolutionize the act of .....



也可以不是革新,而是某一样东西的出现正好解决了你的燃眉之急,但是注意哦,这个时候就不能用revolutionize了哦,具体怎么使用希望各位同学结合实际替换哦 )

3.  across every border and time zone .



To me this is nothing less than a miracle , curing overnight what appeared to be a deep American disorder . I've been repeatedly told by people in nonwriting occupations—especially people in science, technology, medicine, business and finance—that they hate writing and can't write and don't want to be made to write. One thing they particularly didn't want to write was letters.Just getting started on a letter loomed as a chore with so many formalities —Where's the stationery? Where's the envelope? Where's the stamp?—that they would keep putting it off, and when they finally did sit down to write they would spend the entire first paragraph explaining why they hadn't written sooner.

1.To me this is nothing less than a miracle


(不直接说is\like\just like,而是用nothing less than,是不是发现逼格 立马 就高起来了呢)

2.curing overnight what appeared to be a deep American disorder


3. One thing they particularly didn't want to write was letters



4. Just getting started on a letter loomed as a chore with so many formalities



形容一个你印象深刻的人,你可以说他做事很有规模/很磨叽,如果是规模的话就需要更改原句的色彩,比如loomed as an artwork with so many   e laborate details , 如果是吐槽对方磨叽的话则不需要更改。



这位爱英语 写作 网页 视频 动画 平面 室内等具备十八般武艺的像山羊却是绵羊的自由设计dog    苏   大 大 大 大 大 大  瀓  哦

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