Posted 世纪高教英语
You have all, no doubt, drunk a cup of cocoa, and you have also eaten part of a cocoanut. Perhaps you thought that cocoa was made from the cocoanut, but the two things are really quite different from each other.
The cocoanut is the fruit of a tall palm-tree; but the cocoa which we drink is prepared from these seeds of an evergreen tree whose proper name is the cacao-tree. We ought to speak of "cacao" and not cocoa; but the former name has been changed into the latter, because this is easier to pronounce, I suppose.
The cacao-tree needs a warm climate, and grows best in the West Indies and in Central and South America. It is about the size of a cherry-tree, and the leaves are of much the same shape. The flowers are white, and grow in clusters.
As each flower drops off, its place is taken by a brown pod, which grows to the size of a short thick cucumber. When ripe, the pods are gathered and broken open. Each pod contains about fifty brown seeds, or "cocoa-beans", as they are called.
花朵凋谢之后,原来的位置上就会长出一个棕色的果荚,随后继续发育,直到大小跟一个粗短的黄瓜相似。成熟之后,人们把所有的果荚都收集起来敲碎。每个果荚里面大概含有五十个棕色种子, 也就是人们所说的“可可豆”。
In preparing cocoa, these seeds are first dried, and then roasted and crushed. Each seed has a thin, hard husk, which is removed after the crushing. The crushed kernels are called cocoa nibs.
About one-half of the kernel is made of a kind of oil or fat, called "cocoa butter", which is often used for making candles and soap.
果仁中有一半成分都是油脂, 即“可可脂”,它们经常用于制造蜡烛与香皂。
Some people like to make their cocoa by boiling the nibs in water. When this is done, a layer of cocoa butter is formed on the top of the cocoa.
But most people do not like so much oil in their cocoa, so a great part of it is squeezed out by pressing the kernels under heavy weights. The pressed mass of kernels may then be cut into thin slices, and this is called "flaked cocoa".
但是,大部分人并不愿意看到自己的可可里掺杂油脂。因此,人们通过重压将果仁中的大部分油脂挤压出来。这些挤压过的果仁还可以被切成碎片, 称为“可可碎片”。
The pressed kernels are often ground to a fine powder, which is known as "essence of cocoa". By mixing the cocoa-powder with a little starch, we get what is called "soluble cocoa".
When boiling water is poured over cocoa essence or soluble cocoa, an excellent drink is obtained, which is much more nourishing than either tea or coffee.
The boiling water dissolves the nourishing matters which are contained in the cocoa, and we then get all the strength of the cocoa in the hot water.
Soluble cocoa is also mixed with sugar, and made into a paste called chocolate. When you go for very long walks, you should put some chocolate drops or "creams" in your pocket. Chocolate is very nourishing, and keeps up the strength of the body very well.
When you drink cocoa, you should always mix plenty of milk with it. I hope that you are fond of cocoa. It is a much better drink than either tea or coffee, especially for young people, and it will help you to grow big and strong.
You Look Twenty Years Younger
When I was 28, I was teaching English to high school freshmen in a school where occasionally the faculty and staff were allowed to dress down.
One of those days, I dressed in a sweatshirt and slacks. A student came in and his eyes widened.
"Wow!" he exclaimed. "You should wear clothes like that every day. You look twenty, maybe even thirty years younger!"
——《致用大学英语读写译教程2》UNIT 5 Cherishing Life
