The Mystery of Blockchain
Posted 华尔街Fintech俱乐部
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2017年对于数字货币来说是疯狂的一年。比特币暴涨,科技公司股票大热…… 数字货币背后的区块链技术也引起了大家的广泛关注。相信您早已听说过区块链,也许您也亲自体会过它的应用。这个“去中心化的分布式数据库”到底有多少魔力,未来又将走向何处?区块链技术的先驱者即将带您探索其中的奥义。

WSFC 4th New York Fintech Elite Seminar

The Mystery of Blockchain

2018年1月21日,华尔街Fintech俱乐部特邀数字货币专家戴钟凯先生、长江商学院曹辉宁教授和IBM区块链解决方案副合伙人Hyman Chantz,与您相约第四届纽约“专家面对面”研讨会,探讨和交流神秘的区块链。俱乐部在此诚邀纽约的金融和Fintech从业人士参加互动!



戴钟凯先生是数字货币领域的专家,有丰富的研究、交易和风控经验。戴先生在纽约一家另类投资公司担任高级经理,领导公司的量化战略和投资组合管理,专攻数字货币。在此之前,戴先生是瑞银的结构产品主交易员,负责证券化产品抵押品的投资组合建设和风险管理。在瑞士银行之前,他是德意志银行的高级风险和对冲基金分析师, 投资市场风险经理。 他也在D.B. Zwirn专门从事现金和合成结构性信贷衍生工具。之前,他领导了雷曼兄弟的客户评估组,并且也是巴克莱资本的风险融资经理。

曹辉宁教授现为长江商学院金融学教授,金融MBA学术主任,美国财务学会会员。作为UCLA金融博士和耶鲁大学病理学博士,曹教授曾任教于UC Berkeley, UCSD, Ohio State University, Carnegie Mellon 和UNC Chapel Hill。
在过去几年中,曹教授在国际著名期刊Journal of Finance、Review of Financial Studies、Journal of Financial Economics等发表多篇论文,并被大量引用;曾两次获得Journal of Finance的最佳论文提名(1998年和2000年)。
Hyman David (Hy) Chantz

演讲主题:解密区块链 –
Hyman David (Hy) Chantz是IBM全球银行和金融市场中心的区块链解决方案副合伙人,同时也是IBM发明大师。在IBM,Hy通过合理运用区块链、认知计算、云计算和其他先进技术,成功地优化和改善业务成果,提高了成本效益。 Hy在北美、亚洲和欧洲共有20余年落实和管理高科技金融项目的经验。
Hy是纽约州和佛罗里达州的律师,也是专利律师。同时,他也是纽约州的注册电气和计算机工程师。 Hy是一名经过多重认证的IBM顾问、信息系统安全专家和比特币专家,现拥有九项个人专利和两项团队专利。


2018年1月21日(周日), 9:30 am - 1:30 pm


雅博艺廊 Artosino Gallery
265 W 37th St, 16th FL, New York, NY 10018


费用:$50.00 (含丰盛午餐)


9:00 - 9:30 入场登记
9:30 - 9:40 开幕词
9:40 - 10:10 戴钟凯演讲
10:10 - 10:40 曹辉宁演讲
10:40 - 11:10 Hyman (Hy) Chantz演讲
11:10 - 11:50 问答环节
11:50 -12:00 答谢
12:00 -13:30 午餐和Networking

Wall Street Fintech Club (WSFC)

俱乐部活动:Fintech 各领域研究小组(发表文章被多家媒体转载)、Fintech新闻周报组、Fintech研究每周线上研讨会、纽约“Fintech专家面对面”研讨会、会员联谊活动等。

Artosino Gallery




The year 2017 has witnessed tremendous digital currency madness: roaring of bitcoin, rising of tech stocks... Blockchain, the technology behind these phenomena, has been brought to everyone’s attention. You might have heard of blockchain; you might even have experienced its applications. How is the blockchain, defined as “blocks which are linked and secured using cryptography”, magically changing our lives, and how does its future look like? Please join us and find out the answers with the industry pioneers.

On January 21st 2018, Wall Street Fintech Club (WSFC) is honored to present the Fourth New York Fintech Elite Face-to-Face Seminar. Joined by digital currencies expert Mr. Wilfred Daye, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Professor Dr. Huining Cao and IBM Blockchain Solutions Associate Partner Mr. Hyman Chantz, we are thrilled to share with you The Mystery of Blockchain.

Keynote Speakers

Wilfred Daye

Topic: Digital Currencies
Wilfred Daye is a leading expert in digital currencies with extensive experience in research, trading and risk management. Currently, Wilfred is a portfolio manager and head quant for an alternative investments organization in NYC, specializing in fiat and digital currencies, and their derivatives.
Previously, Wilfred worked at UBS as an Executive Director in Structured Financing Trading, where he was responsible for portfolio construction and risk management of securitized product collaterals. Wilfred has also worked for Deutsche Bank as a Quant Risk Manager. Prior to DB, Wilfred was a senior portfolio market risk manager for D.B. Zwirn, specializing in both cash and synthetic structured credit derivatives. Prior to that, Wilfred led the Client Valuation Group for Lehman Brothers and was part of CDO management team at Barclays Capital. He began his career at Lehman Brothers' CMBS desk.
Prior to joining the financial industry, He was a NSF translational research scientist specializing in breast cancer gene therapy.
Huining Cao

Topic: The Parallel World on Blockchain
Dr. Huining (Henry) Cao is a Professor of Finance, Chair of the Finance Department and the Academic Director of the Finance MBA at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB). He holds a PhD in Finance from UCLA and a PhD in Pathology from Yale University.
Before joining CKGSB, Dr. Cao taught at UC Berkeley, UCSD, Ohio State University, Carnegie Mellon and UNC Chapel Hill.
Dr. Cao's research has been published in various journals including Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Financial Economics.
Dr. Cao has also received numerous awards for teaching and research excellence, including nominations for the Smith-Breeden Award in 1998 and 2000 for the best paper published in the Journal of Finance.
Hyman David (Hy) Chantz

Topic: Unblocking Blockchain - Chainablement for Trade Finance and Emerging Fintech Systems
Hyman David (Hy) Chantz is an Associate Partner - Blockchain Solutions in IBM's Global Banking and Financial Markets Center of Competency, and is an IBM Master Inventor.
Hy enables, optimizes and transforms the business outcomes of clients via innovative, cost-effective and appropriate use of blockchain, cognitive computing, cloud, and other advanced fintech technologies.
Hy has over twenty years’ experience implementing and managing high-technology financial projects throughout North America, Asia, and Europe.
Hy is a member of the New York, Florida, and Patent bars, and is a Registered Professional Engineer (Electrical and Computers) in New York State. Hy is a multi-badged Certified IBM Consultant, a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, and a Certified Bitcoin Professional. Hy presently holds nine individual and two team U.S. patents.

Date and Time

Sunday, 1/21/2018, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm


Artosino Gallery
265 W 37th St, 16th FL, New York, NY 10018


Due to limited seating, the event will be open only to experienced financial professionals (2+ years of experience). The attendees who attended our last "WSFC Fintech Elite" have 8 years of financial service experience on average.
Tickets: $50.00 (lunch included)
Please register with the following link (please copy-paste to browser) :


9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:40 Opening Remard
9:40 - 10:10 Presentation from Wilfred Daye
10:10 - 10:40 Presentation from Huining Cao
10:40 - 11:10 Presentation from Hyman (Hy) Chantz
11:10 - 11:50 Q&A
11:50 -12:00 Thank you session
12:00 -13:30 Lunch and Networking

Wall Street Fintech Club (WSFC)

WSFC: the first Fintech research and development initiative in North America found and led by Chinese professionals in the financial services working for top tier banks at Wall Street.
Members: Professionals currently working at or having worked full-time at top financial institutions at NYC, with at least 3 years of professional experience in financial service industry.
Activities: Fintech research articles (published by several media), Fintech Weekly News, Fintech Research Weekly Online Seminar, New York Fintech Elite Face-to-Face Seminar, Member Networking, etc.
WeChat ID: wallstreetfintech
Media contact:

Venue Sponsor:
Artosino Gallery

Artosino Gallery, a subsidiary of Artosino Group, was founded in 2010. It is a place that speaks of appraisal, auction, painting and calligraphy exhibition. The Artosino team is active in the Chinese, U.S. and European art markets. As a leader of cultural industry companies, Artosino Gallery has a high reputation in the American art market. Every year, it holds groundbreaking exhibitions for famous artists.
Artosino Gallery has global presence in Shanghai, Paris and London. It provides a platform for artists and collectors with services in exhibition planning, appraisal, agent works, artist career planning and art project development and management with the most reliable resources.
Address: 265 West 37th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10018
Tel: (212) 888-9338

Other Strategic Partners

Media Partners

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