Canvas面料还能这么玩,Giulio Ridolfo绝对想不到!| Kvadrat "My Canvas" in LDF
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Kvadrat Design
“过去13年,设计师Giulio Ridolfo为我们设计了一些列成功的纺织产品,包括Steelcut、Steelcut Trio、Remix、Hot、Recheck、Zulu和Canvas。他的作品传达的情绪和颜色应用独一无二,擅长通过令人惊讶的纱线颜色组合,赋予每件纺织品出色的立体感和深度效果。所以当我们为第3届设计项目选择纺织品时,决定采用Giulio Ridolfo的设计。”Kvadrat首席执行官Anders Byriel说。
Anders Byriel, CEO Kvadrat: “Giulio Ridolfo has been the mastermind behind some of our most successful textiles during the past 13 years: Steelcut, Steelcut Trio, Remix, Hot, Recheck, Zulu and Canvas. His feeling and approach to colour is unique: in between colours and surprising colour combinations of yarns give every textile by his hand a three-dimensional and surprising depth. So when we had to choose a textile for this third edition of design projects, we were sure it had to be one by Giulio Ridolfo’s hand.”

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2017年伦敦设计节期间,Kvadrat举办“My Canvas”设计展,展出来自世界各地的19位设计师的作品。展览名称源自Kvadrat主要产品——由著名意大利色彩大师Giulio Ridolfo设计的鲜艳、生动又优雅的室内软装面料“Canvas”。
Works from 19 designers from around the world make up Kvadrat’s exhibition My Canvas during London Design Festival 2017. My Canvas pays homage to a Kvadrat staple: the vibrant and elegant upholstery textile Canvas, crafted by renowned Italian colourist Giulio Ridolfo.

Christien Meindertsma: Pigeon Service
在收到 Canvas面料的样品后,我尝试制作了一只信鸽,发现这款布料非常合适。由于鸽子内部填充的是亚麻子,所以它的形状在很大程度上由面料的硬度和些许弹性决定。因此,我将 Canvas 面料的所有颜色都拿来做 Pigeon Service (信鸽服务) 的鸽子。
When I received the colour samples of Canvas and made a test bird, the pattern worked very well with the textile. Because the filling is just linseed, the shape comes entirely from the textile’s sturdiness and slight stretch.
For Pigeon Service, birds are made in all the available shades of Canvas to create a three-dimensional colour card: small objects that individually demonstrate the quality of the textile and together show the whole range. Each pigeon carries a small rolled-up note on the side of its tail so it can actually be used as a messenger.

BCXSY: Catwalk Bench
Catwalk Bench采用不寻常的装饰方式,包裹在外的面料是制作成环状旋转展示,类似手动输送带。由于缓慢的转动,Canvas面料的各种色彩一点点地展示出来,穿过长凳表面,就像一场生动的时装表演,突显出这个系列的色调关系与和谐的色彩搭配。
The Catwalk Bench takes an uncommon approach to upholstery, wherein the textile is displayed as a revolving loop – somewhat reminiscent of a manually operated conveyor belt – rather than resting static. Bit by bit, all the various colourways of Canvas appear and move across the surface of the bench like a vivid fashion show, highlighting the tonal relationships and harmonies within the collection.

Mimi Jung: Have A Seat
为了突显每款 Canvas 面料都包含多种颜色纱线的特性,设计师将面料解构,使经纱暴露出来。然后,这些被部分解构的 Canvas 面料被用制作一系列相连的座椅。完整面料的部分创造出可以使用的座位,而被解构部分则形成不可使用的“幽灵”座椅。
To highlight the multiple colours of yarn that comprise each Canvas colourway, the textile is deconstructed strand by strand to expose the warp. This partially deconstructed roll of Canvas is then used to upholster a series of connected seats. The intact portions of the textile create usable seating, while the deconstructed areas form an unusable ghostly seat.
人们在公共场所坐下时,如果可能,通常习惯与陌生人之间留下一个座位的距离,Have A Seat作品正是对这一现象的探讨:它探索了公共场合中人们的个人空间需求。
HAVE A SEAT is a commentary on the universally practised code among strangers of leaving an empty space between them whenever possible: it is an exploration of the desire for personal space in public settings.

GamFratesi: MASK
Textile is the ‘mask’ of a piece of furniture: it changes its personality or makes it act in an unexpected way. As an ancient human artefact common to many cultures, masks are not only used in ceremonies, but hold different meanings for protection and ritual as well as being used as ornamentation and for performance. Our aim was to emphasise the celebration of textile through this antique tradition.

Jonathan Muecke
Vertical Textile Shape, VTS
Horizontal Textile Shape, HTS
Canvas 面料被单独使用,并经过压缩。经过水平和垂直两个方向的测试,并且经过塑形和裁剪处理,直到单层面料在每个方向上均能独自站立。面料的形状与地面关联,应在空间背景下解读,物体与这个主导平面始终有着永远的连接。
The Canvas textile is isolated and put in compression. It is tested in two orientations – horizontal and vertical – and shaped and scaled until a single textile layer is self-supporting in each orientation. The textile shapes are linked to the ground plane and read against the space and objects that are perpetually linked to this dominant plane.

Moritz Schmid: HOODS
HOODS是一种建筑元素,就表现形式而言,介于窗帘和用面料做饰面包覆的形体之间。这间独立房间的隔断纯粹由面料制成,其外形轮廓完全源于面料本身和重力。量身定制的椭圆形外套用不同颜色的Canvas面料制成,随意地搭在板卷框架上。这些隔断很容易移动,放置于房间各个位置。当用它们分割空间时,颜色也可构成背景,使 HOODS 成为这个空间的一部分。
HOODS is an architectural element, which, in terms of expression, lies somewhere between a curtain and an upholstered form. Out of the basic textile, a freestanding room divider merges. Its contour lines are defined by a simple structure, the textile and gravity. Tailor-made oval covers composed of different colour fields of Canvas textile are draped in an informal way over board-roll structures. These walls are easy to move and positionin the room. While they divide the space, the colour fields can also be seen as a background. The HOODS become a part of the space.

Judith Seng: Skin & Bones
Skin & Bones探讨了空间创造的本质,即身体、物体和空间结构之间的不断交流。一块放置在地上的方形 Canvas 面料 (皮) 显然是二维的,等待被“骨骼”(人们使用的各种成形工具) 激活。两者结合在一起,可以创造千变万化的雕塑和内部空间。
Skin & Bones explores the activity of space-making as a continuous negotiation between bodies, objects and spatial structures. Laid on the ground, a flat, apparently two-dimensional square of Canvas* – the ‘skin’ – waits to be activated by the ‘bones’: an assortment of shaped tools employed by human bodies. Together they can generate an endless variety of sculptural forms and interior spaces.

Butternutten AG: The Principles of Hiding
“Principles of Hiding”将军用物品的功能和形式应用于民用物品。在设计和策略上,该作品探讨了日常生活中舒适、保护、防御和危险等因素。
The Principles of Hiding translate functional and formal aspects of military objects into a domestic context. Between design and strategy, the Principles explore the dynamics of comfort, protection, defense and danger in our daily lives.
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