SQL 性能调优
Posted pealy
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SQL 性能调优相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1. Select(1) 优于 Select(*)
2.In and Exist
3.计算表中指定时间段的行数,通过先挑出这段时间的最大最小值 然后count(id),如下:DataPointPerSensor.sql (33 minutes) DPNumberPerSensor.sql(16 minutes)

--this script used to calculate different sensor type of datapoint select count(Mll.ID) as [Loc] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorLocationLog] MLL where MLL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MLL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [Latitude] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Latitude‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [TemperatureExternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘TemperatureExternal‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [TemperatureInternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘TemperatureInternal‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [BatteryExternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘BatteryExternal‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [BatteryInternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘BatteryInternal‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [Rssi] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Rssi‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [Motion] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Motion‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘ select count(1) as [MotionInferred] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘MotionInferred‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and MSL.RowCreatedOn <= ‘2017-01-01‘

--this script used to calculate different sensor type of datapoint declare @firstLocID nvarchar(100) declare @lastLocID nvarchar(100) declare @firstSensorID nvarchar(100) declare @lastSensorID nvarchar(100) set @firstLocID=(select top 1 (ID) from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorLocationLog] MLL where mll.RowCreatedOn>=‘2016-01-01‘ order by id) set @lastLocID=(select top 1(ID) as lastID from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorLocationLog] MLL where mll.RowCreatedOn<=‘2017-01-01‘ order by id desc) set @firstSensorID=(select top 1 (ID) from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where MSL.RowCreatedOn>=‘2016-01-01‘ order by id) set @lastSensorID=(select top 1(ID) as lastID from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where MSL.RowCreatedOn<=‘2017-01-01‘ order by id desc) begin select count(Mll.ID) as [Loc] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorLocationLog] MLL where MLL.ID >= @firstLocID and MLL.ID <= @lastLocID select count(1) as [TemperatureExternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘TemperatureExternal‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [TemperatureInternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘TemperatureInternal‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [Light] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Light‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [BatteryExternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘BatteryExternal‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [BatteryInternal] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘BatteryInternal‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [Rssi] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Rssi‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [Motion] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘Motion‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID select count(1) as [MotionInferred] from [Tracks].[dbo].[MonitorSensorLog] MSL where msl.SensorType=‘MotionInferred‘ and MSL.ID >= @firstSensorID and MSL.ID <= @lastSensorID end
4.Union VS Union All
Union All:对两个结果集进行并集操作,包含重复行,不进行排序。
INTERSECT:是两个查询结果的交集 对两个结果集进行交集操作,不包括重复行,重复的会被过滤,同时进行默认规则的排序。
id code
1 A
2 B
id code
2 B
3 C
查询语句select id,code fromscfrd_type union select id,code from scfrd_type1。结果过滤了重复的行,如下:
id code
1 A
2 B
3 C
查询语句select id,code fromscfrd_type union all select id,code from scfrd_type1。结果没有过滤了重复的行,如下:
id code
1 A
2 B
2 B
3 C
查询语句select id,code fromscfrd_type intersect select id,code from scfrd_type1。结果如下:
id code
2 B
查询语句select id,code fromscfrd_type minus select id,code from scfrd_type1。结果如下:
id code
1 A
以上是关于SQL 性能调优的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
《高性能SQL调优精要与案例解析》一书谈主流关系库SQL调优(SQL TUNING或SQL优化)核心机制之——索引(index)