Posted 深圳市国际交流合作基金会
4月15日晚上,深圳市国际交流合作基金会偕同项目主办方猎鹰国际于南方科技大学举办DBA迪拜商业英才项目深圳专场宣讲会,项目总监James Maughan和招募负责人Carmen Luo以及另外五名往届DBA学员来到现场进行线下分享。同期受CityPlus城市+平台支持的首次全球线上直播获得逾3.6万位线上观众,总浏览量达8.2万。以下为现场答疑实录,已选取关键问题与读者分享。

DBA Info Session
FAQ Directory
Why DBA?
- What was your perception of Dubai before DBA? and how did your programme change that?
- During DBA, which part of the programme was the most beneficial to you?
- How has DBA helped boost your career, how have you leveraged it to find your passion?
- What is the typical career path of DBA associates? What do they do afterward?
- What do you find in common between Shenzhen and Dubai?
About DBA
- What is the rundown of the DBA programme?
- What are the potential partner companies?
- What expenses are covered in the DBA programme?
- How are associates assigned to the placements? Are they guaranteed their choices?
- Will I be guaranteed a job offer after DBA?
- What does a typical day look like for DBA associates?
Application Criteria
- Do I need a degree from a top-tier / Ivy League university to join the programme?
- You mentioned "less than 3 years' experience", what about -1, since I'm a junior year student, can I still apply?
- Does DBA programme have a restraint on majors?
Selection Process
- What is the selection process of DBA programme?
- Does DBA require an English proficiency test?
- When you look at applications, what do you focus on within the applicants?
- When I apply for DBA, will my motivation be also an important factor of consideration?
- Does DBA prefer more focused candidates, or can I share my gap year confusion?
- What suggestions would you give to potential DBA applicants?
Why DBA?
What was your perception of Dubai before DBA? and how did your programme change that?

Many Chinese people usually have a stereotypical impression of Dubai. For example, they might think Dubai is a country, but it isn't. It's an emirate among the 7 emirates in the United Arab Emirates. The other stereotype is associated with being rich - there is wealth in Dubai, but there's more to it. If I wasn't in Dubai, I wouldn't have been able to explore the Middle East countries nearby that are often associated with wars or other negative cognitions. In reality, there are real people living there, and it's important that there is such a business hub in the MENA region with a thriving and dynamic economy. That's how I feel about Shenzhen as well. We'd often say:" Come as you are and you're already a Shenzhener."

Before I joined DBA, I had 0 knowledge of Dubai and only had a blurred impression of the Middle East region, that is biased and manipulated under the influence of mainstream media. It's actually a completely different and fascinating experience when you live there.

I was more informed about the MENA region before I came. I majored in International Relations, and once took a course in Middle East politics which absolutely blew my mind. During that course, I did research on the economy miracle of Dubai to see whether it'd be applicable to the rest of the MENA region. That's why DBA was perfect for me to really understand the region. But even as I got there, I still felt blown away by the things I see - the nationalities, business opportunities...

I stayed a few more years in Dubai after the programme. After DBA, I worked in Dubai Future Foundation, and in my team of 10, there was not one duplicated nationality and we worked together seamlessly. Dubai is nothing like you have imagined or heard from the media, there's great food, shopping, and lifestyle. It was a great experience overall.
During DBA, which part of the programme was the most beneficial to you?

It was the people that were the most beneficial for me. As they say, it's not just about what you know but more about whom you know. Before DBA, I was at this stage of life where either I couldn't find jobs I wanted or I didn't like the jobs I could get, so it was a very difficult time for me. I feel blessed to be enrolled in DBA because I learned a lot from the people I met. During my year, there were 35 associates from 5 nationalities, each from different background. With the mix and blends, you get inspired and that's how I became one of the initiators of DBA Talks, a knowledge sharing platform to help us connect and network among each other and external professionals. This journey also made me realize how storytelling matters - it's not enough that you're doing something, you also need to spread the words to engage more people and let them join your endeavors. That's how I joined the Shenzhen Foundation afterward because I believe the city of Shenzhen also needs its storytelling to be more widely recognized in the world as the Silicon Valley of China.

DBA Talks

For me, the professional experience was the most beneficial part. I did both my internship placement and consulting project at the same company. In retrospect, I'd always appreciate that once in a lifetime experience because it really taught me true professionalism. I was in a team with different nationalities (something that only happens in Dubai!), all of them were very senior but also modest. Everyone had their strengths, and we were working harmoniously together as the team because we believed in the same thing - change the lifestyle of Dubai by creating a game changer in the real estate industry. We still keep in touch nowadays about our latest updates. In your 20s, it's quite rare to be able to work with these senior people in management. To this day, I still feel that it's the best working environment I've ever had, and maybe even for the next 5-10 years.

Opportunities is the key part for me - from the opportunity to work on multi-million projects, to meeting ministers of the UAE, and exploring the MENA region. Without DBA, I wouldn't have been able to see Jordan, Azerbaijan and all those different places.

DBA associates meeting Prince Hamdan

The best I got out of DBA was the doors that opened to you if you seek proactively. Before DBA, I had worked a few years in the tech department of an investment bank, and I thought that was what the world looked like and that was the career of my life. Until one day I realized I wasn't making as big of an impact that I wanted, and fortunately, that's when I joined DBA. My world view changed completely - you can start your own company, meet the ambassadors of a country, all is possible in Dubai if you're active enough.
How has DBA helped boost your career, how have you leveraged it to find your passion?

Before DBA, I thought I wanted to do public policy because that's what I studied. But during DBA, I realized that maybe I'm more interested in business, so I started digging into finance by taking the CFA I and CFA II tests. But after having interviews with many sovereign funds in UAE, I realized that finance is not something I'm passionate about either, so James and many others from DBA introduced me to people in other fields, and that's how I realized my passion really lies in education, and so I've come home to join Sino Elite Education. DBA also taught me to be open-minded and express my opinions.

The highlight of DBA for me was the consultancy project. Many people have heard of the big names like McKinsey, BCG, etc. While some of you might want to be consultants, some might not. During those 3 months, however, I did become a consultant by providing solutions to help our client solve a real problem. We did interviews, did research online, conducted gap analysis among different countries, etc, the workload behind was nothing like a student essay. It was a very challenging time, we were having very little sleep, and we needed to learn to co-work in a team. It built up my resilience and also developed my strategic mindset and PPT skills - by the end of the project, we needed to tell the client: here's the solution proposal, here's how to do it, and here's why. So whatever job you might do afterward, the business acumen you gained can really be applied anywhere after.
What is the typical career path of DBA associates? What do they do afterward?

There are about 150 alumni so far, 35% are Chinese. There are big name companies, but due to the diversity in background, people are actually doing very different things.

Usually, the DBA experience on the alumni's CV is something future employers will be interested in because it's a solid and unique experience. Take the rocket scientist as an example, his first task on his current job is raising funds, even though he's initially a scientist. If he hadn't come to DBA, he would've only been seen as an R&D personnel behind the scene.
What do you find in common between Shenzhen and Dubai?

DBA Alumni Panel

Diversity and innovation. That's why I chose Shenzhen to start my career.

Inclusiveness. Given the multicultural background, you can do as you please and have fun in Dubai. And Shenzhen is also the most open one among the top tier cities in China.

Strong leadership. For Shenzhen, it was president Deng who started the reform and opening up policy in Shenzhen in 1978; for Dubai, it was His Highness Sheikh Mohammed who diversified the Dubai economy from an oil-based one to having tourism, aviation, and many other industries.
About DBA
What is the rundown of the DBA programme?

What are the potential partner companies?

*See also: https://dubaibusinessassociates.ae/en/partners
What expenses are covered in the DBA programme?

Thanks to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed, it's a fully-funded programme, your monthly living allowance, flights, accommodation, visa, and healthcare are all covered.
How are associates assigned to the placements? Are they guaranteed their choices?

Since there are only 40 associates on the programme, we are able to meet with everyone individually and make a long list of where the associates might fit according to their background, passion and ambition. We then send the profiles to the companies and the associates end up having a coffee with 3-5 partners, and we'd make a matching together. The same goes with the consulting assignment, you always get 1 of your 2 choices.
Will I be guaranteed a job offer after DBA?

A placement gives you an opportunity to shine, many associates do get offered a full-time position after their placement. Nevertheless, there are no guarantees, and you might also change your mind at the end of the programme.
What does a typical day look like for DBA associates?

On a typical consulting project day, I wake up at 5:30, get to work at 7, plan our work for the day, have a few meetings with our client, then a quick lunch. If we're not busy, we finish at around 4-5pm, but sometimes we might work 12 hours a day. If it's a relaxing Falcon Thursday, we can just go out and relax.

I rented a car during DBA which made me very mobile. By driving, I started enjoying the city on a larger scale. Our typical working hours were 9-6 since our team was more an international one. Whereas in Shuangshuang's case, if they're working in the government, their days start earlier.

At the start of the DBA, the training part is like a mini-MBA where you do different subjects in a short time. Depending on your academic background, it could be either intense or relatively easy for you, but you need to support each other to survive the programme.
Application Criteria
Do I need a degree from a top-tier / Ivy League university to join the programme?

You don't have to! Your academic background is one thing, but if you have other attributes that can bring added value to the DBA cohort, you can still join us.

"Top-tier university" is a very subjective term, while the general ranking of your school might not be that high, you might still have certain majors that have a high ranking. So the answer is not necessarily.

One practical advice: go on LinkedIn and search for "Dubai Business Associates" alumni and see who they are, some do come from top unis, others might not. At the end of the day, you're not just your CV, you're the accumulation of who you are and what you've done. Of course, you do need a decent CV to pass a certain line, but beyond that, it's yourself and your fit with the programme that helps you get the offer.
You mentioned "less than 3 years' experience", what about -1, since I'm a junior year student (my university allows me to graduate within 3-6 years)?

In terms of the time of graduation, ideally DBA is a bridge for young graduates and professionals to reach the working environment. We hope the associates would be able to apply what they learn in their next position. There are some cases where certain master or Ph.D. students have already completed their thesis and have no other obligation, we do give rare exceptions. In your case, we do consider younger applicants, but we need to make sure that associates will be able to take away what they learn instead of just treating DBA as a gap year and a chance to have fun in Dubai. We need a serious commitment from the applicants, so it's important that you show that quality. Overall, we do notice that graduates or people with professional experience would be likely to benefit a lot more from DBA.
Does DBA programme have a restraint on majors?
Applicants from all academic backgrounds are all welcome to apply for DBA.
1) Hearing about your stories, I felt like DBA was like a turning point for you in life. But what if I already have a clear direction?

Most associates already had a clear direction when they apply, it just so happened that their direction might have changed during the programme. There are many available options that you can pick among the list of partners, and it's almost better if you knew clearly about your field, and you show that your previous professional experiences or studies have well prepared yourself for your next step. If you say you want to do something, it's really important that you show the evidence - your capability, your research, because there might be many other people going after the same role.
2) I'm from a finance/aerospace/... background, would DBA be a good fit for me?

In terms of finance, going through DBA will also help you understand Islamic finance, it's totally different from the way we do finance in China. Also, there are many sovereign funds that have trade between UAE and China, so that's also something you can look into throughout the programme.
During the consulting project, we worked on building a first robotics lab in MENA region, because of the rocket science knowledge that one of our associates possessed, he was invited to engage in highly classified research in the satellite field. Now he's working as a rocket scientist in Beijing and doing business between UAE and China.
Selection Process
What is the selection process of DBA programme?

What talent DBA is looking for

DBA Screening Process
The official screening process starts from an application via the official website (https://dubaibusinessassociates.ae), the application deadline is May 31st, 2019.
Step 1 - fill the application online and submit your CV, motivation letter and a 90s video explaining your motivation (why DBA, why this partner company, why Dubai, your potential value-add to DBA, etc).
Step 2 - 30min general interview
Step 3 - final interview, conducted offline in China and online outside of China.
Step 4 - a DBA offer will be issued typically within one month after the final interview.
or, if you come from the China Greater Bay area*, you can also apply via SFIEC by submitting your application to wubin@sfiec.org.cn and cc huanglx@sfiec.org.cn, with the title as 'DBA Application_Your Name_Top Academic/Professional Background'.

Q: Does DBA require an English proficiency test?
A: No. We can already get to know your English level through your submitted motivation letter and video.
Q: When you look at applications, what do you focus on within the applicants?
A: Your submitted CV would be the same one that you send to potential employers, DBA does not have a special requirement. Your CV matters, but your 1-pager motivation letter would be where we distinguish you among other candidates - some might only write vague and general things, while others will show great ideas and understandings towards the region as well as their ideal partner company, that's something we'd want to see.
Q: When I apply for DBA, will my motivation be also an important factor of consideration?
A: We do a lot of matching in the programme. If you can communicate that, the partner will be excited to have you. We also look at your personality, we ask ourselves would we want to have lunch with this person, are they altruistic? We look at many other aspects as well.
Q: I'm at a gap year at the moment, and I don't know what career I will pursue. Will DBA prefer more focused candidates, or can I share my confusion?
A: Sometimes we have associates who are still confused as to what they want to do. And it's ok as long as they're capable of solving the business challenge. This programme helps you figure out what you want to do as well as what you don't want to do. The key is to focus on your potential value-add to the partner company.
What suggestion would you give to potential DBA applicants?

1. Just do it! 2. Think clearly about your career plan and what stage of life you are at now. You need to consider the time costs and potential turnout of DBA. If you really think DBA is the right choice for you, then take a shot and give it the best you have!

Whether it's DBA or other opportunities, I'd say follow your heart and do what feels right for yourself.

1. Once your CV reaches a certain level (decent academic and professional background), what really makes you stand out is your motivation and personal career plan, whether you make a right fit for DBA. Are you looking for a gap year, are you looking for a change of environment, are you looking for an MBA programme? You need to know what you want to get out of DBA first - DBA is not a gap year, you can have fun but work comes first.
2. Ask yourself the following questions: why Dubai? why DBA? why did you choose this company? what's unique about yourself? These are very simple questions, but if you didn't come prepared, then you're just going to walk away with your pretty CV and no match.
Speaking as both alumni and ex-interviewer, I'd say that you really need to do your homework. Study the partner list, and answer the question "why" - think beyond why you choose the company and ask yourself what you can potentially give back to DBA and the company. It's like any other job interview, you need to show your potential value-add to the employer.
Don't be afraid to apply again - every year is a new pool of candidates, as long as you have progressed over the year, feel free to try again. Don't be intimidated by the numbers! If you have really done your homework, then you're more likely to get in.
合作垂询请联系 以上是关于DBA深圳宣讲会·FAQ实录的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章 校友动态 | DBA2017级校友郑萍的企业承办的2018年第二届深圳“琵鹭杯”公共艺术精英赛颁奖典礼暨公共艺术学术论坛成功举行 IBM GDC SOD 01/21 日语存储/系统服务器数据库中间件管理员/日语客服/Oracle DBA-苏州/深圳 情感分析与推荐算法专场(视频+实录+PPT)| AIS预讲会全程干货分享