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Python’s with statement provides a very convenient way of dealing with the situation where you have to do a setup and teardown to make something happen. A very good example for this is the situation where you want to gain a handler to a file, read data from the file and the close the file handler.有一些任务,可能事先需要设置,事后做清理工作。对于这种场景,Python的with语句提供了一种非常方便的处理方式。一个很好的例子是文件处理,你需要获取一个文件句柄,从文件中读取数据,然后关闭文件句柄。Without the with statement, one would write something along the lines of:如果不用with语句,代码如下:
1 2 3 file = open ( "/tmp/foo.txt" ) data = file .read() file .close()
There are two annoying things here. First, you end up forgetting to close the file handler. The second is how to handle exceptions that may occur once the file handler has been obtained. One could write something like this to get around this:这里有两个问题。一是可能忘记关闭文件句柄;二是文件读取数据发生异常,没有进行任何处理。下面是处理异常的加强版本:
1 2 3 4 5 file = open ( "/tmp/foo.txt" ) try :      data = file .read() finally :      file .close()
While this works well, it is unnecessarily verbose. This is where with is useful. The good thing about with apart from the better syntax is that it is very good handling exceptions. The above code would look like this, when using with:虽然这段代码运行良好,但是太冗长了。这时候就是with一展身手的时候了。除了有更优雅的语法,with还可以很好的处理上下文环境产生的异常。下面是with版本的代码:
1 2 with open ( "/tmp/foo.txt" ) as file :      data = file .read()


while this might look like magic, the way Python handles with is more clever than magic. The basic idea is that the statement after with has to evaluate an object that responds to an __enter__() as well as an __exit__() function.这看起来充满魔法,但不仅仅是魔法,Python对with的处理还很聪明。基本思想是with所求值的对象必须有一个__enter__()方法,一个__exit__()方法。After the statement that follows with is evaluated, the __enter__() function on the resulting object is called. The value returned by this function is assigned to the variable following as. After every statement in the block is evaluated, the __exit__() function is called.紧跟with后面的语句被求值后,返回对象的__enter__()方法被调用,这个方法的返回值将被赋值给as后面的变量。当with后面的代码块全部被执行完之后,将调用前面返回对象的__exit__()方法。This can be demonstrated with the following example:下面例子可以具体说明with如何工作:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 #!/usr/bin/env python #     class Sample:      def __enter__( self ):          print "In __enter__()"          return "Foo"        def __exit__( self , type , value, trace):          print "In __exit__()"     def get_sample():      return Sample()     with get_sample() as sample:      print "sample:" , sample
When executed, this will result in:运行代码,输出如下 以上是关于Python--with的用法详解的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

python with魔法语句


python3 with open()用法

python with as的用法

python with as用法

python with as的用法

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