
Posted 51星系




一、Kitty Hawk Demo

STK technology can be used to import live aircraft tracks, model airspace and perform analysis on track data, such as this example of aircraft route deconfliction. AGI is a leader in dynamic analysis of real time position information. We can add fidelity to real time applications that need dynamic communications, radar and other environmental modeling or predictive analysis. Our software can be embedded into other products and supports service oriented architectures and widget frameworks




三、STK missile defense overview  STK导弹防御介绍

This video demos how STK can be used to model missile defense simulations for analysis, design and test situations.


四、NASA UARS Satellite Reentry 

As NASA's UARS satellite nears reentry, go to NASA (hyperlink to to get the most current updates.


五、UAV Auto Router 

This video demonstrates Primordial's UAV auto router, which is part of AGI's Components Library. The auto router plans an efficient UAV path from a launch point to a recovery point, visiting targetpoints and exhaustively searching target areas while avoiding restricted airspace. This is a sample application that uses the Primordial's UAV auto router library.

Initially, the application displays a route planner dialog. The user may select an input file specifying the launch point, recovery point, target points, target areas, and restricted airspace. In addition, the user may select an output file for saving the generated UAV route, elevation data for the area of interest, launch and recovery angles in degrees, a turn radius in meters, a cruising altitude in meters, and a maximum viewing distance in meters.

After generating the route, the application displays the user-specified inputs as well as the automatically generated UAV route. In this case, the inputs are in Asadabad, Afghanistan. They include a launch point in green, a recovery point in red, five target points in yellow, one target area in yellow, and two restricted areas in red. The auto router generated the UAV route in blue. This 1,800 kilometer route will take the Scan Eagle 20 hours to complete at its cruising speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

At this point, this sample application enables a user to pan and zoom the map, press f to start or stop a flythrough, or press escape to exit the application.




七、SMDC Video 2 V4 


八、SMDC Video 3 V4


九、SMDC Video 1 V4


十、2008 - USA 193 Satellite shoot down - Debris Simulation

(February 20, 2008) — Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI) provided free graphics, animations, and interactive AGI Viewer files to broadcast, online, and print media for use in stories related to the U.S. Navy's firing of a modified SM-3 missile at a failing U.S. spy satellite.

This video depicts a notional deployment of U.S Navy ships in the Northern Pacific firing an SM-3 missile at the failed satellite and successfully intercepting it. To create the animation, AGI used its debris modeling and prediction software to show where the debris could go based on statistical breakup models, which simulate debris generation using distributions of mass, area, material density, velocity, and magnitude. The analysis shows that as the debris (green dots) orbits, much of it starts to "fall out" of orbit and burn up upon re-entry (red dots).

To learn more about this even, visit:


十一、AGI - Apollo 13 Revisited - 40th anniversary


April 2010 marks the 40th anniversary of Apollo 13's historic space flight. In honor of the occasion, AGI and noted space author Andrew Chaikin teamed up to tell a part of the story that they unearthed and validated with the help of original mission personnel.

This animation is narrated by Chaikin, author of "A Man on the Moon." In the video, he explains how he and AGI engineers used STK software to analyze data from Apollo 13. In doing so, they came up with information that challenged conventional wisdom. Most history books had long speculated that if the Apollo 13 crew had not been able to bring their stranded craft safely back home, they would have orbited Earth indefinitely. Using AGI's STK software to reenact the event, AGI and Chaikin learned that the crew's fate would have been far different.

十二、2012 DA14 Asteroid close approach

On February 15, a 45-meter wide asteroid known as "2012 DA14" will pass within 20,000 miles of Earth, which is approximately 1/12th of the way to the Moon and well within range of many Earth-orbiting satellites. While scientists don't anticipate a collision with Earth, it could make for some fantastic skywatching for space geeks in certain parts of the world. 

To capture the event, AGI aerospace engineers have used our Systems Tool Kit(STK) software to create an animation showing:
-2012 DA14's deep space trajectory as it approaches Earth
-The pass by Earth below the GEO Belt and crossing the equatorial plane from South to North
-A closeup of the asteroid during its closest approach
-A highlighted portion of Earth orbit that it is expected to pass through

An interactive scenario is available here: 
and can be viewed with the free STK product available here:
You can view it in 3D, add satellites from the database, fuse it with user trajectories and/or calculate close approaches to orbiting satellites with STK Conjunction Analysis Tools(CAT) available here:

AGI engineers have also created a demo using Cesium, a WebGL virtual globe and map engine. Click here to run the demo:
Note, Cesium doesn't work with Internet Explorer. We recommend installing free Google Chrome. 


十三、AGI Solutions C4ISR Software 

Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI) software products deliver real-time decision support, as well as operations research and post-mission analysis. With 40,000 global software installs and more than 1,000 deployed C4ISR systems, AGI's desktop applications and software development kits are immediately available to respond rapidly to warfighter requirements.


十四、AGI Solutions Space Mission Software

AGI offers commercial off-the-shelf software that supports the entire life cycle of a space mission, providing design engineers, system integrators and mission operators with a toolset that dramatically improves speed, accuracy and efficiency to the space superiority and space mission design and operations arenas. Users can leverage the technology in a variety of form factors such as applications, engines or components to develop and research space mission concepts; design, analyze and optimize space systems; and provide discriminating capabilities for enabling space situational awareness, protecting space assets and maintaining assured space operations.


十五、AMOS 2012 Convention Booth Video

This video was played in AGI's booth at the 2012 AMOS conference


十六、Explore Battlespace Management Mission Planning

AGI software is capable of displaying multiple theaters of operation and thousands of tracks and events simultaneously -- while still providing the ability to drill down with specific analyses for any asset or combination of assets. 


十七、Explore Battlespace Management Real-Time Operations

AGI software is capable of displaying multiple theaters of operation and thousands of tracks and events simultaneously -- while still providing the ability to drill down with specific analyses for any asset or combination of assets.


十八、Google Earth Components Auto Router


十九、ISR Mission Analysis


二十、ISR Smart Search - Discoverable FMV DATA through Geometric Analysis


二十一、Russian Phobos-Grunt Satellite Reentry 

Russia's Phobos-Grunt satellite, launched on November 9 and originally intended to be well on its way to Mars by now, is expected to reenter the Earth's atmosphere in early 2012. Most of the spacecraft will burn up in the atmosphere, although some pieces may survive reentry. Using AGI's analysis and visualization software, AGI aerospace engineers created this video depicting:
• Planned Phobos-Grunt mission 
• Resulting low-Earth orbit
• Communications to ground stations
• Estimated debris region
• Burn-up at reentry

Although it is still too early to predict the time and location of the reentry, estimates will become more refined as the event draws nearer. 

IN ALL USES, COURTESY "Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI)"

To learn more about this story, head over to Have an android? Track Phobos-Grunt with our Satellite AR app:


二十二、Model, Analyze, Visualize – AGI Software Capabilities – Libya Misson


二十三、ISR Theater-wide ISR depiction


二十四、Serco Animator: Case Study of Model Based Systems Engineering


二十五、SimMetrics at IITSEC 2011

AGI SimMetrics Demo at Itsec 2011


二十六、STK 10 “Basic Aircraft Mission” Example Walkthrough


二十七、STK 10 “Getting Started” Example Walkthrough 


二十八、STK 10 “Situational Awareness” Example Walkthrough


二十九、STK DIY Series - Using the STK AzEl Mask Tool in Engineering Studies


三十、STK DIY Series - Analysis Workbench for Aircraft Engineering







C语言 拦截导弹

来自 Laravel 循环的引导弹出窗口
