周三不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!

Posted 后英语时代


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了周三不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Topic / 话题

Blockchain, bitcoin, digital assets, Nakamoto, distributed ledger, decentralized, smart contracts ... do you understand all these concepts? If you do not know, well, maybe you will miss an era again. Blockchain technology innovation triggered by bitcoin bubble is now in full swing. Someone even said: "Blockchain will redefine the world." Personally, I think it is no exaggeration! If you want to understand all these concepts and discuss topics like de-centralization, digital currency and future trust mechanism, welcome to join this week's PET Bilingual Salon. (Non-technical salon discusses general concepts and no technical details)
区块链,比特币,数字资产,中本聪,分布式账本,去中心化,智能合约... 这些概念,你都了解吗?如果你不太了解,哎,可能你又要错过一个时代了。由比特币疯潮引发的区块链技术革新,现在已经如火如荼,甚至有人说:“区块链,将重新定义世界”,我个人觉得这并不夸张!如果你想了解上面那些概念,并探讨一下去中心化,数字货币,未来的信任机制等话题,欢迎参加本周的PET双语沙龙。(非技术类沙龙,只探讨概念,不涉及技术细节)

Hold to register / 扫描报名

【周三】不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!

Wechat for QA / 咨询微信:cutepet2015

After holding the Qrcode, please follow our Public Account, then you will receive message to register.

Attention / 注意事项

Self-introduction & Warming up
Topic sharing & discussion

Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30

Host / 分享人

【周三】不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!
Alex / 互联网
Alex是一位非常不典型的IT guy, 除了喜欢写程序,还喜欢英文演讲,社交舞与即兴表演等。因为开放的心态与积极的行动在2011年与伙伴们共同发起了PET后英语时代,目的是建立一个注重体验,分享与成长的靠谱的英文社区。 Alex曾先后在传统软件,电商,媒体,广告,移动互联网等行业从事软件及产品研发工作。

Event / 活动信息

Time / 时间
2018/01/31 Wed. 7:00pm - 9:00pm
2018/01/31 周三 19:00点 - 21:00点
Fee / 费用
Pay for your own orders
Address / 地址
No. 23, baijiazhuangDongli, Chaoyang, address notified after registration
东三环白家庄东里23号, 具体地址报名后通知

Past Events / 往期活动

【周三】不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!

【周三】不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!


About Event / 关于活动

PET Bilingual Salon is a decentralized sharing event that meets up weekly to exchange ideas on one intriguing topic. Here, you can meet new people from around the world and practice your communication skills. We started from 2011, now have been growing into a popular social event for exchanging ideas and language in Beijing.
How does it work? / 如何工作的?
You could register by holding Qrcode or add wechat 【cutepet2015】, then find the venue according to the marked map or detailed guidelines, sign in and order a coffee/beer/meal..., then join a group to talk! We recommend showing up on time, or you will miss some important sections.
Each topic is prepared by the participants, you are welcome to be the host, if you have time, and share your stories, experiences, concerns or even some specialized knowledge.
Where are we meeting? / 活动地点在哪里?
Our events are held in the relaxed and cozy environment, such as a cafe, bookstore or bar. We want to take you far away from the office/home and let you enjoy a interesting talk with different people!
What language do you need to speak? / 应该说什么语言?
English and Chinese are both ok, but your ideas, experiences and stories are more important.
PET 后英语时代

以上是关于周三不懂区块链,你又要错过一个时代! | Blockchain, get it! Don't miss an era!的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章






区块链应用:Bitshares 入门 搭建Bitshares本地全量节点(重钱包)