哈佛HCSSA区块链峰会 | 蓄势待发,大咖邀你”Unchain the Blockchain”
Posted 哈佛大学中国学生学者联合会
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the Blockchain"
HCSSA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit
哈佛大学Science Center,中美顶级区块链专家相汇 “Unchain the Blockchain”
Student Pricing (学生票): $50
(注:学生免费!$50 将于大会现场返还)
Regular Pricing (普通票): $150
请点击 “阅读原文”,或扫描下方二维码购票

专注于技术本身,为你全方位解读和展现区块链相关技术,政策,商业和应用生态是我们本次峰会的期许。本届哈佛HCSSA区块链峰会汇集了包括美联储, 世界银行, Nasdaq, J.P. Morgan,Qtum,火币, MIT Media Lab等诸多中美区块链投资及创业高层参会,致力于打造多学科背景的区块链深层次交流平台,推动挖掘新的区块链技术,商业模式和潜在机会。无论你是即将面临职业选择的学生,投身于区块链事业的创业者,还是布局区块链的投资人,本次峰会也关心你所关心的议题:
区块链101 Workshop:
例如. 当前的主流加密货币如比特币和以太坊有什么样的局限性?以太坊的局限性将如何被新出现的平台/协议币解决?如何将去中心化应用的处理速率降低到毫秒级别?区块链科技将如何改变未来世界,学生学者又将如何更好的准备和适应未来的变化?
例如. 在各国政府监管趋严的背景下,区块链的未来将何去何从? 创业所面临的监管空白,政策制定者是如何思考的,作为创业者又应当如何应对?
例如. 在金融,医疗,供应链等诸多领域,区块链有哪些已经落地和值得期待的商业模式?在未来,我们如何展望区块链生态系统的前景?
Jeffrey Wernick, angel investor, advisory board of Qtum, Comprehensive bitcoin/Blockchain ecosystem
Feng Han, Co-founder @ elastos , Research associate at Columbia University, Blockchain and elastos in China
Kailong Cai, Huobi Chief Strategy Officer and CEO of HBUS, Globalization and Localization: The Future of Cryptocurrency exchange
Guest Speakers

Manny Alicandro
General Counsel and Head of Regulatory Technology | MANA Partners LLC
Ex Deputy General Counsel | NASDAQ
总法律顾问及监管技术负责人 | MANA Partners LLC 前副总法律顾问 | 纳斯达克

Shada Alsalamah
Assistant Professor | King Saud University
助理教授 | King Saud University

Cailong Cai
Chief Executive Officer | HBUS
首席战略官 | 火币集团 首席执行官 | HBUS

Alexander Candelario
Founder and CEO | Intiva Health
创始人兼首席执行官 | Intiva Health

David Cao
Founder and CEO | OneLedger
创始人兼首席执行官 | OneLedger

Zhen Cao
Investment Director | JLab Foundation
投资总监 | JLab Foundation

Martin Chen
Managing Partner | G.D.V Capital
管理合伙人 | G.D.V Capital

David Fragale
Cofounder and CPO | Atonomi Ex Blockchain Lead | PWC
联合创始人兼首席产品官 | Atonomi 前区块链部门主管 | PWC

Sho Guo
Vice President of Marketing & Partnerships | ObEN
市场营销兼合作关系副总裁 | ObEN

Feng Han
Co-founder | Elastos
Research Associate | Columbia University
联合创始人 | 亦来云 研究助理 | 哥伦比亚大学

Jennifer Jiang
Director | Z-park Boston Fintech Center
总监 | 中关村波士顿创新中心

Yidong Jin
Co-founder, President of Board of Directors and CEO | Ebaonet
创始人,董事局主席,首席执行官 | 易保互联

Juno Lee
Head of Strategy and Operations of supervision and regulation | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Emma Liao
Co-founder | Ultrain
联合创始人 | 超脑

Paul Liu
Founder and President | FAB Foundation
创始人兼总裁 | FAB Foundation

Denis Polulyakhov
Founder & CEO | Carbyn Blockchain Group Co-founder | MARK.SPACE
创始人兼首席执行官 | Carbyn Blockchain Group 联合创始人 | MARK.SPACE

Aries Wang
Co-founder | Bibox
联合创始人 | Bibox

Marschal Webb
Chief Technology Officer | Path Network, LLC
首席技术官 | Path Network, LLC

Ling Wen
Co-founder | bitCV
联合创始人 | 币威

Jeffrey Wernick
Advisory Board Member | Qtum
咨询团队成员 | Qtum

Shunsuke Yoda
Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer | MOLD
联合创始人兼首席技术官 | MOLD

Bo Zhang
Overseas Marketing Executive | ABTC
海外市场负责人 | ABTC

Zhijun Zhang
Lead Information Security Architect | The World Bank Group
首席信息安全架构师 | 世界银行集团
Student Pricing (学生票): $50
(注:学生免费!$50 将于大会现场返还)
Regular Pricing (普通票): $150
请点击 “阅读原文”,或扫描下方二维码购票

About Us

The Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association (HCSSA) was founded in 1994, celebrating her twenty-third anniversary this year. HCSSA is dedicated to strengthening the connections between Chinese students and scholars and the motherland, advocating for the rights and interests of Chinese students and scholars, and promoting social, intellectual and cultural interactions between Chinese students and scholars and other organizations at Harvard. Through more than two decades of continuous effort, HCSSA has enhanced her reputation and become one of the most influential student organizations on the East Coast in the U.S. Since 2012 HCSSA has risen to become one of ten University-Wide Student Groups across Harvard. Looking toward the future, HCSSA is dedicated to serving as a bond for connecting Chinese students and scholars and the motherland, a platform for value sharing, a bridge for achieving dreams, and a window for China-U.S. cultural exchange.
Partners & Sponsors

Nottingham Alumni Association Ningbo (NAAN) – Southern California Chapter
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first sino-foreign university to open its doors in China in 2004. Its alumni network has been constructed and supported by global alumni chapters of Nottingham Alumni Association Ningbo (NAAN), including graduates from UK campus. As the second chapter in US, NAAN’s Southern California Chapter (NAAN-SoCal) was founded in 2016. NAAN-SoCal is a member of Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC) as well. Internally, NAAN-SoCal represents the interests of the local UNNC alumni and helps to strengthen relationships between the alumni and the university. It aims to provide life-long services to the alumni and support the broader objectives of UNNC in engaging the university's alumni community. Externally, it establishes a supportive platform for the communication and cooperation among China, US, and UK. NAAN-SoCal will continue playing an active role and making a positive contribution to the development of the local community in an international environment.

ZGC Boston Innovation Center (Z-Park) is located in the heart of Cambridge, between Harvard University and MIT. The three story center has an operational area of 66209 square foot, featuring start-up incubator, cross-border office, exhibition hall, scientific laboratory, and co-working area. Each area is assigned with a special scientific innovation theme, providing the most diverse and capital-rich environment.

FinTech4Good (FT4G) 作为一个金融科技和区块链的全球加速器网络,通过在北美、亚洲、欧洲、拉美和非洲的网络,与初创企业、商业领袖、非盈利组织和投资机构联合行动,将全球问题与创新领袖结合,通过设计和执行跨行业、跨部门、跨利益相关方的多种合作模式,推动并且加速区块链、大数据、人工智能等技术在能源、农业、减贫等领域的应用,推动实现全球可持续发展目标,希望在2020年能为100万人的生活带来积极的影响。
FinTech4Good (FT4G) is a global network which connects start-ups, technologists, industry leaders and public sectors in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America, whose mission is to start, identify, nurture and scale up sustainable fintech and blockchain technology solutions. FT4G aims to bring fintech and blockchain technology applications to frontier markets, and provide clients opportunities to learn, work, invest and drive changes across topics, regions and functional areas by identifying new use cases, accelerating solutions that address real world challenges, and providing capital to nurture solutions.
Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

VIP Sponsor

以上是关于哈佛HCSSA区块链峰会 | 蓄势待发,大咖邀你”Unchain the Blockchain”的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
东西碰撞,EW Blockchain Conference全球区块链峰会邀你与大咖一同探讨现状与发展
MEET大会报名开启 | 李开复张亚勤等产学研大咖邀你共同见证智能未来
Vitalik等大咖在第三届Blockchain Connect全球区块链峰会上讲了什么?