DBA Coffee Chat@Shenzhen | How to Leading Leader's Career?
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Pursuing a DBA program means that you are at the top of the business management knowledge chain, where we can find systematic solutions to concerns and problems, use knowledge and ideas to influence more people, and use research to transform more ideas and practices, while the people we influence will create further influence and iterate knowledge and theories in a diffusible yet unpredictable way.
On Nov 16th, Prof. Junsong CHEN, Assistant Dean of emlyon business school Asian Campus & Director of emlyon Global DBA Asia Track ,Prof. Wenxuan DING, Deputy Director of Business Intelligence Center (BIC) of emlyon business school will give a sharing at this event. Prof. CHEN will share us how emlyon Global DBA Program has been continuously optimized and upgraded and what leads to its refined program design of 2020 intake? And Prof. DING will share us the latest AI digital transformation trend which can lead you to create real business impact and value, and become an academic industry leader.
emlyon Global DBA Asia Track
Coffee Chat in SHENZHEN
November 16th, 2019(Saturday)
Four Seasons Hotel
Fuhua 3rd Road No. 138, Futian District, Shenzhen
Who to attend
Founders, Presidents, Board Members,
General Managers, Vice Presidents or CXO, etc.
Scan and Register

Registration & Network
emlyon Global DBA Program Introduction
Tea Break
Global Business Intelligence Conference
Inauguration Ceremony of the Business Intelligence Center
* This is a closed door meeting up to 10 seats. Please attend with the confirmation from the organizer.

Guest Speaker
Prof.Junsong CHEN
Professor of Marketing
Assistant Dean, emlyon business school Asia
Director of Global DBA Asia Track
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
What are the advantages and features of the emlyon Global DBA?
How to Leading Leader's Career?

Prof. Wenxuan DING
Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics
Deputy Director of Business Intelligence Center, emlyon business school
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
Digital transformation, how to boost the enterprise to produce intelligent strategy and services by AI thinking method, to achieve the development of enterprise intelligent business?
Snapshot of Previous Global DBA Program

About emlyon Global DBA Asia Track

Our shared vision
Develop critical thinking
Explore east and west management frontiers
Contribute the Asian business wisdom to the globe
Craft scholarly industry leader
Make your impact! Master the theoretical wisdom for business leaders.
This program has been specifically designed in response to a growing need of business leaders to challenge current business practice and devise new methods for progression in times of technological and geopolitical change, and increasing uncertainty.
By combining an academically rigorous education with business practice, the program will enable participants to update their business knowledge and enhance their analytical and critical thinking capabilities through modules delivered across the globe.
The emlyon Global DBA also requires participants to produce a doctoral dissertation – an original piece of research focused on solving a core issue within their own industry or organization. With their career experience and their new academic learning, this dissertation will create real business impact and value.
emlyon business school
Global DBA Program Asia Track
Wendy YANG
+86 13774223767
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Read more, download the 2020 brochure.
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