理解 with递归调用 Sqlserver 树查询

Posted 明净


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了理解 with递归调用 Sqlserver 树查询相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


with SQL语句变量或者叫临时表名 as(
select * from SQL语句变量或者叫临时表名


with CTE as(
    select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
    union all
    select a.ZTBM_ID,a.ztbm_name,a.ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM a inner join CTE on a.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID
select * from CTE


    --最顶层 1
    select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
    union all
    select a.ZTBM_ID,a.ztbm_name,a.ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM a 
    inner join --此处括弧可以理解为最顶层的CTE   此处红色CTE即上一个SQL语句的CTE
        select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
        union all
        select a.ZTBM_ID,a.ztbm_name,a.ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM a 
        inner join --此处括弧可以理解为第二层的CTE
            select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
            union all
            select a.ZTBM_ID,a.ztbm_name,a.ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM a 
            inner join 
                select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
                union all
                select a.ZTBM_ID,a.ztbm_name,a.ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM a 
                inner join 
                    select ZTBM_ID,ztbm_name,ParentId from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘
                    --inner join....    层层嵌套
                CTE on a.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID
            CTE on a.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID
        CTE on a.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID
    CTE on a.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID


with CTE as    
-->Begin 一个定位点成员     
 select ZTBM_ID, ztbm_name,ParentId,cast(ztbm_name as nvarchar(max)) as TE,  
        ROW_NUMBER()over(order by getdate()) as OrderID,0 as Levle  
        from TB_ZYM_ZTBM where  deleteMark=1 and (ParentId is null or ParentId=‘‘) 
union all     
 select TB_ZYM_ZTBM.ZTBM_ID, TB_ZYM_ZTBM.ztbm_name,TB_ZYM_ZTBM.ParentId,cast(replicate(  ,Levle+1)+|_+TB_ZYM_ZTBM.ztbm_name as nvarchar(MAX)) as TE,  
        CTE.OrderID*100+ROW_NUMBER()over(Order by GETDATE()) as OrderID  ,Levle+1 as Levle
        from TB_ZYM_ZTBM inner join CTE     
        on TB_ZYM_ZTBM.ParentId=CTE.ZTBM_ID     
select * from CTE  
order by LTRIM(OrderID)



以上是关于理解 with递归调用 Sqlserver 树查询的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

sqlserver with 递归用法

SqlServer with递归查询的使用


请教Sqlserver 2008中使用with as语句递归查询的问题。

在sql server中利用with as实现递归功能

with as递归调用