ASPICE VDA Guideline解读(13):SYS.4 系统集成和集成测试

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(1). 系统集成策略


SYS.4.BP1: Develop system integration strategy. Develop a strategy for integrating the system items consistent with the project plan and the release plan. Identify system items based on the system architectural design and define a sequence for integrating them.
SYS.4.BP1: 开发系统集成策略. 制定与项目计划和发布计划相一致的集成系统组件的系统集成策略。根据系统架构设计确定系统组件,并定义集成顺序

- 集成的顺序(或步骤):依赖于Release Plan或系统架构设计
- 如何处理产品或组织的复杂度(比如多地开发的场景)
- 系统组件进行集成时需要满足的前提条件(如:必须通过XXX测试)

[SYS.4.RL.1] If the integration strategy does not cover all aspects above, the indicator BP1 must not be rated F.

(2). 测试策略


SYS.4.BP2: Develop system integration test strategy including regression test strategy. Develop a strategy for testing the integrated system items following the integration strategy. This includes a regression test strategy for re-testing integrated system items if a system item is changed.
SYS.4.BP2: 开发包括回归测试策略的系统集成测试策略. 根据集成策略开发用于测试集成的系统组件的系统集成测试策略,这包括回归测试策略,如果更改了系统组件,则重新测试集成的系统

a) 测试范围
b) 测试的特定需求的定义(如:需满足ISO26262等)
c) 测试用例的设计方法
d) 测试用例的选择准则
e) 针对选择的测试方法所对应的测试环境设备等
f) 测试方法
g) 测试覆盖度
h) 测试的启动准则和结束准则
i) 如果不同层次的测试活动结合在一起,则每个测试层次的足够的测试覆盖度
j) 测试发现缺陷的处理策略

[SYS.4.RL.2] If the test strategy does not cover all aspects above, the indicator BP2 must not be rated F.

[SYS.4.RL.3] If the test strategy does not cover aspects b), c) or d), the indicator BP2 must not be rated higher than P.
老杨解读:如果测试策略中没有包括上述的b), c) 或 d),则BP2的打分不能高于P

(3). 开发系统集成测试规约


SYS.4.BP3: Develop specification for system integration test. Develop the test specification for system integration test including the test cases for each integration step of a system item according to the system integration test strategy. The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the integrated system items with the system architectural design.
SYS.4.BP3: 开发系统集成测试规范. 根据系统集成测试策略开发用于系统集成测试的测试规范,包括系统组件的每一个集成步骤的测试用例。测试规范应适合于提供集成的系统组件与系统架构设计符合性证据

[SYS.4.RL.4] If the test specifications are not based on the architecture and interface specifications, the indicator BP3 must not be rated higher than P.

(4). 选择测试用例


SYS.4.BP5: Select test cases. Select test cases from the system integration test specification. The selection of test cases shall have sufficient coverage according to the system integration test strategy and the release plan
SYS.4.BP5: 选择测试用例. 从系统集成测试规范中选择测试用例。根据系统集成测试策略和发布计划,测试用例的选择应该有足够的覆盖率

a) 基于已定义的策略,选择测试用例
b) 选择的测试用例需要满足预期的用途(比如:需适用于测试台架上测试)
c) 测试用例的选择准则需要文档化
d) 测试用例的选择需要文档化

[SYS.4.RL.5] If the test case selection does not cover the aspect a) and b), the indicator BP5 must not be rated F.
老杨解读:如果没有满足上述的a), b),则BP5的打分一定不能为F

[SYS.4.RC.1] If the test case selection does not cover the aspect c) and d), the indicator BP5 should not be rated F.
老杨解读:如果没有满足上述的c), d),则BP5的打分应该不能为F

(5). 实施测试


SYS.4.BP6: Perform system integration test. Perform the system integration test using the selected test cases. Record the integration test results and logs
SYS.4.BP6: 执行系统集成测试. 使用选定的测试用例执行系统集成测试。记录集成测试结果和日志


- 测试脚本或程序与测试用例之间的完整性(completeness)
- 测试脚本或程序与测试用例之间的一致性(consistency)

[SYS.4.RL.6] If the test implementation is not complete in terms of all aspects above, the indicator BP6 must not be rated F.

作为测试结果证据的测试日志(test log)
测试日志(test log)是用来支持测试结果(PASS / FAIL)的有效证据

[SYS.4.RL.7] If the test logs do not cover the aspect above, the indicator BP6 must not be rated F.

[SYS.4.RL.8] If the test results contain only a pure passed/failed information without a supporting test log, the indicator BP6 must not be rated higher than P.

(6). SYS.4关系图

(6.1) SYS.4内的打分一致性

[SYS.4.RL.10] If the test strategy is not developed according to the defined integration strategy (BP1), the indicator BP2 shall be downrated.

[SYS.4.RL.11] If the indicator for developing the test strategy (BP2) is downrated due to missing or inadequate definitions of methods for test case and test data development, the indicator BP3 shall be downrated.

[SYS.4.RL.12] If the strategy-related activities are not performed according to the defined strategy (BP1), the indicator BP4 shall be downrated.

[SYS.4.RL.13] If the indicator for developing the test specification (BP3) is downrated, the iindicator BP5 must not be rated higher.

[SYS.4.RL.14] If the indicator for developing the test strategy (BP2) is downrated due to missing or inadequate definitions of the test case selection criteria, the indicator BP5 shall be downrated.

[SYS.4.RL.15] If the indicator for selecting test cases (BP5) is rated P or N, the indicator BP6 shall be downrated.

(6.2) SYS.4与其它过程之间的打分一致性

[SYS.4.RC.2] If project plan or release plan are not adequate, this should not be used to downrate the indicator BP1.

[SYS.4.RC.3] If the PA 1.1 for SYS.3 is downrated, this should be in line with the rating of the indicator BP1.
[SYS.4.RC.4] If the PA 1.1 for SYS.3 is downrated, this should be in line with the rating of the indicator BP3.
[SYS.4.RC.6] If the PA 1.1 for SYS.3 is downrated, this should be in line with the rating of the indicator BP7.
[SYS.4.RC.7] If the PA 1.1 for SYS.3 is downrated, this should be in line with the rating of the indicator BP8.
老杨解读:如果降低了SYS.3(系统架构设计)的PA1.1的打分,则BP1(集成策略), BP3(开发集成测试用例), BP7(建立双向追溯性), BP8(确保一致性)的打分应与其保持一致

[SYS.4.RC.5] If only the release plan is not adequate, but the test cases are selected according to the strategy, this should not be used to downrate the indicator BP5.


以上是关于ASPICE VDA Guideline解读(13):SYS.4 系统集成和集成测试的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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