Posted 小杜要加油
show databases
use 数据库名称
- 创建数据库
create database 数据库名称 default character set=utf8
- 删除数据库
drop database 数据库名称
- 创建表:
create tabale studentinfo( name varchar(10) not null, sex char(10) null, age int(5), phone bigint(11) ) studentinfo 为所创建的表名
- 删除表
drop table 表名;
- 新增表数据
# 一次增加一条数据 insert into studentinfo (name,sex,age) values(‘黎诗‘,‘女‘,‘12‘)
# 一次增加多条数据 insert into studentinfo (name,sex,age) values(‘黎诗‘,‘女‘,‘21‘),(‘诗诗‘,‘女‘,‘22‘) insert into 表名称 (字段名称,多个以,间隔) values (具体的值多个以,间隔)
- 修改
update studentinfo set name = ‘黎诗‘ where name = ‘小诗诗‘
- 删除
delete from 表名 where 条件
- 查询所有人员
select * from people
- 只查询人员的姓名和年龄
select p_name,p_age from people
- 查询年龄为20岁的人有哪些?
select * from people where p_age = ‘20‘
- 查询60岁一下的人员有哪些?
select * from people where p_age < ‘60‘ 查询年龄不等于60岁 的人员 select * from people where p_age <> ‘60‘ (推荐,正式) select * from people where p_age != ‘60‘ (非常规) 常见的逻辑运算符 <, >, =, <=, >=, <>, !=
- 查询50岁以上并且工资大于8000的人员有哪些?
select * from people where p_age > 50 || p_sal < 8000 # 注意: and 用于连接两个条件 表示并且意思 # or 用于连接两个条件表示 或者意思
- 查询姓张的人员
select * from people where p_name LIKE ‘张%‘,
select * from prople wherer p_name LIKE ‘%张%‘
# 中间有张字的 - 查询哪些人属于武当 华山 嵩山
select * from people where p_menpai = ‘武当‘ or p_menpai = ‘华山‘ or p_menpai = ‘嵩山‘; select * from people where p_menpai in (‘武当‘,‘华山‘,‘嵩山‘); # 否:not in
- 查询工资在5000-8900的人员有哪些?
select * from people where p_sal >= 5000 and p_sal <= 8900; select * from people where p_sal between 5000 and 8900;
- 查询所有人员,要求工资倒序排序
select p_leader from people where p_sal > 3000 ORDER BY p_sal ask
- 查询年龄为21岁人员的领导者
# select p_learder from people where p_age = ‘21‘ # selecr * from people where p_id = ‘p003‘ select * from people where p_id = (selest p_learder from ren where p_age = ‘21‘)
连接MySQL出现错误:ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root‘@‘localhost‘ (using password: YES)(代码片段