我的画布,动静皆宜 | My Canvas in 2018 CUUNION
Posted Kvadrat
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Kvadrat News
Kvadrat 第三届设计项目以欢庆著名意大利色彩大师 Giulio Ridolfo 设计的 Canvas 羊毛软装面料为主轴,共邀请19位来自全球各地的新锐和成熟设计师,参与一场名为“My Canvas|我的画布”的创意盛会,目的在激励纺织行业,拓展新材料和相应技术应用的范围,并重新思考纺织品的使用。
This third edition of Kvadrat’s design projects showcased contributions from 19 emerging and established designers from around the globe. A celebration of creativity, the aim is to inspire the industry, to push boundaries in materiality and techniques and make one rethink the use of textile. My Canvas pays homage to a Kvadrat staple: the vibrant and elegant upholstery textile Canvas, crafted by renowned Italian colourist Giulio Ridolfo.
设计师们运用当代设计语言演绎他们对“Canvas”软装面料的理解,设计方向不受限。展览名称“My Canvas|我的画布”寓意每一件作品传达的个人创意观点。这些作品通过纱线和颜色设计的美丽繁复、纺织品的独特结构或建筑表现,将观众带上独特的触觉发现之旅。
In an open brief, Kvadrat invited the designers to create their interpretations of Canvas informed by contemporary design. The exhibition is titled My Canvas, lending itself to the individual creative viewpoint revealed in each piece. Be it the beauty and intricacy of the yarn, the colour palette, the structural properties or architectural expression of the textile, the contributions invite the viewer on a journey of tactile discovery.
“My Canvas|我的画布”展览在2017年伦敦设计节亮相后,引起广大回响。Kvadrat 特别策划亚洲巡回展览,将部分精彩作品带来亚洲。上海首站将在 CUUNION 概念展展出由来自台湾的 KateChungDesign 工作室的“Blossom in Between|天地繁花”作品,设计师也特别为此次展览特别设计与作品相呼应的“Wings|振翅”动态装置。
After raving reviews at London Design Festival 2017, a selection of the pieces is now travelling to Asia. The first exhibition will take place at CUUNION in Shanghai. Kvadrat will present Blossom in Between by KateChungDesign (Taiwan). The designer has also created an additional interactive installation Wings to complement the Shanghai exhibition.
Blossom in Between|天地繁花
面料通常被用作平面包覆使用:这次与 Kvadrat 合作,我尝试用不同的方式探索面料的其他面向。通过折叠、缝合、刺绣和翻转形成立体组件,再复制、分层,最终得以创造美丽的双面花朵图案。
Textiles are generally used as flat surface coverings: in this collaboration with Kvadrat I attempted a different direction, seeking out another aspect. By folding, stitching, embroidering and flipping, shaped three-dimensional units are created: repeating and layering them forms the beautiful double-sided blossom pattern.
“Blossom in Between|天地繁花”是一款由三块面板组成空间隔断屏风,打开后可创造两个小空间。两面不同的设计使用户可以体验到两种环境氛围:一面是“花朵+圆框”形成的流畅通透的氛围;另一面是“花朵+方框”,提供更私密的正式氛围。不同角度的照明创造出光影层次,突出 Canvas 面料的美丽色彩和独特个性。
Blossom in Between is a space divider consisting of three pieces that creates two small spaces around the folding area when it opens. Different designs on both sides enable the user to experience two ambiences: one side with ‘blossom + round frame’ gives a flowing and breathable ambience; the other, with ‘blossom + square frame’, provides a private and stable ambience. Lighting from different angles creates layers of lights and shadows that illuminate the beautiful colours and unique character of Canvas.
Wings | 振翅
“Wings|振翅”是为了此次上海展览而设计的一个动态装置,第二次使用 Canvas 作为设计灵感,再度惊艳于此面料在不同角度所产生的微妙色彩变化。
Wings is an interactive installation specifically designed for Shanghai exhibition. As second time to explore with Canvas textiles, I was again fascinated how colours change subtly as the viewing angel changes. The wings are suspended at different heights.
在翅膀舞动的过程中,不同的角度与高度展现了 Canvas 面料的低调与细致多变,并随着人们在其中穿梭、拉动,时而轻飘、时而舞动、时而静止,“Wings|振翅”在空间中给予了安静缓慢且轻盈流动的互动体验。
As they move, the refinedness and sophistication of Canvas textile are revealed. Viewers are invited to wonder in between and interact with wings by pulling the string to activate movement. The Wings installation provides a peaceful and a peaceful state of interactive experience in the space.

钟雅涵(Kate Chung)2003年毕业于米兰多莫斯学院。毕业后曾职橙果设计资深设计师,品家家品设计总监。 2009年和郑文鼎(Steve Cheng)创立 KateChungDesign 工作室,开始了独立设计师之路,该工作室的作品跨足多个不同的领域,包括产品设计和平面设计。秉承其作品的风格,钟雅涵在设计中遵循简约哲学,力求在美丽与实用性之间取得平衡,不断从东方文化中寻找创意灵感,希望将传统文化融入现代、简约、时尚的风格,并让自己的设计融入日常生活。
Kate Chung graduated from Domus Academy, Milan, in 2003. In 2009, after six years working independently, she and Steve Cheng founded KateChungDesign. The studio encompasses diverse areas of development including product design, interior design and graphic design. Mirroring her works, Chung always achieves the desired designs by adopting a philosophy of simplicity and a firm and steady pace. Seeking a balance between beauty and utility, Chung is constantly searching for creative inspiration in oriental culture, hoping to merge traditional culture with a modern, minimal and stylish approach and to integrate her designs into everyday life.
Kvadrat × KateChungDesign
2018.03.14 - 2018.03.18
2-3/F, No.1728 Nanjing West Rd. Shanghai
— My Canvas More —
看面料 Canvas,七十二变!| Kvadrat "My Canvas" in LDF
Canvas 面料还能这么玩,Giulio Ridolfo 绝对想不到!| Kvadrat "My Canvas" in LDF
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