Android P update_engine分析 --boot_control的操作

Posted Give.Me.Five


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Android P update_engine分析 --boot_control的操作相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

上篇update_engine的启动时,有看到关于boot_control的初始化,我们知道boot_control是切换AB分区的关键实现者,那这篇就来专门介绍boot_control, 从boot_control的启动与初始化,boot_control针对配置的读写操作,以及最后boot_control的AB切换 这三个小模块来分析。


我们接着上篇的boot_control的初始化开始分析, boot_control::CreateBootControl()的实现:

std::unique_ptr<BootControlInterface> CreateBootControl() 
  std::unique_ptr<BootControlandroid> boot_control(new BootControlAndroid());
  if (!boot_control->Init()) 
  // namespace boot_control

bool BootControlAndroid::Init() 
  module_ = IBootControl::getService();

首先是new了一个BootControlAndroid的实现,然后调用Init()函数,这个就是通IBootControl::getService(), 这个是标准的HAL的获取服务句柄的写法。那看看IBootControl的服务的启动。
HAL服务也是标准的HIDL流程,通过android.hardware.boot@1.0-service.rc 来启动,但它还需要加载boot_control_module_t来实现其实际的操作。

Return<uint32_t> BootControl::getNumberSlots()  
    return mModule->getNumberSlots(mModule);

Return<uint32_t> BootControl::getCurrentSlot()  
    return mModule->getCurrentSlot(mModule);

BootControl相当于是对boot_control_module_t 加了一层封装的服务,实现实现部分还是得看boot_control_module_t的实现。因为每个芯片平台实现的方法不一样。我们就找标准qcom的实现方式,路径为:hardware/qcom/bootctrl.

boot_control_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = 
	.common = 
		.module_api_version = 1,
		.hal_api_version = 0,
		.name = "Boot control HAL",
		.author = "Code Aurora Forum",
		.methods = &boot_control_module_methods,
	.init = boot_control_init,
	.getNumberSlots = get_number_slots,
	.getCurrentSlot = get_current_slot,
	.markBootSuccessful = mark_boot_successful,
	.setActiveBootSlot = set_active_boot_slot,
	.setSlotAsUnbootable = set_slot_as_unbootable,
	.isSlotBootable = is_slot_bootable,
	.getSuffix = get_suffix,
	.isSlotMarkedSuccessful = is_slot_marked_successful,

上面是所有boot_control 对外实现的接口,我们来看看boot_control_init:

void boot_control_init(struct boot_control_module *module)

	if (!module) 
		ALOGE("Invalid argument passed to %s", __func__);

boot_control_init 里没有做什么事情,那这里boot_control 初始化就分析完了。


boot_control 对AB分区的实际保存与读写,最具有代表性的函数是setActiveBootSlot, 那我们就从这个函数入手,在上面HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 里可以看出 setActiveBootSlot实际调用的是set_active_boot_slot:

int set_active_boot_slot(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot)

	map<string, vector<string>> ptn_map;
	vector<string> ptn_vec;
	const char ptn_list[][MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE] =  AB_PTN_LIST ;
	uint32_t i;
	int rc = -1;
	int is_ufs = gpt_utils_is_ufs_device();
	map<string, vector<string>>::iterator map_iter;
	vector<string>::iterator string_iter;
	//检查slot是否合法,是否属于A/B 对应的slot
	if (boot_control_check_slot_sanity(module, slot)) 
		ALOGE("%s: Bad arguments", __func__);
		goto error;
	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ptn_list); i++) 
		//XBL is handled differrently for ufs devices so ignore it
		if (is_ufs && !strncmp(ptn_list[i], PTN_XBL, strlen(PTN_XBL)))
		//The partition list will be the list of _a partitions
		string cur_ptn = ptn_list[i];

	if (gpt_utils_get_partition_map(ptn_vec, ptn_map)) 
		ALOGE("%s: Failed to get partition map",
		goto error;
	for (map_iter = ptn_map.begin(); map_iter != ptn_map.end(); map_iter++)
		if (map_iter->second.size() < 1)
		if (boot_ctl_set_active_slot_for_partitions(map_iter->second, slot)) 
			ALOGE("%s: Failed to set active slot for partitions ", __func__);;
			goto error;
	if (is_ufs) 
		if (!strncmp(slot_suffix_arr[slot], AB_SLOT_A_SUFFIX,
			//Set xbl_a as the boot lun
			rc = gpt_utils_set_xbl_boot_partition(NORMAL_BOOT);
		 else if (!strncmp(slot_suffix_arr[slot], AB_SLOT_B_SUFFIX,
			//Set xbl_b as the boot lun
			rc = gpt_utils_set_xbl_boot_partition(BACKUP_BOOT);
	return 0;
	return -1;

通过上面注释的解释,我们发现最重要切换分区的项是boot_ctl_set_active_slot_for_partitions 和 gpt_utils_set_xbl_boot_partition。

static int boot_ctl_set_active_slot_for_partitions(vector<string> part_list,
		unsigned slot)

	char buf[PATH_MAX] = 0;
	struct gpt_disk *disk = NULL;
	char slotA[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE + 1] = 0;
	char slotB[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE + 1] = 0;
	char active_guid[TYPE_GUID_SIZE + 1] = 0;
	char inactive_guid[TYPE_GUID_SIZE + 1] = 0;
	//Pointer to the partition entry of current 'A' partition
	uint8_t *pentryA = NULL;
	uint8_t *pentryA_bak = NULL;
	//Pointer to partition entry of current 'B' partition
	uint8_t *pentryB = NULL;
	uint8_t *pentryB_bak = NULL;
	struct stat st;
	vector<string>::iterator partition_iterator;

	for (partition_iterator = part_list.begin();
			partition_iterator != part_list.end();
		//Chop off the slot suffix from the partition name to
		//make the string easier to work with.
		string prefix = *partition_iterator;
		if (prefix.size() < (strlen(AB_SLOT_A_SUFFIX) + 1)) 
			ALOGE("Invalid partition name: %s", prefix.c_str());
			goto error;
		prefix.resize(prefix.size() - strlen(AB_SLOT_A_SUFFIX));
		//检查AB 分区对应的块设备是否存在
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s/%s%s", BOOT_DEV_DIR,
		if (stat(buf, &st))
		memset(buf, '\\0', sizeof(buf));
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s/%s%s", BOOT_DEV_DIR,
		if (stat(buf, &st))
		//设置slotA slotB的全名 ,类似boot_a, boot_b
		memset(slotA, 0, sizeof(slotA));
		memset(slotB, 0, sizeof(slotA));
		snprintf(slotA, sizeof(slotA) - 1, "%s%s", prefix.c_str(),
		snprintf(slotB, sizeof(slotB) - 1,"%s%s", prefix.c_str(),
		if (!disk) 
			disk = boot_ctl_get_disk_info(slotA);
			if (!disk)
				goto error;
		//qcom里分区表里有两块分区表信息,在磁盘头尾分别一块,为primary_GPT和SECONDARY_GPT 两个分区表信息,分别保存在pentryA/B 和 pentryA/B_bak中
		pentryA = gpt_disk_get_pentry(disk, slotA, PRIMARY_GPT);
		pentryA_bak = gpt_disk_get_pentry(disk, slotA, SECONDARY_GPT);
		pentryB = gpt_disk_get_pentry(disk, slotB, PRIMARY_GPT);
		pentryB_bak = gpt_disk_get_pentry(disk, slotB, SECONDARY_GPT);
		if ( !pentryA || !pentryA_bak || !pentryB || !pentryB_bak) 
			//None of these should be NULL since we have already
			//checked for A & B versions earlier.
			ALOGE("Slot pentries for %s not found.",
			goto error;
		//将当前激活的guid 和 非激活的guid 分别存储在active_guid和 inactive_guid中。
		memset(active_guid, '\\0', sizeof(active_guid));
		memset(inactive_guid, '\\0', sizeof(inactive_guid));
		if (get_partition_attribute(slotA, ATTR_SLOT_ACTIVE) == 1) 
			//A is the current active slot
			memcpy((void*)active_guid, (const void*)pentryA,
			memcpy((void*)inactive_guid,(const void*)pentryB,
		 else if (get_partition_attribute(slotB,
					ATTR_SLOT_ACTIVE) == 1) 
			//B is the current active slot
			memcpy((void*)active_guid, (const void*)pentryB,
			memcpy((void*)inactive_guid, (const void*)pentryA,
			ALOGE("Both A & B are inactive..Aborting");
			goto error;
		if (!strncmp(slot_suffix_arr[slot], AB_SLOT_A_SUFFIX,
			//Mark A as active in primary table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryA, active_guid, SLOT_ACTIVE);
			//Mark A as active in backup table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryA_bak, active_guid, SLOT_ACTIVE);
			//Mark B as inactive in primary table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryB, inactive_guid, SLOT_INACTIVE);
			//Mark B as inactive in backup table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryB_bak, inactive_guid, SLOT_INACTIVE);
		 else if (!strncmp(slot_suffix_arr[slot], AB_SLOT_B_SUFFIX,
			//Mark B as active in primary table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryB, active_guid, SLOT_ACTIVE);
			//Mark B as active in backup table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryB_bak, active_guid, SLOT_ACTIVE);
			//Mark A as inavtive in primary table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryA, inactive_guid, SLOT_INACTIVE);
			//Mark A as inactive in backup table
			UPDATE_SLOT(pentryA_bak, inactive_guid, SLOT_INACTIVE);
			//Something has gone terribly terribly wrong
			ALOGE("%s: Unknown slot suffix!", __func__);
			goto error;
		if (disk) 
			if (gpt_disk_update_crc(disk) != 0) 
				ALOGE("%s: Failed to update gpt_disk crc",
				goto error;
	if (disk) 
		if (gpt_disk_commit(disk)) 
			ALOGE("Failed to commit disk entry");
			goto error;
	return 0;

	if (disk)
	return -1;

从上面的注释中可以看到,首先根据分区名如boot_a, 获取到对应分区表信息,高通的分区表信息是有两份的,一份在磁盘的第二块上,另一份在磁盘的最后一块上,做为备份分区表信息。通过更新分区表信息中的FLAG 为 SLOT_ACTIVE 或 SLOT_INACTIVE 来设置分区为激活状态,还是非激活状态。最后将disk分区表信息写回到磁盘上。这样就完成了分区表的更新。



int BootControl_setActiveBootSlot(boot_control_module_t* module, unsigned int slot) 
  boot_control_private_t* const bootctrl_module = reinterpret_cast<boot_control_private_t*>(module);

  if (slot >= kMaxNumSlots || slot >= bootctrl_module->num_slots) 
    // Invalid slot number.
    return -1;

  bootloader_control bootctrl;
  if (!LoadBootloaderControl(bootctrl_module->misc_device, &bootctrl)) return -1;

  // 如果是激活分区,就将Priorty设置为15,如果是非激活分区,就将优先级设置为14.
  const unsigned int kActivePriority = 15;
  const unsigned int kActiveTries = 6;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bootctrl_module->num_slots; ++i) 
    if (i != slot) 
      if (bootctrl.slot_info[i].priority >= kActivePriority)
        bootctrl.slot_info[i].priority = kActivePriority - 1;

  // Note that setting a slot as active doesn't change the successful bit.
  // The successful bit will only be changed by setSlotAsUnbootable().
  bootctrl.slot_info[slot].priority = kActivePriority;
  bootctrl.slot_info[slot].tries_remaining = kActiveTries;

  // Setting the current slot as active is a way to revert the operation that
  // set *another* slot as active at the end of an updater. This is commonly
  // used to cancel the pending update. We should only reset the verity_corrpted
  // bit when attempting a new slot, otherwise the verity bit on the current
  // slot would be flip.
  if (slot != bootctrl_module->current_slot) bootctrl.slot_info[slot].verity_corrupted = 0;
  if (!UpdateAndSaveBootloaderControl(bootctrl_module->misc_device, &bootctrl)) return -1;
  return 0;

struct slot_metadata 
    // Slot priority with 15 meaning highest priority, 1 lowest
    // priority and 0 the slot is unbootable.
    uint8_t priority : 4;
    // Number of times left attempting to boot this slot.
    uint8_t tries_remaining : 3;
    // 1 if this slot has booted successfully, 0 otherwise.
    uint8_t successful_boot : 1;
    // 1 if this slot is corrupted from a dm-verity corruption, 0
    // otherwise.
    uint8_t verity_corrupted : 1;
    // Reserved for further use.
    uint8_t reserved : 7;

struct bootloader_control 
    // NUL terminated active slot suffix.
    char slot_suffix[4];
    // Bootloader Control AB magic number (see BOOT_CTRL_MAGIC).
    uint32_t magic;
    // Version of struct being used (see BOOT_CTRL_VERSION).
    uint8_t version;
    // Number of slots being managed.
    uint8_t nb_slot : 3;
    // Number of times left attempting to boot recovery.
    uint8_t recovery_tries_remaining : 3;
    // Ensure 4-bytes alignment for slot_info field.
    uint8_t reserved0[2];
    // Per-slot information.  Up to 4 slots.
    struct slot_metadata slot_info[4];
    // Reserved for further use.
    uint8_t reserved1[8];
    // CRC32 of all 28 bytes preceding this field (little endian
    // format).
    uint32_t crc32_le;

从上面的可以看到,google标准平台就是将bootloader_control 的结构体信息保存在misc分区中,通过读写这块信息,来配置当前slot信息。

总结来说,bootcontrol 每家芯片实现的方式有些许差异。但都是适配boot_control的HAL层接口。

以上是关于Android P update_engine分析 --boot_control的操作的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Android P update_engine分析--升级核心DeltaPerformer的分析

Android P update_engine分析--升级核心DeltaPerformer的分析

Android P update_engine分析--升级核心DeltaPerformer的分析

Android P update_engine分析--升级核心DeltaPerformer的分析

Android P update_engine分析-- PostinstallRunnerAction的工作

Android P update_engine分析-- PostinstallRunnerAction的工作