OrientDB入门Getting Started
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了OrientDB入门Getting Started相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Running OrientDB the First Time
- First, download and extract OrientDB by selecting the appropriate package provided in our download page(click here for aditional installation methods).
- Start the server by running the server.sh or server.bat scripts located in the bin folder.
- Once OrientDB is running, enter the following URL in a browser window: http://localhost:2480. This is Studio, the most advanced Web tool for Databases.
If you’re new to OrientDB, we recommend taking a look at the following links:
Take Our Free Course!
Here at OrientDB, we believe the future of Data requires a multi-model database because of its infinite power and flexibility.
We know that after more than 30 years of Relational DBMSs, it can be challenging at first using innovative technology like OrientDB. (创新的)
So, we decided to provide a Getting Started video course for FREE!
We decided to use the Udemy.com platform to provide the most immersive, wide reaching platform possible.
This course is designed to help developers become productive and familiar with OrientDB and related tools in the fastest way possible.

Learning Objectives
- Install OrientDB and create a new database
- Learn the differences between Relational and Graph models
- Build a flexible Graph and Document data model
- Implement most major SQL functions, including basic CRUD operations
- Deploy and mange a production application
Start now!
Begin the course by following these 2 simple steps:- Access the OrientDB - Getting Started course.
- Enter your email and a name/password of your choosing to register with Udemy.com, if you do not already have an account.
Section A: First Steps
- 1: Background and Concepts
- 2: Up and Running
- 3: Data Modelling Concepts
- 4: OrientDB Studio
- 5: OrientDB Console
Section B: Working with the Database (SQL API)
- 6: SQL API Overview
- 7: Data Modelling (SQL)
- 8: Basic CRUD (SQL)
- 9: Graph Functionality and Traversals (SQL)
- 10: Transactions
Section C: Additional Features
- 11: Server Side Functions
- 12: User Permissions and Authentication
- 14: Basics of a Distributed Deployment
- 15: ETL Module
- 16: Building the VehicleHistoryGraph Database
- 17: Working with the Demo Database
Section D: OrientDB Professional Services
- 18: OrientDB Enterprise with Workbench
- 19: Orient Technologies Support & Consulting Services
以上是关于OrientDB入门Getting Started的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
HBaseHBase Getting Started(HBase 入门指南)
kafka-0.10.0官网翻译入门指南 Getting Started
Zookeeper客户端Curator---Getting Started