
Posted 神遁克里苏



void TrQuant::invTransformNxN( TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, PelBuf &pResi, const QpParam &cQP )
  const CompArea &area    = tu.blocks[compID];
  const uint32_t uiWidth      = area.width;
  const uint32_t uiHeight     = area.height;

  CHECK( uiWidth > tu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || uiHeight > tu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize(), "Maximal allowed transformation size exceeded!" );
  CoeffBuf tempCoeff = CoeffBuf(m_tempCoeff, area);
  xDeQuant(tu, tempCoeff, compID, cQP);//进行反量化

  DTRACE_COEFF_BUF(D_TCOEFF, tempCoeff, tu, tu.cu->predMode, compID);

  if (tu.cs->sps->getUseLFNST())//如果使用了LFNST,则进行反LFNST
    xInvLfnst(tu, compID);

  if (tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MTS_SKIP)//如果MTS跳过
    xITransformSkip(tempCoeff, pResi, tu, compID);//则不用进行反变换,直接就是resi
    xIT(tu, compID, tempCoeff, pResi);//反MTS变换

  //DTRACE_BLOCK_COEFF(tu.getCoeffs(compID), tu, tu.cu->predMode, compID);
  DTRACE_PEL_BUF( D_RESIDUALS, pResi, tu, tu.cu->predMode, compID);


void TrQuant::xDeQuant(const TransformUnit &tu,
                             CoeffBuf      &dstCoeff,
                       const ComponentID   &compID,
                       const QpParam       &cQP)

  m_quant->dequant( tu, dstCoeff, compID, cQP );


void DepQuant::dequant( const TransformUnit &tu, CoeffBuf &dstCoeff, const ComponentID &compID, const QpParam &cQP )

  const bool useRegularResidualCoding = tu.cu->slice->getTSResidualCodingDisabledFlag() || tu.mtsIdx[compID] != MTS_SKIP;
  if( tu.cs->slice->getDepQuantEnabledFlag() && useRegularResidualCoding )
    const int         qpDQ            = cQP.Qp(tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MTS_SKIP) + 1;
    const int         qpPer           = qpDQ / 6;
    const int         qpRem           = qpDQ - 6 * qpPer;
    const CompArea    &rect           = tu.blocks[compID];
    const int         width           = rect.width;
    const int         height          = rect.height;
    uint32_t          scalingListType = getScalingListType(tu.cu->predMode, compID);
    CHECK(scalingListType >= SCALING_LIST_NUM, "Invalid scaling list");
    const uint32_t    log2TrWidth  = floorLog2(width);
    const uint32_t    log2TrHeight = floorLog2(height);

    const bool disableSMForLFNST = tu.cs->slice->getExplicitScalingListUsed() ? tu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getDisableScalingMatrixForLfnstBlks() : false;
    const bool isLfnstApplied = tu.cu->lfnstIdx > 0 && (tu.cu->isSepTree() ? true : isLuma(compID));
    const bool disableSMForACT = tu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getScalingMatrixForAlternativeColourSpaceDisabledFlag() && (tu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getScalingMatrixDesignatedColourSpaceFlag() == tu.cu->colorTransform);
    const bool enableScalingLists = getUseScalingList(width, height, (tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MTS_SKIP), isLfnstApplied, disableSMForLFNST, disableSMForACT);
    static_cast<DQIntern::DepQuant*>(p)->dequant( tu, dstCoeff, compID, cQP, enableScalingLists, Quant::getDequantCoeff(scalingListType, qpRem, log2TrWidth, log2TrHeight) );
    QuantRDOQ::dequant( tu, dstCoeff, compID, cQP );


void TrQuant::xInvLfnst( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID )

  const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange = tu.cs->sps->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(toChannelType(compID));
  const CompArea& area     = tu.blocks[ compID ];
  const uint32_t  width    = area.width;
  const uint32_t  height   = area.height;
  const uint32_t  lfnstIdx = tu.cu->lfnstIdx;
  if( lfnstIdx && tu.mtsIdx[compID] != MTS_SKIP && (tu.cu->isSepTree() ? true : isLuma(compID)) )
    const bool whge3 = width >= 8 && height >= 8;
    const ScanElement * scan = whge3 ? g_coefTopLeftDiagScan8x8[ gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( width ) ] : g_scanOrder[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ SCAN_DIAG ][ gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( width ) ][ gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom( height ) ];
    uint32_t intraMode = PU::getFinalIntraMode( *tu.cs->getPU( area.pos(), toChannelType( compID ) ), toChannelType( compID ) );

    if( PU::isLMCMode( tu.cs->getPU( area.pos(), toChannelType( compID ) )->intraDir[ toChannelType( compID ) ] ) )
      intraMode = PU::getCoLocatedIntraLumaMode( *tu.cs->getPU( area.pos(), toChannelType( compID ) ) );
    if (PU::isMIP(*tu.cs->getPU(area.pos(), toChannelType(compID)), toChannelType(compID)))
      intraMode = PLANAR_IDX;
    CHECK( intraMode >= NUM_INTRA_MODE - 1, "Invalid intra mode" );

    if( lfnstIdx < 3 )
      intraMode = getLFNSTIntraMode( PU::getWideAngle( tu, intraMode, compID ) );
      CodingStatistics::IncrementStatisticTool( CodingStatisticsClassType  STATS__TOOL_LFNST, width, height, compID  );
      bool          transposeFlag   = getTransposeFlag( intraMode );
      const int     sbSize          = whge3 ? 8 : 4;

      bool          tu4x4Flag       = ( width == 4 && height == 4 );
      bool          tu8x8Flag       = ( width == 8 && height == 8 );
      TCoeff*       lfnstTemp;
      TCoeff*       coeffTemp;
      int           y;
      lfnstTemp   = m_tempInMatrix;   // inverse spectral rearrangement
      coeffTemp   = m_tempCoeff;
      TCoeff *dst = lfnstTemp;

      const ScanElement *scanPtr = scan;
      for (y = 0; y < 16; y++)
        *dst++ = coeffTemp[scanPtr->idx];

      invLfnstNxN(m_tempInMatrix, m_tempOutMatrix, g_lfnstLut[intraMode], lfnstIdx - 1, sbSize,
                  (tu4x4Flag || tu8x8Flag) ? 8 : 16, maxLog2TrDynamicRange);
      invLfnstNxN(m_tempInMatrix, m_tempOutMatrix, g_lfnstLut[intraMode], lfnstIdx - 1, sbSize,
                  (tu4x4Flag || tu8x8Flag) ? 8 : 16);
      lfnstTemp = m_tempOutMatrix;   // inverse spectral rearrangement

      if (transposeFlag)
        if (sbSize == 4)
          for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
            coeffTemp[0] = lfnstTemp[0];
            coeffTemp[1] = lfnstTemp[4];
            coeffTemp[2] = lfnstTemp[8];
            coeffTemp[3] = lfnstTemp[12];
            coeffTemp += width;
        else   // ( sbSize == 8 )
          for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
            coeffTemp[0] = lfnstTemp[0];
            coeffTemp[1] = lfnstTemp[8];
            coeffTemp[2] = lfnstTemp[16];
            coeffTemp[3] = lfnstTemp[24];
            if (y < 4)
              coeffTemp[4] = lfnstTemp[32];
              coeffTemp[5] = lfnstTemp[36];
              coeffTemp[6] = lfnstTemp[40];
              coeffTemp[7] = lfnstTemp[44];
            coeffTemp += width;
        for (y = 0; y < sbSize; y++)
          uint32_t uiStride = (y < 4) ? sbSize : 4;
          ::memcpy(coeffTemp, lfnstTemp, uiStride * sizeof(TCoeff));
          lfnstTemp += uiStride;
          coeffTemp += width;


void TrQuant::xITransformSkip(const CCoeffBuf     &pCoeff,
                                    PelBuf        &pResidual,
                              const TransformUnit &tu,
                              const ComponentID   &compID)

  const CompArea &area      = tu.blocks[compID];
  const int width           = area.width;
  const int height          = area.height;

  for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
    for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
      pResidual.at(x, y) = Pel(pCoeff.at(x, y));


void TrQuant::xIT( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const CCoeffBuf &pCoeff, PelBuf &pResidual )

  const int      width                  = pCoeff.width;
  const int      height                 = pCoeff.height;
  const unsigned maxLog2TrDynamicRange  = tu.cs->sps->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange( toChannelType( compID ) );
  const unsigned bitDepth               = tu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(              toChannelType( compID ) );
  const int      TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT = g_transformMatrixShift[TRANSFORM_INVERSE];
  const TCoeff   clipMinimum            = -( 1 << maxLog2TrDynamicRange );
  const TCoeff   clipMaximum            =  ( 1 << maxLog2TrDynamicRange ) - 1;
  const uint32_t transformWidthIndex    = floorLog2(width ) - 1;                                // nLog2WidthMinus1, since transform start from 2-point
  const uint32_t transformHeightIndex   = floorLog2(height) - 1;                                // nLog2HeightMinus1, since transform start from 2-point

  int trTypeHor = DCT2;
  int trTypeVer = DCT2;

  getTrTypes ( tu, compID, trTypeHor, trTypeVer );
  int skipWidth  = ( trTypeHor != DCT2 && width  == 32 ) ? 16 : width  > JVET_C0024_ZERO_OUT_TH ? width  - JVET_C0024_ZERO_OUT_TH : 0;
  int skipHeight = ( trTypeVer != DCT2 && height == 32 ) ? 16 : height > JVET_C0024_ZERO_OUT_TH ? height - JVET_C0024_ZERO_OUT_TH : 0;
  if( tu.cs->sps->getUseLFNST() && tu.cu->lfnstIdx )
    if( (width == 4 && height > 4) || (width > 4 && height == 4) )
      skipWidth  = width  - 4;
      skipHeight = height - 4;
    else if( (width >= 8 && height >= 8) )
      skipWidth  = width  - 8;
      skipHeight = height - 8;

  TCoeff *block = ( TCoeff * ) alloca( width * height * sizeof( TCoeff ) );

  if( width > 1 && height > 1 ) //2-D transform
    const int      shift_1st              =   TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + 1 + COM16_C806_TRANS_PREC; // 1 has been added to shift_1st at the expense of shift_2nd
    const int      shift_2nd              = ( TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + maxLog2TrDynamicRange - 1 ) - bitDepth + COM16_C806_TRANS_PREC;
    CHECK( shift_1st < 0, "Negative shift" );
    CHECK( shift_2nd < 0, "Negative shift" );
    TCoeff *tmp = ( TCoeff * ) alloca( width * height * sizeof( TCoeff ) );
  fastInvTrans[trTypeVer][transformHeightIndex](pCoeff.buf, tmp, shift_1st, width, skipWidth, skipHeight, clipMinimum, clipMaximum);
  fastInvTrans[trTypeHor][transformWidthIndex] (tmp,      block, shift_2nd, height,         0, skipWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum);
  else if( width == 1 ) //1-D vertical transform
    int shift = ( TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + maxLog2TrDynamicRange - 1 ) - bitDepth + COM16_C806_TRANS_PREC;
    CHECK( shift < 0, "Negative shift" );
    CHECK( ( transformHeightIndex < 0 ), "There is a problem with the height." );
    fastInvTrans[trTypeVer][transformHeightIndex]( pCoeff.buf, block, shift + 1, 1, 0, skipHeight, clipMinimum, clipMaximum );
  else //if(iHeight == 1) //1-D horizontal transform
    const int      shift              = ( TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + maxLog2TrDynamicRange - 1 ) - bitDepth + COM16_C806_TRANS_PREC;
    CHECK( shift < 0, "Negative shift" );
    CHECK( ( transformWidthIndex < 0 ), "There is a problem with the width." );
    fastInvTrans[trTypeHor][transformWidthIndex]( pCoeff.buf, block, shift + 1, 1, 0, skipWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum );

  Pel *resiBuf    = pResidual.buf;
  int  resiStride = pResidual.stride;

  for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
    for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
      resiBuf[( y * resiStride ) + x] = Pel( block[( y * width ) + x] );






