Posted cunning007
然后:(1) tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3070500.tar.gz
(2) cd sqlite-autoconf-3070500
(3) ./configure --prefix=/xx/xxxx(/xx/xxxx表示文件生成目录)
(4) make & make install (成功后在/xx/xxxx目录下生成(bin include lib share 4个目录))
其中bin放置可执行文件sqlite3,./sqlite3 可进入sqlite命令行界面
(2)退出提示符:.quit .exit
(3)输出到屏幕:output stdout
(1)创建数据库:sqlite3 xxx.db
五,Sqlite3 API 使用
int sqlite3_open(const char*, sqlite3**);
int sqlite3_exec(sqlite3*, const char *sql, sqlite_callback, void*, char**);
int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*);
const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*);
void sqlite3_free(void*);
(2)sqlite3_open 返回一个整数错误代码,=0 表示成功码,> 0都是错误码,详情看Sqlite3手册说明
const char* 指定文件名,sqlite3** 指定数据库句柄,用户通过数据库句柄操作数据库
sqlite3*指定已打开的数据库句柄,const char *sql 指定SQL指令,sqlite_callback 在回调函数中可以获得SQL执行的结果
void* 指定传给回调函数的数据 , char** 指定命令执行失败的详细错误信息
(4) sqlite3_close 关闭数据库文件,参数是数据库句柄
(5)sqlite3_errmsg 返回错误码所对应的文字说明,参数是数据库句柄
(6)sqlite3_free 释放存放错误信息的内存空间,sqlite3_errmsg 返回的errmsg必须用此函数释放

1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <sqlite3.h> 3 4 int callback(void *pv,int argc,char **argv,char **col) 5 { 6 int cnt_i = 0; 7 for(cnt_i =0;cnt_i < argc;cnt_i++) 8 { 9 printf("%s\\t%s\\n",col[cnt_i],argv[cnt_i]); 10 } 11 printf("\\n"); 12 return 0; 13 } 14 15 int main(void) 16 { 17 sqlite3 *db; 18 int result = 0; 19 char *rerrmsg = NULL; 20 char *sql = NULL; 21 char *data = "callback"; 22 23 result = sqlite3_open("sample.db",&db); 24 if(result > 0) 25 { 26 printf("open database err:%s\\n",sqlite3_errmsg(db)); 27 return -1; 28 } 29 30 else 31 { 32 printf("open database successfully!\\n"); 33 34 sql = "CREATE TABLE STUDENT(" \\ 35 "NUM INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \\ 36 "NAME TEXT NOT NULL," \\ 37 "AGE INT NOT NULL," \\ 38 "SORCE REAL);"; 39 40 result = sqlite3_exec(db,sql,callback,NULL,&rerrmsg); 41 if(result != 0) 42 { 43 printf("creat table err:%s\\n",rerrmsg); 44 sqlite3_free(rerrmsg); 45 return -2; 46 } 47 48 else 49 { 50 printf("create table successfully!\\n"); 51 52 sql = "INSERT INTO STUDENT(NUM,NAME,AGE,SORCE)" \\ 53 "VALUES(1,\'Paul\',13,99.1);" \\ 54 "INSERT INTO STUDENT(NUM,NAME,AGE,SORCE)" \\ 55 "VALUES(2,\'Kate\',15,94.1);" \\ 56 "INSERT INTO STUDENT(NUM,NAME,AGE,SORCE)" \\ 57 "VALUES(3,\'Jim\',12,95.1);" \\ 58 "INSERT INTO STUDENT(NUM,NAME,AGE,SORCE)" \\ 59 "VALUES(4,\'Tom\',13,99.4);" \\ 60 "INSERT INTO STUDENT(NUM,NAME,AGE,SORCE)" \\ 61 "VALUES(5,\'Jack\',13,89.1);"; 62 63 result = sqlite3_exec(db,sql,callback,NULL,&rerrmsg); 64 if(result != 0) 65 { 66 printf("insert data err:%s\\n",rerrmsg); 67 sqlite3_free(rerrmsg); 68 return -3; 69 } 70 71 else 72 { 73 printf("insert data successfully!\\n"); 74 75 sql = "SELECT * FROM STUDENT"; 76 result = sqlite3_exec(db,sql,callback,(void *)data,&rerrmsg); 77 if(result != 0) 78 { 79 printf("select data err:%s\\n",rerrmsg); 80 sqlite3_free(rerrmsg); 81 return -4; 82 } 83 84 else 85 { 86 printf("select data successfully!\\n"); 87 } 88 } 89 } 90 } 91 92 sqlite3_close(db); 93 94 return 0; 95 }
smallint 16 位元的整数。
interger 32 位元的整数。
decimal(p,s) p 精确值和 s 大小的十进位整数,精确值p是指全部有几个数(digits)大小值,s是指小数点後有几位数。如果没有特别指定,则系统会设为 p=5; s=0 。
float 32位元的实数。
double 64位元的实数。
char(n) n 长度的字串,n不能超过 254。
varchar(n) 长度不固定且其最大长度为 n 的字串,n不能超过 4000。
graphic(n) 和 char(n) 一样,不过其单位是两个字元 double-bytes, n不能超过127。这个形态是为了支援两个字元长度的字体,例如中文字。
vargraphic(n) 可变长度且其最大长度为 n 的双字元字串,n不能超过 2000
date 包含了 年份、月份、日期。
time 包含了 小时、分钟、秒。
timestamp 包含了 年、月、日、时、分、秒、千分之一秒。
type | description |
TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGBLOB, BYTEA | String types of unlimited length. Binary data must be safely encoded, see text. |
CHAR(), VARCHAR(), TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT | String types of unlimited length. There is no chopping or padding performed by the database engine. |
ENUM | String type of unlimited length. In contrast to mysql, choosing ENUM over VARCHAR does not save any storage space. |
SET | String type of unlimited length. In contrast to MySQL, the input is not checked against the list of allowed values. |
YEAR | String type of unlimited length. MySQL stores 2 or 4 digit years as a 1 byte value, whereas the SQLite drivers stores the string as provided. |
TINYINT, INT1, CHAR | A 1 byte type used to store one character, a signed integer between -128 and 127, or an unsigned integer between 0 and 255. |
SMALLINT, INT2 | 2 byte (short) integer type used to store a signed integer between -32768 and 32767 or an unsigned integer between 0 and 65535. |
MEDIUMINT | 3 byte integer type used to store a signed integer between -8388608 and 8388607 or an unsigned integer between 0 and 16777215. |
INT, INTEGER, INT4 | 4 byte (long) integer type used to store a signed integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647 or an unsigned integer between 0 and 4294967295. |
BIGINT, INT8, INTEGER PRIMARY KEY | 8 byte (long long) integer type used to store a signed integer between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 or an unsigned integer between 0 and 18446744073709551615. See below for a discussion of INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. |
DECIMAL, NUMERIC | A string type of unlimited length used to store floating-point numbers of arbitrary precision. |
TIMESTAMP, DATETIME | A string type of unlimited length used to store date/time combinations. The required format is \'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS\', anything following this pattern is ignored. |
DATE | A string type of unlimited length used to store a date. The required format is \'YYYY-MM-DD\', anything following this pattern is ignored. |
TIME | A string type of unlimited length used to store a time. The required format is \'HH:MM:SS\', anything following this pattern is ignored. |
FLOAT, FLOAT4, REAL | A 4 byte floating-point number. The range is -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38. Please note that MySQL treats REAL as an 8 byte instead of a 4 byte float like PostgreSQL. |
DOUBLE, DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT8 | An 8 byte floating-point number. The range is -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308. |
Android 逆向使用 DB Browser 查看并修改 SQLite 数据库 ( 从 Android 应用数据目录中拷贝数据库文件 | 使用 DB Browser 工具查看数据块文件 )(代码片段
Android 逆向使用 DB Browser 查看并修改 SQLite 数据库 ( 从 Android 应用数据目录中拷贝数据库文件 | 使用 DB Browser 工具查看数据块文件 )(代码片段