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Hello Guys,
Editorial from the Prodigy
Ending for most: fierce fights saw the broken dreams and blood shed
The cryptocurrency world finds you just like a king, worrying about the ups and downs of the currencies. You stay fully awake at night, staring at the ceiling, not knowing which currencies out of the thousands would be the best choice for you just like you have difficulty picking out which beauty to bed.
Those currencies/beauties are way too smart to hit your soft spots, seemingly trying to tackle your problems, fighting to win your heart over with all the tricks, yet their true target is your money. Once you can not resist the temptation, their time has come to exploit you hard.
Most of the people ends like this, their dream as an emperor broke after the loss in fight and blood shed.
Financial games have been cruel since the very beginning, however, there are times when even the dumb ones find it easy to make money, desperate to run into the play-field, and you should be cautious when that happens. A giant bubble always appears in time like these, while the bubble might just burst.
It is supposed to be a time to retreat from a game yet many are attracted by the money effect, therefore promoted the bubble to its instant end.
Leaving those new players nothing but sighing and wondering about whether it is good or bad luck for them? How come they experience such dramatic fluctuations shortly after they enter the play field?
Is there any way to avoid this?
There certainly is, and that is to remember that lagging behind leaves one vulnerable, whereas winners are those who run super fast.
Keep an close eye on the big guns and follow their steps closely. When they race ahead, you do too. Suppose they start to converge gradually and change to a new frontier, you should follow suit.
In no case should you hesitate or be reluctant to retreat; be decisive rather than reckless, otherwise it would be way too late as all the others also come around.
Should it happens that you are a newbie who basically knows nothing and have no idea where the trend goes, then the first priority is to spend money in the game and gain some experiences to become the few senior players.
All the commander in chief on the battlefield fight bravely, and became exceptional by the hard-learned lessons in the price of blood or even their life. Traders in cryptocurrency world are just the same, they have to assess the situation in the real battle, and select a path among the complex market.
This is the reflection of one鈥檚 comprehensive caliber, which is based on his past experiences and hard-learnt lessons.
Having said these much, still it is less impressive than had a serious illness; reading too much can not compete with the actual feeling of winning and losing in transactions.
The long waited announcement finally came today, yet it reads no more the helplessness of the regulating party than charging holding cryptocurrency illegal. Nor does it regulate against transaction between individuals.
In this circumstance, one can hold the currency and trade it freely, then the only concern shifts to how can one hoard more currencies.
Be it bargain-hunting, selling out at high price then buying in at low price, or taking advantage of price differences between different platforms etc. Do you best to surprise me.
The announcement above was issued by the government on Jan.26th, 2018.
It is noticeable that the announcement mentioned in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of our country, investors within the boarder might have difficulty visiting some websites or paying for their orders which could incur some losses.
Therefore to reach out to the world behind the wall becomes a necessity, and you would certainly regret not having it done earlier when that day comes, so do it now.
I am waiting for you at the Crazyblockchain鈥檚 Telegram, the address is: https://t.me/joinchat/GAlOmgtGd8uVwaN3BMmFYg. It is not longer safe to use WeChat.
The road to financial independence is right before you, so do not get scared by rumors.
Cryptocurrency world cannot guarantee you a one hundred percent realization of financial freedom, yet it definitely is a shortcut, it all comes down to you strength and skills.
Investment is a kind of discipline, the weaknesses of human nature would surface one after another. Those who hold the currency with dozens or even hundreds of floating profits are the ones of faith.
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