英语绘本Marvin Wanted More

Posted 安格教育


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了英语绘本Marvin Wanted More相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


The Sheep in the meadow loved to play together all day long.But Marvin was feeling rather gloomy.



"What's the matter?" asked Molly.

“I can't run as fast or jump as high as the other sheep,” grumbled Marvin. “I'm too small, it's not fair.”

“But I like you as you are," said Molly.




But Marvin wanted to be just a little bigger.

So when the other sheep had finished Eating...

Marvin ate some more.




As Marvin ate more, he grew bigger and bigger...

...and soon he could run faster and jump much higher than the other sheep.



But as he grew bigger and bigger, he just wanted more and more...

...until he could not stop!



“Don't eat the forest!” called the other sheep.

“You're getting too big!”cried Molly.


- Molly也叫道:“你长得实在太大了!”


But Marvin loved being bigger.

“Just a little bit more,” he said.








以上是关于英语绘本Marvin Wanted More的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Ares老师绘本故事《Marvin Wanted More》!!

绘本阅读Marvin Wanted More

绘本时间——Marvin Wanted More

英文绘本分享No.6 Marvin wanted more

原版英文绘本每日一读 | Marvin wanted more!

馆长故事 Marvin Wanted More !