mysql格式化日期: DATE_FORMAT(date, format)
date:时间字段 format:日期格式
%S, %s 两位数字形式的秒( 00,01, ..., 59) %I, %i 两位数字形式的分( 00,01, ..., 59) %H 两位数字形式的小时,24 小时(00,01, ..., 23) %h 两位数字形式的小时,12 小时(01,02, ..., 12) %k 数字形式的小时,24 小时(0,1, ..., 23) %l 数字形式的小时,12 小时(1, 2, ..., 12) %T 24 小时的时间形式(hh:mm:ss) %r 12 小时的时间形式(hh:mm:ss AM 或hh:mm:ss PM) %p AM或PM %W 一周中每一天的名称(Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday) %a 一周中每一天名称的缩写(Sun, Mon, ..., Sat) %d 两位数字表示月中的天数(00, 01,..., 31) %e 数字形式表示月中的天数(1, 2, ..., 31) %D 英文后缀表示月中的天数(1st, 2nd, 3rd,...) %w 以数字形式表示周中的天数( 0 = Sunday, 1=Monday, ..., 6=Saturday) %j 以三位数字表示年中的天数( 001, 002, ..., 366) %U 周(0, 1, 52),其中Sunday 为周中的第一天 %u 周(0, 1, 52),其中Monday 为周中的第一天 %M 月名(January, February, ..., December) %b 缩写的月名( January, February,...., December) %m 两位数字表示的月份(01, 02, ..., 12) %c 数字表示的月份(1, 2, ...., 12) %Y 四位数字表示的年份 %y 两位数字表示的年份 %% 直接值“%”
select sum(total_amount) as total, date_format(stat_date, ‘%Y-%m‘) from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-11-02‘ AND ‘2017-04-30‘ group by date_format(stat_date, ‘%Y-%m‘);
select sum(total_amount) as total,date_format(stat_date, ‘%Y-%m‘) from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-12-11‘ AND ‘2016-12-22‘ group by date_format(stat_date, ‘%Y-%m‘);
-- month
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),‘_‘,DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,‘%m‘)) months ,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-01-02‘ AND ‘2017-05-30‘ group by months;
-- 季度
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),‘_‘,quarter(stat_date)) qu,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-01-02‘ AND ‘2017-05-30‘ group by qu;
-- 周
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),‘_‘,DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,‘%U‘)) weeks,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-01-02‘ AND ‘2017-05-30‘ group by weeks;
-- 天
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),‘_‘,DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,‘%m‘),‘_‘,DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,‘%d‘)) days, sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN ‘2016-01-02‘ AND ‘2017-05-30‘ group by days;
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, ‘%Y‘);
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, ‘%Y-%m‘);
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, ‘%Y‘),FLOOR((date_format(col, ‘%m‘)+2)/3));
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, ‘%Y‘),FLOOR((date_format(col, ‘%m‘)+2)/3));
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, ‘%Y-%m-%d %H ‘);
查询 本年度的数据:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = year(curdate())
SELECT id, quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) FROM mytable;
查询 本季度的数据:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = quarter(curdate());
select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and year(my_time2) = year(curdate())
select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and week(my_time2) = week(curdate())