
Posted Elvin笔记分享






#SQL root密码

# #------------------
yum install mariadb mariadb-server python2-PyMySQL -y
cp /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf{,.bak}
echo "#
bind-address =
default-storage-engine = innodb
max_connections = 4096
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
character-set-server = utf8
systemctl enable mariadb.service
systemctl start mariadb.service
netstat -antp|grep mysqld
#mysql_secure_installation #初始化设置密码,自动交互
[[ -f /usr/bin/expect ]] || { yum install expect -y; } #若没expect则安装
/usr/bin/expect << EOF
set timeout 30
spawn mysql_secure_installation
expect {
    "enter for none" { send "\r"; exp_continue}
    "Y/n" { send "Y\r" ; exp_continue}
    "password:" { send "$DBPass\r"; exp_continue}
    "new password:" { send "$DBPass\r"; exp_continue}
    "Y/n" { send "Y\r" ; exp_continue}
    eof { exit }
mysql -u root -p$DBPass -e "show databases;"
[ $? = 0 ] || { echo "mariadb初始化失败";exit; }

#mysql -u root -p 
mysql -u root -p$DBPass -e "
create database keystone;
grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@localhost identified by keystone;
grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@% identified by keystone;
create database glance;
grant all privileges on glance.* to glance@localhost identified by glance;
grant all privileges on glance.* to glance@% identified by glance;

create database nova;
grant all privileges on nova.* to nova@localhost identified by nova;
grant all privileges on nova.* to nova@% identified by nova;
create database nova_api;
grant all privileges on nova_api.* to nova@localhost identified by nova;
grant all privileges on nova_api.* to nova@% identified by nova;
create database nova_cell0;
grant all privileges on nova_cell0.* to nova@localhost identified by nova;
grant all privileges on nova_cell0.* to nova@% identified by nova;

create database neutron;
grant all privileges on neutron.* to neutron@localhost identified by neutron;
grant all privileges on neutron.* to neutron@% identified by neutron;

flush privileges;
select user,host from mysql.user;
show databases;

# create database cinder;
# grant all privileges on cinder.* to cinder@localhost identified by cinder;
# grant all privileges on cinder.* to cinder@% identified by cinder;

# #------------------
sleep 1

# #------------------
#RabbitMQ #消息队列
yum -y install erlang socat
yum install -y rabbitmq-server
#启动 rabbitmq ,端口5672
systemctl enable rabbitmq-server.service
systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management  #启动web插件端口15672
rabbitmqctl  add_user admin admin
rabbitmqctl  set_user_tags admin administrator
rabbitmqctl add_user openstack openstack 
rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*" 
rabbitmqctl  set_user_tags openstack administrator
systemctl restart rabbitmq-server.service
netstat -antp|grep 5672

# rabbitmq-plugins list  #查看支持的插件
# lsof -i:15672




rabbitmq 基础知识(面试题)

Docker基础:安装RabbitMQ服务 #私藏项目实操分享#



RabbitMQ-从基础到实战— 防止消息丢失