00 | DWORD | Signature | PE Signature PE.. (50h 45h 00h 00h) |
04 | WORD | Machine | 014Ch = Intel 386, 014Dh = Intel 486, 014Eh = Intel 586, 0200h = Intel 64-bit, 0162h=MIPS |
06 | WORD | NumberOfSections | Number Of Sections |
08 | DWORD | TimeDateStamp | Date & time image was created by the linker |
0C | DWORD | PointerToSymbolTable | Zero or offset of COFF symbol table in older files |
10 | DWORD | NumberOfSymbols | Number of symbols in COFF symbol table |
14 | WORD | SizeOfOptionalHeader | Size of optional header in bytes (224 in 32bit exe) |
16 | WORD | Characteristics | see below |
18 | ********** | START OF OPTIONAL HEADER | ************************************** |
18 | WORD | Magic | 010Bh=32-bit executable image 020Bh=64-bit executable image 0107h=ROM image |
1A | BYTE | MajorLinkerVersion | Major version number of the linker |
1B | BYTE | MinorLinkerVersion | Minor version number of the linker |
1C | DWORD | SizeOfCode | size of code section or sum if multiple code sections |
20 | DWORD | SizeOfInitializedData | as above |
24 | DWORD | SizeOfUninitializedData | as above |
28 | DWORD | AddressOfEntryPoint | Start of code execution, optional for DLLs, zero when none present |
2C | DWORD | BaseOfCode | RVA of first byte of code when loaded into RAM |
30 | DWORD | BaseOfData | RVA of first byte of data when loaded into RAM |
34 | DWORD | ImageBase | Preferred load address |
38 | DWORD | SectionAlignment | Alignment of sections when loaded in RAM |
3C | DWORD | FileAlignment | Alignment of sections in file on disk |
40 | WORD | MajorOperatingSystemVersion | Major version no. of required operating system |
42 | WORD | MinorOperatingSystemVersion | Minor version no. of required operating system |
44 | WORD | MajorImageVersion | Major version number of the image |
46 | WORD | MinorImageVersion | Minor version number of the image |
48 | WORD | MajorSubsystemVersion | Major version number of the subsystem |
4A | WORD | MinorSubsystemVersion | Minor version number of the subsystem |
4C | DWORD | Reserved1 | |
50 | DWORD | SizeOfImage | Amount of memory allocated by loader for image. Must be a multiple of SectionAlignment |
54 | DWORD | SizeOfHeaders | Offset of first section, multiple of FileAlignment |
58 | DWORD | CheckSum | Image checksum (only required for kernel-mode drivers and some system DLLs). |
5C | WORD | Subsystem | 0002h=Windows GUI, 0003h=console |
5E | WORD | DllCharacteristics | 0001h=per-process library initialization 0002h=per-process library termination 0003h=per-thread library initialization 0004h=per-thread library termination |
60 | DWORD | SizeOfStackReserve | Number of bytes reserved for the stack |
64 | DWORD | SizeOfStackCommit | Number of bytes actually used for the stack |
68 | DWORD | SizeOfHeapReserve | Number of bytes to reserve for the local heap |
6C | DWORD | SizeOfHeapCommit | Number of bytes actually used for local heap |
70 | DWORD | LoaderFlags | This member is obsolete. |
74 | DWORD | NumberOfRvaAndSizes | Number of directory entries. |
78 | ********** | START OF DATA DIRECTORY | ************************************** |
78 | DWORD | IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY0 | RVA of Export Directory |
7C | DWORD | | size of Export Directory |
80 | DWORD | IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY1 | RVA of Import Directory (array of IIDs) |
84 | DWORD | | size of Import Directory (array of IIDs) |
88 | DWORD | IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY2 | RVA of Resource Directory |
8C | DWORD | | size of Resource Directory |
90 | DWORD | IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY3 | RVA of Exception Directory |
94 | DWORD | | size of Exception Directory |
98 | DWORD | IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY4 | Raw Offset of Security Directory |
9C | PE文件格式