Posted R语言中文社区
这篇文章为我提交的 ,关于连接数据库以及解决中文乱码问题。所以这篇文章主要有三个点:
dplyr 调用数据库
R连接数据库 RSQLite
readr 方便快捷读入写出数据
这些都是基本的处理数据的技能,dplyr包能够处理GB级别的数据,再加上SQLite本地轻型数据库,可以实现数据存储、调用、清洗、处理等一个系列问题。时间有限,背景说明就少说一点,直接上干货。 请对照参考我提交的两个issues: ,.
1. 可重复使用的例子
-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for flights -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."flights"; CREATE TABLE flights( year INT, month INT, day INT, dep_time INT, dep_delay REAL, arr_time INT, arr_delay REAL, carrier TEXT, tailnum TEXT ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of flights -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 517, 2.0, 830, 11.0, 'UA', 'N14228'); INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 533, 4.0, 850, 20.0, 'UA', 'N24211'); INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 542, 2.0, 923, 33.0, 'AA', 'N619AA'); INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 544, -1.0, 1004, -18.0, 'B6', 'N804JB'); INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 554, -6.0, 812, -25.0, 'DL', 'N668DN'); INSERT INTO "main"."flights" VALUES (2013, 1, 1, 554, -4.0, 740, 12.0, 'UA', 'N39463'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for cor -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."cor"; CREATE TABLE cor( XXDM TEXT, XBDM TEXT, NJDM TEXT, "身体形态" INT, "50米跑等级" INT, "肺活量等级" INT ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of cor -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0015', 2, 11, 3, 3, 4); INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0015', 1, 11, 2, 2, 4); INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0015', 1, 11, 2, 2, 4); INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0015', 1, 11, 2, 2, 2); INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0015', 1, 11, 2, 2, 3); INSERT INTO "main"."cor" VALUES ('0007', 1, 13, 2, 3, 4);
关于表的一些说明:flights 这个表是 {nycflights13} package 里面的,描述的是 On-time data for all flights that departed NYC (i.e. JFK, LGA or EWR) in 2013. cor 这个表是我的sqlite数据库中的表。为了篇幅,只取了前6行。
2. dplyr连接数据库
>library(dplyr) >mydb <- src_sqlite("E:/SQLite/database/yourdbname.db",create = F) >mydb src: sqlite [E:/SQLite/database/yourdbname.db] tbls: cor, flights >tbl(mydb,"flights") Source: sqlite [E:/SQLite/database/yourdbname.db] From: flights [336,776 x 16] year month day dep_time dep_delay arr_time arr_delay carrier tailnum (int) (int) (int) (int) (dbl) (int) (dbl) (chr) (chr) 1 2013 1 1 517 2 830 11 UA N14228 2 2013 1 1 533 4 850 20 UA N24211 3 2013 1 1 542 2 923 33 AA N619AA 4 2013 1 1 544 -1 1004 -18 B6 N804JB 5 2013 1 1 554 -6 812 -25 DL N668DN 6 2013 1 1 554 -4 740 12 UA N39463 >tbl(mydb,"cor") Error in gsub(quote, paste0(quote, quote), x, fixed = TRUE) : input string 1 is invalid in this locale >tbl(mydb,sql("SELECT * from flights")) >tbl(mydb,sql("SELECT * from cor")) Error in gsub(quote, paste0(quote, quote), x, fixed = TRUE) : input string 1 is invalid in this locale
3. RSQLite连接数据库
>library(DBI) >library(RSQLite) >con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "E:/SQLite/database/你的数据名字.db") >query <-"select * from cor;" >cd <- tbl_df(dbGetQuery(con,query)) >cd Source: local data frame [130,789 x 9] XXDM XBDM NJDM 韬綋褰㈡€\x81 50绫宠窇绛夌骇 鑲烘椿閲忕瓑绾\xa7 (chr) (chr) (chr) (int) (int) (int) 1 0015 2 11 3 3 4 2 0015 1 11 2 2 4 3 0015 1 11 2 2 4 > names(cd)<- iconv(names(cd),"UTF-8","GBK") >cd Source: local data frame [130,789 x 9] XXDM XBDM NJDM 身体形态 50米跑等级 肺活量等级 (chr) (chr) (chr) (int) (int) (int) 1 0015 2 11 3 3 4 2 0015 1 11 2 2 4 3 0015 1 11 2 2 4
RSQLite能够调入数据,但是标题乱码。其原因我个人认为是 sqlite的默认编码是 UTF-8, 而本地R环境是GBK编码,R没有自动将这两个代码转化,故乱码,所以需要加一句函数iconv(names(cd),"UTF-8","GBK")
4. 解决中文乱码问题
中文乱码这个问题困扰我多时,从生成中文PDF -> 中文beamer ->中文分词 ->现在 一直伴随着我,最近摸索了一个套经验,还想了一下原因,仅供参考:
I think I figure out the reason why Chinese Characters garbled in my R environment. It‘s because the encoding of the data is
while my local environment isGBK
[(Simplified)_China.936)] , R don’t automatically convert theUTF-8
encoding toGBK
. So ,I useiconv(char,"UTF-8","GBK")
to convert the encoding. 装逼,请走开。
>library(stringi) >stri_enc_get() # 用于检测本地是什么编码环境 >stri_enc_detect2(char) # 用于检测字符串是什么编码 >stri_conv(char,"UTF-8","GBK") # 直接转码 >iconv(char,"UTF-8","GBK") # 与{base} package 效果一样
To solve the problem from the source, I recommend the package
为了从源头解决这个问题,我推荐使用 这个包。下面的例子仅供参考:
>library(readr) >guess_encoding("filename.csv") # guess the encoding of the file encoding confidence 1 GB18030 1 >read_csv("filename.csv",col_names = T,col_types = cols( xxdm = "c")) Source: local data frame [247 x 6] xxdm nj economic chi mat eng (chr) (int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) 1 0003 14 <U+00B8><df> 89.93566 85.29368 80.90276 2 0003 15 <U+00B8><df> 83.33544 83.82542 88.48453 3 0004 14 <U+00B8><df> 84.26736 84.38928 75.06619 4 0004 15 <U+00B8><df> 81.33385 84.25302 83.96041 5 0005 14 <d6><d0> 80.89536 81.41362 81.64121 6 0005 15 <d6><d0> 82.39663 82.67030 87.31950 you may find that the `economic` is in the form of UTF-8 encoding. >read_csv("filename.csv",col_names = T,col_types = cols( xxdm = "c"), locale = locale(encoding = "GB18030") # important) Source: local data frame [247 x 6] xxdm nj economic chi mat eng (chr) (int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) 1 0003 14 高 89.93566 85.29368 80.90276 2 0003 15 高 83.33544 83.82542 88.48453 3 0004 14 高 84.26736 84.38928 75.06619 4 0004 15 高 81.33385 84.25302 83.96041 5 0005 14 中 80.89536 81.41362 81.64121 6 0005 15 中 82.39663 82.67030 87.31950
Session info ----------------------------------------------------------------- setting value version R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14) system x86_64, mingw32 ui RStudio (0.99.486) language (EN) collate Chinese (Simplified)_China.936 tz Asia/Taipei date 2015-12-01 Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------- package * version date source assertthat 0.1 2013-12-06 CRAN (R 3.2.1) DBI * 2015-11-05 Github (rstats-db/DBI@7a0ad76) devtools 1.9.1 2015-09-11 CRAN (R 3.2.2) digest 0.6.8 2014-12-31 CRAN (R 3.2.1) dplyr * 0.4.3 2015-09-01 CRAN (R 3.2.2) magrittr 1.5 2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.2.1) memoise 0.2.1 2014-04-22 CRAN (R 3.2.1) nycflights13 * 0.1 2014-07-22 CRAN (R 3.2.2) R6 2.1.1 2015-08-19 CRAN (R 3.2.2) Rcpp 0.12.2 2015-11-15 CRAN (R 3.2.2) RSQLite * 1.0.9000 2015-11-05 Github (rstats-db/RSQLite@1187d0c)
R语言dplyr包移除dataframe数据列实战(Remove Columns)